Attack on Hosu

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Sakura POV

"So how's your training with Gran Torino going so far?"

I was laying on my bed and was sucking on a lollipop while talking to Izuku on the phone. It was the night on the second day of our internships.

"It's honestly really tiring. He actually makes me miss the days of you training me," I heard him let out a tired sigh.

I chuckled from his honesty. "That bad huh? But although that crazy old man's training is hard, the results will be worth the pain," I admitted.

"Yeah. I have already learned a lot from him so far. He told me that I have to create my own way of fighting instead of following All Might's. That way, I won't get so many serious injuries."

My head nodded hearing this. This was true. Izuku adores Toshinori so much that he wants to be exactly like him. He needs to let that go and focus on his own way of fighting and using the quirk. He needs to find a way on how to use One for All properly so he can constantly use it instead of just using it one single smash. He needs to think that it is one with him.

'But that's almost impossible since he's literally his number one fanboy.'

"He also said that I had a lot to learn from you," Izuku chuckled from the other line. "He said that you have the potential to become a hero right now. He mentioned that he wished that he had trained you differently than All Might because he saw something in you. He told me that I should be more like you and respect you."

My lollipop dropped from my mouth. Did Sorahiko actually say those words about me? Wow, well that was totally unexpected. And I thought that old man thought I was just some annoying kid that he had to babysit. I admit, I felt a little warmed up inside by his compliment. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I th-

"But he also said that you can also be dumb sometimes and that makes you do reckless things..."

'Yeah, I take that back.'

"That damned old man," I muttered as I put my lollipop back in my mouth.

I heard Izuku chuckle. "How's your internship going so far at Endeavor's?"

I thought back to the past two days interning with the number two hero. He had actually let me come along today to patrol. Even though it was boring, I couldn't help but feel happy that I was allowed to go with him. And I was also learning a lot from him.

"It's actually going pretty well. Interning with the number two hero has its perks, I guess."

"Todoroki is also there, right? I'm surprised that he went to his father's agency, considering how much he hates him."

Shoto has been non-stop worrying about me. I understand that he was only worried about me because of his past with his father, but what he didn't understand was that I needed this.

"Yeah. I guess he just came because he even admits that there are some things to learn from his father," I explained while shrugging.

Izuku then sighed. "It seems like everyone is learning so much from their internships so far. I yet still have no clue on how to control my One for All power. All I have done so far is get beat up by Gran Torino and go fetch him food."

I frowned at his unconfident mood. I knew him learning on how to control his power would be difficult. And I doubt that Sorahiko was giving him clear directions.

"Don't overthink too much about it," I said as I rolled onto my back and faced the ceiling. "Remember Izuku, a quirk is not something a person needs to summon because it is always there with them all the time. A quirk is only an extension to our bodies. We own our quirks and that allows us to use it anytime, anywhere. You need to think like that. You need to activate your One for All power with you, become one with it. Then you can use it whenever you wish to," I explained.

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