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Sakura POV

"Alright, so how are we going do this?" Shoto questioned as he stretched his arms.

Shoto and I were both currently standing in an empty field at a park to improve his combat skills, like I said I would. We were both in our workout clothes and our book bags thrown to the side, waiting to be used for our study session after.

"Hmm," I hummed, deep in thought as I bent down to stretch, my palms laying flat on the grass. "Well..." I started as I thought about Shoto's fighting style. "When it comes to long-ranged combat, you're an amazing and skillful fighter. And it's not like you don't know have any combat skills but it seems like you've just gotten so used to fighting only with your quirks."

I stood up straight and put my right arm over my head, putting a small amount of pressure on my elbow. "So let's start with some good ole sparring, no quirks," I smirked.

Shoto nodded. "If you think that's good. I want to be able to fight more without depending on my quirks too much," he looked down at his hands before closing them into fists. "So I would appreciate it if you would teach me a couple of moves."

"More than happy to," I shrugged, squaring up with him and holding my fists towards him."But don't expect me to go easy on you, Shoto," I said with a grin.

"Wouldn't ever expect you too," he replied, getting into his own fighting stance. We circled around each other, not knowing who would throw the first punch first.

Then, Shoto lunged at me and I quickly stepped aside, gripping his arm and shoving him the opposite way, away from me. I regained my composure, assuming my defensive position. "Throw your punches with your shoulders and core, don't lead with your hands. And remember to breathe," I stated.

He made his way towards me, throwing another punch at me, but I ducked and dodged it. Then, I counterattacked by punching his chest with my left hand, slipping my foot behind him as he reacted. He tripped backwards but didn't fall. I held up my hands defensively again, smiling smugly at him. "Also don't forget to keep a strong footing."

"Right," Shoto muttered. I punched at him and he blocked, followed by another block to my second punch. He took this chance to try to flip me with a hold of both my arms, but I took the advantage of his shove to flip me to my benefit. I landed a hand free cartwheel, feeling my ponytail whip up as I jerked my head up to look at him.

I glanced sideways to see the children at the playground nearby, had stopped playing and hurdled together, watching us with curious eyes. "Looks like we've got an audience, Shoto," I said as I nodded my head towards the children. "Would be quite embarrassing if I kicked your ass right in front of them," I smirked playfully.

Shoto grunted, clearly annoyed from my teasing remark and the fact that he hasn't landed a solid hit. He lunged forward, jabbing at me. I caught his hand, but he used his other fist to knock me down to the ground. I gripped my jerked shoulder as I rolled backwards and quickly to my feet, shaking my arms out. "Good, you finally landed a hit," I said, silently praising him for putting his core strength into his punch.

I gripped my hands into fists and I threw a punch towards him. He caught my wrist tightly but I quickly spun around, my back facing him as I striked my elbow hard into his chest, causing him to loosen his grip. While still recovering, I grabbed his arm and flipped him over, slamming his back onto the ground in a single motion. My elbow was pressed against his chest as I was on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He groaned painfully and I smirked, "I win."

The red and white-haired boy let out a soft chuckle, letting his head drop back onto the grass while keeping his eyes on me.

"You always do, Sakura," he let out, an amused, rare smile adorning his features, making my heart skip a beat from how just good he looked with that smile. I found my blue eyes locked onto his blue and grey ones and my breath hitched at how stunning they looked.

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