Face to Face with the Hero Killer

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Sakura POV

"I will hold him off."

I faced the villain as he began to stand up. I glanced sideways to see the pro hero Native slumped against the wall, badly injured. And my three friends were all behind me, probably in no condition to fight.

"So you must be the infamous Hero Killer: Stain," I said as I bent low, positioning myself to an offensive stance. "Sorry to rain on your parade, but I can't let you kill these guys."

Stain snickered, a sinister smile stretching his lips. "Ah, and who might you be? Another child coming to rescue that pathetic fake hero? You have good friends, Ingenium."

I heard Iida groan painfully behind me. "Please, Sakura don't get involved," his voice was desperate. "I've already got Todoroki and Midoriya involved, so please, sta-"

"Iida, for once in your life, I need you to shut up," I growled as I glanced back to see him shocked from what I have just said. I was immensely annoyed that Iida had gone and picked a fight with Stain by himself. The idiot was in no position to tell me what to do at the moment.

"Sakura-chan! Don't let him cut you!" Izuku called out. "He ingests blood and that's how he activates his quirk!"

My eyes narrowed at Stain's swords. 'So cutting somehow activates his powers, huh? He paralyzes his victims," I thought as I looked back at my frozen friends.

My gaze landed on my bi-colored friend and my heart dropped. There was a small cut on his cheek and there was blood on the bleeding out of the side of his costume. He was looking straight at me and he nodded at me, telling me he was fine. I slowly ripped my eyes away from him. I had to keep Stain occupied until help arrives. I had to protect my friends.

Then, I raced forward, intent and determination in every step. I wasn't sure if I was able to defeat him, but I know I had to at least try. My friends were depending on me.

Stain swung his sword at me, but it bounced right off my shield, making him surprised and stumble back a step.

I used this to my advantage and tried to blast a small energy beam at him but he dodged just in time.

He swung his sword at me again but I ducked and swept one of my legs under his legs, trying to trip him up. But he jumped and slashed at me and I rolled backwards, barely dodging the tip of his sword by an inch.

I felt my heart pound against my chest as I stood back up. 'That was way too close.'

"You are pretty strong," he smiled creepily as he pointed his sword at me. "But are you worthy?"

"I guess you'll find out," I growled as my One for All activated. I jumped onto the left wall, then bounced from wall to wall, too fast for him to process. Then, I created a energy ball in my hands and threw it. His eyes flickered as he saw my attack coming and dodged just in time.

'He's unbelievably fast.' I hissed out in frustration.

I landed back on the ground softly and stayed in a crouched position. My brows furrowed in aggravation. 'How do I take him out without him cutting me?'

"I-I already told you!" Iida cried out. "This has nothing to do with you!"

I kept my focus on Stain but spoke to Iida. "If you truly believe that, Iida, then why do you want to become a hero?"

In that moment, the memories of my dark past came flooding back. They reminded me of why I wanted to become the best hero I could ever be. I wanted to help the people who deserved to be happy. I wanted to be the hero that could put a smile on their faces. Make them feel safe.

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