Attack on USJ pt 3

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Sakura POV

The Nomu charged at me at full speed. I managed to dodge to the side and sent a strong tunnel of air towards him, sending him back a little.

He then charged me again and I used all my strength to use my magic to hold him in place. My hands glowing red and saw that he was struggling to get out of the energy field that surrounded him. I felt blood start to drip out of my nose and I tasted a metallic taste in my mouth.

My arms was shaking. I couldn't hold it much longer.

"You are pretty strong, I admit," I heard Tomura laugh. "But you aren't powerful enough to defeat Nomu. You see he has more than just one quirk. He has shock absorption and regeneration."

"Thanks for letting me know," I say with gritted teeth, still holding him in place.

Then, I felt the energy force shatter, and Nomu landed a punch right in the ribs. I was sent flying towards Toshinori. Before I could hit the ground, he caught me.

"Sakura, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Hey Toshi, what's up," I managed to spit out with a pained smile.

His expression darkened. "I need you to go with the others. I need you to be safe," he jumps towards Izuku and sets me down. Before I could reply, he sprinted towards the Nomu.

"Sakura! You're hurt! Are you okay?"

"Just peachy," I spat. My eyes were focused on Toshinori. He sent a punch to the the Nomu, but it didn't do any damage. The creature didn't even falter.

All Might was surprised at this. The Nomu screeched and tried to grab his arms, but Toshi jumped back, dodging it.

All Might then sent another punch. And another one. He was punching him one after another, but it didn't do anything to the creature. It was only angering it more.

"Izuku, get Aizawa out of here." I turned to face him. I glared at him with my glowing red eyes.

Izuku gulped. "W-what about you? You're hurt!"

I slowly got up, ignoring the broken bones on my side. "I'll be fine. But you need to get out of here."

Izuku hesitated at first. Then he slowly nodded and wrapped Aizawa's arm around him and started up the stairs with Tsu and Mineta.

I turned to see Toshinori to punch the Nomu again, but he failed. Then, the Nomu managed to land one on Toshi's side and sent him sliding back. I winced. 'Toshinori is weaker now. I don't know how long he's going to last in that body.' I thought while my eyes stung with tears.

"It doesn't matter where I punch you, huh?" Toshinori said.

Tomura then let out a creepy laugh. "Like I told that brat before, Nomu has shock absorption and regeneration. The only way to defeat him is to destroy his body with a thousand of your strongest punches. But, I doubt you will last that long."

'Come on think Sakura! What can you do to weaken this thing?' I silently cursed myself for being stupid.

Toshinori then flashed his smile. "Thanks for telling me how to defeat him." He then ran around the Nomu and grabbed him from the back. "I can wear him down any day!"

He threw the Nomu over him and held him against the ground. He did it with such force, that a huge explosion of dust covered the air, hiding both of them.

I covered my eyes with my arm. I waved the dust with my hand to see what was happening.

And what I saw made my throat tighten.

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