Save Yourself

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Sakura POV

I stood on the edge of the battle field for my first match. I admit, it is pretty nerve racking standing here in front of all these people.

"From Class 1-A, his moves are sometimes shocking, Denki Kaminari!"

I looked around the stadium as the crowd cheered. I saw a helicopter flying above us. 'So this is it huh. The final round of the Sports Festival.'

"Hey Sakura! Hope you like sushi because that's where I'm taking you out after I win this match!" Kaminari called out.

I rolled my eyes. 'I can't believe I actually agreed to this ridiculous bet.'

"And his opponent is the queen of the first years in U.A.! But don't let her looks fool you, she is quite deadly!"

'Since when am I the queen of first years? What the hell?'

But I didn't have much time to think about it as I saw electricity starting to dance around Kaminari's fingertips. 'So, he wants to make the first move, huh? That's fine by me.' I thought as I smirked. I raised my arms to tighten my ponytail.

"Ready..... Begin!"

As expected, Kaminari sent out the first attack of electricity. I quickly dodged out of the way by rolling to the side. I quickly shaped a ball of energy and threw it at him, but he also managed to dodge it too.

'Damn, I'm too far. I need to get closer to get a better aim. But, it'll get risky if I get too close.'

Kaminari then sent another attack and I dodged again. This time the attack was bigger.

"Come on Sakura! You scared of a little shock?" He smirked at me.

He sent another attack at me, but this time I created a shield to block it. His attack must have been stronger because I felt a little electricity shock my body.

He kept sending quick electricity bolts at me. And I would either dodge or create a shield to protect me. But this was getting me nowhere. 'He's sending fast attacks so I would be too busy dodging to think of something. This is his plan.' I annoying smiled. He's not as stupid as I thought.

"Looks like Sushi it is!" Kaminari yelled as he sent out a big cloud of electricity at me.

I raised my hands to create a shield to block it, but I blocked it too late and his attack sent me flying back a bit.

"Oh! It looks like Sakura wasn't able to fully dodge that attack! That is surprising!" Present Mic announced.

I groaned as I stood up. My body was tingling with shock.

I actually didn't know too much about Kaminari. The only thing I knew about him was that he was obsessed with girls and that he becomes a total idiot from overusing his power.

'Wait that's it! But I'll need some time to charge it up...'

"Prepare to be fully electrocuted! One-Point-three million vaults!" He yelled as he sent out a massive amount of electricity at me.

I jumped up and used my wind quirk to give me an extra boost and dodged his attack. Then I counter attacked with a gust of wind that sent Kaminari flying back a few feet.

The minute I landed on my feet, I got to work. 'Okay, okay, that should buy me a few seconds.' I put my hands together and focused. 'Think about using fire and air at the same time.'

Kaminari got back on his feet. "That was a nice trick but you're gonna have to do better than that!" He yelled as he started to charge up again.

'Come on, come on! Just a few more seconds...'

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