First Day

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Sakura POV

It was finally here. The day where I get to attend U.A. Class 1-A. I didn't really know how I felt. This would be the first time I would actually go to a school with other students. Tiny knots started to form in my stomach.

Would I fit in with the rest of the class? Would I make friends? What would people think if they found out that I had multiple quirks? Would other people find out who I am?

These questions were swimming in my head as I walked in the hallways to find my classroom. I didn't expect to be so nervous. But when it came to socializing with actual people, I was completely dense.

'Stop overthinking. You're not even here to make friends.'

When I reached the enormous door of the classroom, I took a deep breath and pulled my skirt down a little.

'Why did they have to make them so short?'

I opened the door to see a couple of other students already sitting at their desks and conversing with others.

As I walked in, all the students eyes' turned to me. I immediately felt uncomfortable and tried not to make eye contact with anyone.

Before I could even pick a seat at the back of the class, a boy with glasses and a very stiff posture came over to me. "Hello! My name is Tenya Iida! It is very nice to meet you!"

"Sakura" I just quietly replied. I walked past him and went to find a desk in the back near the windows, not making eye contact with anyone else.

When I sat down, I just rested my head on my arms of the desk. I was so tired. Last night, I even got less sleep than usual due to my nervousness.

I tried to block out all the chattering of the other students until I heard the glasses kid again.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!"

I opened my eyes to see the angry kid from the entrance exam. Bakugo was it?

The spiky blonde just smirked. "Huh?"

The glasses kid raised his hands, "It's very rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who made the desk!"

Just from looking at him, I could tell he was such a teacher's pet. He acts like a robot with his stiff arm movements.

"Nope! Hey extra! What junior high did you even go to eh?" Bakugo asked still not taking his feet off from the desk.

Iida then his hand to his chest and said proudly, "I attended one of the top 2 junior highs! Somei Private Academy!" Well that explains a lot.

"Heh! So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks I'll have crushing you extra!" the hothead yelled with a evil smirk.

"That's very rude to say! I demand you to put your feet off the desk now!"

'So loud and so goddamn annoying.'

I raised my hand and used my chaos magic quirk and focused on spiky hair's feet. Once I saw a red glow wrapped around his feet, I shifted my hand to pull his feet off the table.

Bakugo first looked surprised. Then he looked angrily at me. All the students in class looked shocked at what I did.


I didn't even bother to look at him. I closed my eyes and rested my head on my arms again.

I heard his angry footsteps come to my desk. 'God. What now?'


I then plopped my chin on my hand and gave him a bored face.

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