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A couple of days later after the Entrance Exam

Sakura POV

It was 4 in the afternoon and the sun rays were just strong enough to make the day warm. There was a small but cool breeze that brushed against my pink floral dress. It was a beautiful day.

And I was immensely annoyed.

Toshinori thought it would have been a good idea to send me to deliver Izuku's U.A. letter to him in person. Why couldn't he have just send it to his mailbox like every other student?

I have no idea.

He did managed to bribe me into it by promising me that he would bring me sweets for a week, but still...

As I got off the train, I looked down on my phone to read the address. I took a deep breath and made my way to the apartment building.

I would usually be training around this time of the day. But here I was. Acting like a mailman.

The part that pissed me off the most was that the old man didn't even tell me if Izuku had passed the entrance exam.

I made my way up the stairs to the correct floor. When I found the apartment door number, I knocked on the door.

A familiar green haired woman answered the door.

"Good afternoon Midoriya-san. I am Asano Sakura. I am a friend of Izuku-kun's" I said while bowing in respect.

"Ah! Izuku has told me a lot about you! Come in! Come in!" She beamed.

I gave her a small smile back. It was amazing how much Izuku looked like his mother. They both had the purest smiles.

"Thank you" I say as I made my way into the apartment.

When I came in, I saw my freckled friend sitting on the sofa.

"Sakura-chan? What are you doing here?"

"That's not the right way to say hello to your girlfriend now Izuku" his mom scolded.

Izuku and I both blushed. "M-m-mom! She's not my girlfriend! She's just a friend! Midoriya stammered.

"Oh my bad, my bad" the kind woman chuckled with her hands held in front.

Izuku stood up and made his way over to me. "Did you need to talk to me about something Sakura-chan?" He nervously asked.

I reached into my purse and pulled out the letter. "Actually I have this for you." I handed him the letter.

Midoriya grabbed the letter and his eyes widened when he read the seal.

His mom noticed the letter and had told us that it would be better if we opened the letter in his room.

Izuku and I made our way to his room. When I walked into his room, I couldn't help but stare.

It was like a freaking nightmare.

There he was. Everywhere. Toshinori was everywhere in his room. There were figurines, posters, and dolls of him all around his room.

'He really was a go-getter fanboy.'

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah I'm sorry about the room. I'm just a really big fan of All Might."

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