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3rd POV

"I apologize if today was a little boring. Patrolling usually isn't that exciting," Hiroto nervously chuckled.

Shoto just responded with a nod. Hiroto and him were walking inside the agency after patrolling the city. Even though nothing happened during patrolling, Shoto was mentally exhausted. Hiroto had asked a lot of questions about what it was like having the great number two hero as a father. It took all his will power to not turn him into a human icicle.

As Shoto walked in the hallway, he wondered how Sakura was doing. During his patrol, all he thought about was if she was okay. He couldn't believe that his father had separated the two of them. He knew she would be able to take the training, but he was worried about her doing something reckless.

"Hiroto! You're back!" The boy who had picked on Sakura earlier came running up to him, holding a ice pack to his side.

"Hey, Kaito. Yeah, we just returned," He then raised his eyebrows at the ice pack. "What happened to you?"

"Oh, this?" Kaito said nervously. "You see, I had to go up against the new intern and she totally might have kicked my ass," his face blushed with embarrassment.

Shoto couldn't help but smile at this. The guy deserved it after all. He shouldn't have underestimated her.

"Really? She's that good?" Hiroto eyes widened.

"Yeah. After she took a lot of us down, she actually challenged the boss to a fight."

Shoto swore his heart stopped then, his body filling with terror from hearing those words. No, she wouldn't have done that, right? Then he swore in his mind. No, that's exactly something Sakura would do.

He then left the two boys and sprinted towards the training room, his heart pounding in his chest. 'What the hell is she thinking challenging my old man? Please let her be okay.'

He reached the training room and noticed that there was a huge crowd of people inside. He shoved his way through, desperately trying to see her.

Finally getting to the front, Shoto froze when he saw the display in front of him.

Sakura was indeed fighting his father. She was standing with her back slouched. Her hair was messy, stray locks of her hair covering her face. Some parts of her costume was burnt off, revealing the bruises and burn marks on her skin. There was a nasty burn mark tainting her porcelain skin. Sweat dripping from her forehead.

Shoto felt sick in his stomach as he took the sight in. The haunting memories of his childhood training with his father came flooding in. She had looked exactly like him when he was a child.

"Apparently they have been going at it for awhile," a trainee beside Shoto spoke up.

"She's actually putting up a fight against the boss," Another sidekick said with amazement in his voice.

Sakura's hands were placed on her knees as she heaved out another breath. Although she felt herself close to exhaustion, her eyes didn't show it at all. The fiery light of determination still shone brightly in her blue eyes. She wasn't planning to give up any moment soon.

Endeavor stood a couple of feet away from her. The girl had managed to get a couple of good hits on him. But, he still was beating the girl by a landslide. "That's enough for today. We will stop here."

Endeavor was about to turn to walk off the ring when he heard laughing. He stopped and looked back at the clearly overworked girl. She was smiling as she wiped the sweat off her face. "You think I'm done? Please, I'm just getting started," she smirked as she stood straight, getting ready to fight again.

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