Moving Forward

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Sakura POV

I heard birds chirping and the faint sounds of cars and people outside.

'Ugh, Shut up.'

I groaned as I flipped my body to the other side of the bed and tried to ignore the annoying sounds. But I turned to only meet the blinding sun hit my face.

"What the.... stupid sun, go away.." I grumbled as I tried to cover my eyes with my hand. I tried to go back to sleep but it was no use. I was already awake. The sun and the noise from outside had beaten me.

"Dammit," I sat up and stretched, giving my sore muscles a decent stretch. I groggily rubbed my eyes and turned my head to check the time. It was nine in the morning.

"Might as well get up now," I muttered as I flopped off my bed and made my way to the kitchen. I started to make coffee with one arm since my left arm was still in a cast.

As I leaned against the kitchen counter waiting for my coffee to finish brewing, I thought about the conversation I had last night with the bi-colored hair boy.

"Perhaps, we can help save each other."

I felt a smile creep up as the temperature in face rose. The huge weight on my shoulders had lifted off after having the heart to heart conversation with Shoto. I felt like we had a real connection.


I snapped out of my thoughts about Shoto and poured myself a cup of fresh black coffee. I drank half the cup in a couple of seconds while ignoring the burning sensation on my tongue. Instantly, I felt more awake.

"Ah much better," I said as I heard my phone get a notification. I picked it up and saw who had texted me.

Shoto Todoroki

Good morning. Does 10:30 at the park sound good?

I looked at the time and saw it was 9:30 already. "Shit!" My fingers quickly typed a message back.

Sounds good! See you there!

I quickly ran to my bathroom and turned the shower on. Then I saw myself in the mirror.

"Oh Jesus Christ," I muttered as I saw my horrifying reflection. My hair was literally a bird's nest and the circles under my eyes were darker than usual. The bruises and scratches were almost completely gone, but you can still see them. 'Wow. My face is definitely not the first thing you wanna see in the morning.'

I started to take my clothes off, but it was a struggle trying to use only one arm. I let out a exasperated sigh, "Screw it."

I ripped off the sling and the cast off my left arm. I still felt a small amount of pain in my arm but the thing was bugging me so darn much.

After taking a quick shower, I started to get dressed. I put on a yellow flower-printed dress and even put on some makeup to cover the circles underneath my eyes and the bruises. I downed the rest of my coffee and grabbed my jacket and bag and closed the front door behind me.

Shoto had asked me to help him visit his mother today. At first I was shocked that he had said he wanted to visit her after what had happened years ago. But he had told me that this is what he needed to do in order for him to move on.

I reached the destination we had agreed to meet at. Shoto was already there, sitting on the park bench.

"Good morning, Shoto," I greeted him with a smile.

He turned his head and gave me small smile that was only visible to my eyes. "Good morning, Sakura. Is your arm already feeling better?" He pointed at my free-cast arm. He was always so observant.

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