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Sakura POV

"No! Sakura!"

I watched in horror as I saw the metal drive downwards at me. I felt the air become hot behind me as Shoto sent his flames. It was all so quick that I couldn't prepare myself for the impact. My throat clenched up and I couldn't breathe. I shut my eyes when the tip of the blade was an inch away. 'This is it. I'm going to die.'


Suddenly, the pressure on my back disappeared as a strong wind flew over me. I heard a painful grunt after a loud bang. What had just happened?

My eyes fluttered open and I realized that I was still on the same spot. 'I'm still alive.' I felt my chest tighten and my mind was telling me to breathe. My mouth opened as I gasped for air, panting heavily to catch my breath.

I twisted my head behind to see what the loud noise was. My vision was shaky, the whole world seemed to be spinning. But the sight in front of me was crystal clear.

I gasped as I saw a dark blue haired boy standing, also breathing heavily. Stain was slammed against the wall, a huge crack formed from the forceful impact.

"I-Iida..." I breathed out, my eyes wide with bewilderment.

He did it. Iida had finally broken out of Stain's hold and had just saved my life.

"Iida!" I heard Izuku cry out, his voice full of joy.

"Todoroki, Midoriya, Sakura," Iida said, his head bowed low," This has nothing to do with you three. I apologize."

"You're saying that again?" Izuku asked.

Iida stood up from his bow, his face contorted with regret and guilt. "That's why I can't allow any of you to shed more blood than this!" He exclaimed with his teeth clenched.

I let out a small chuckle as I lifted myself from the concrete with my arms. "Glad to have you up and about, Iida," I smiled. I started to stand when suddenly I felt all my muscles freeze up, causing me to hit the concrete with a thud. 'Why can't I move? Don't tell me...'

I looked over to see Stain now getting up. He was holding his blade close to his mouth, drops of blood on the smooth surface. 'Dammit! He got me with his quirk!'

I heard the sound pounding footsteps coming towards me. I turned my head to see who it was. I felt pain as a cold hand gripped onto my shoulders, but I didn't care as I stared into those pretty eyes.


"Sakura," he said as he crouched down to me. "Are you alright?" Then his eyes fell down to my shoulder. "Your shoulder..."

"I'm okay," I tried to smile reassuringly, but it came out more of a grimace. The pain in my shoulder was unbearable and my whole body ached from the over usage of my quirks. "I can't move though. He got me with his quirk."

"It's fine. Just hang back for now," Shoto let out a small smile. "You've done enough."

I gritted my teeth. I didn't want to sit back and watch. But I didn't have much other choice. I groaned in response, closing my eyes for a second as the numbness of the paralyzation took over.

"Here, I got you," Shoto's hands then moved down to my waist and lifted me up a little from the ground. I bit my tongue from crying out when I felt the cold medal move in my shoulder. My feet dragged against the floor as he pulled me towards the wall, helping me sit up right.

"Thank you, Shoto," I breathed out, ignoring the aching pain in my body and gave him a grateful smile as he looked back at me with concerned eyes. He just nodded in response, giving me squeeze in my arm before letting go. He then stood up and stood next to Iida, who was facing the Hero Killer.

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