Push it down

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Sakura POV

The first semester of U.A. had finally come to an end, leading right into the beginning of summer vacation. But that didn't mean I had any time to relax and play around. Hell no. I spent every hour of each day training to prepare for the upcoming training camp in the woods.

At least that's what I kept telling myself.

But truthfully, I was constantly training to trying to block out the haunting voice in my head.

A whole week of had passed since the conversation with Shigaraki, but his words stuck with me like glue. The hours of my sleep schedule decreased, and the hours of my training schedule kept on increasing. And I had totally gone off the grid, avoiding any personal contact with anyone. The only people I had talked to lately was Izuku and Toshinori, both calling to check up on me. I knew I was overworking myself lately, pushing myself harder than I needed to. But, it felt like I was always restless.

It was a hot and humid morning when I was on my daily run. The heat was excruciating; my hair sticking onto the back of my damp neck and sweat dripped down my body, soaking my leggings and sports bra. Music was blaring in my earphones as I ran in a steady pace, panting slightly.

I was on my fourth mile as I ran along by the beach when my music was replaced with my ringtone. 'Who could be calling me?' I thought, slightly annoyed from the sudden interruption of my workout grind as I pulled out my phone from the side pocket of my leggings.

But the annoyance immediately diminished at the sight of the contact picture lighting up my screen. The caller was Shoto. My run slowed to a stop but my heart beat somehow raced even faster from just looking at him. It was a photo that I'd taken of him one day during lunch when my weird conscious asked him, 'If you ate an entire ice cube while activating both of your quirks, would it freeze or melt in your mouth?' His reaction to my random question was absolutely adorable and hilarious- his eyes innocently wide and his mouth agape as he went deep in thought- that I just had to photograph the rare, precious moment.

My mouth tilted upwards as I thought back to memory that I almost forgot Shoto was still calling me. 'Why is he calling me anyways?'

Kathump Kathump Kathump

Ignoring my pounding heart, I pressed my finger on the answer button.

"Hey Shoto," I greeted casually the best I could. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," he replied, his deep voice vibrated through the earbuds and into my ears. "Am I interrupting you from something?"

"Nah, you're not," I answered as I turned to face towards the sparkling ocean water. "I'm just on my morning jog."

A light chuckle filled my ears, and the image of his soft smile came to mind. "Even with school over, there's no relaxing for you, is there?"

"You know what they say," I smirked. "There's no rest for the wicked."

"Right.... Anyways, I just got a message from Midoriya saying that all of the guys were going to the pool for endurance training.'

"Oh really?" I asked surprised, putting my right leg up on the railing in front of me to stretch my aching calf. "That sounds like fun."

Ochaco had also called last night, telling me about the girls' proposal about using the pool this afternoon since we all couldn't go anywhere for the break. But I hadn't plan to go since I was busy with my training schedule.

"Yeah and you want to hear something funny? Apparently it was Mineta and Kaminari's idea."

I raised a brow at this as I leaned forward to grab my toecap. 'Kaminari and Mineta planning a training session? On the same day the girls planned to use the pool? Those sneaky perverts....'  "Yeah, that is funny considering that the girls had also planned to use this the pool this afternoon," I stated as I dropped my leg, switching to the other one. "Knowing them, they probably heard about the girls using the pool and tried to be clever by setting up a training session so they could just perv on the girls."

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