Sweets and Tears

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3rd POV

After All Might visited, Sakura spent the rest of the day with Aizawa. At first, the teacher was angry with her risking her life like that, but after a bone crushing hug from him and saying "I'm so glad you're okay, kid. Don't ever do that again", they spent the day eating junk food and watching bad television.

Sakura also got a visit from Izuku. She wanted to scold him for being an idiot by rushing to attack the villains head on without thinking. But, she couldn't due to Izuku's one hundred bows and apologizing frantically. She thought his behavior was too adorable. He brought her a delicious bento, which his mother had made for her, and they spent their time together by Izuku telling her how worried their classmates were about her. Izuku didn't ask about what had happened back at USJ, which Sakura was grateful for.

The next day, Sakura was released from the hospital. After saying goodbye to her uncle, she headed out the doors.

When she walked outside, she recognized a certain bi-colored hair boy, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pocket.

"T-todoroki?" She couldn't believe her eyes. 'What is he doing here?'

Todoroki walked over to her, with the same cold expression. "Hey," he greeted bluntly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard from of our classmates that you were being released today, so I thought I could walk you home," he shrugged.

Sakura was shocked from his gesture. She was not expecting for him to do this. "Thanks," she says as she smiled.

"Here give me your backpack," the polite boy reached for her backpack that was slung on the injured girl. She was still wearing a arm sling on her right arm.

"Oh it's okay. It's not heavy anyways." But, he still took it off her shoulder and slung it on his. Sakura slightly blushed. 'He really was a gentleman.'

"Should we go?," Todoroki questioned. She nodded and the two started walking.

"Thanks for those flowers by the way. They were really beautiful," Sakura smiles at him.

He looked at the ground. "You're welcome. It seemed like the appropriate thing to do," he whispered shyly.

It was silent for a little while as they walked together. Todoroki was glad to see that his friend was okay. He still frowned at her injured arm. "Don't you have a healing quirk? Can't you heal your injuries?" He pointed at her arm.

The black haired girl shook her head. "I can't heal myself like the way I do with others. Although, the quirk allows my body to recover faster," she explained. She lifted her arm slightly. "This will be all healed tomorrow."

Todoroki just nodded. A couple of more minutes of silence went by. Todoroki was honestly dying to ask her about the quirk that had allowed her to attack with such power. But, he didn't want to pry in her personal life like that. He was thinking of ways how to ask her without stepping on their friendship. He must have zoned out because he didn't hear the girl calling his name.

"Todoroki. Earth to Todoroki," she was calling him for a couple of seconds. Finally she snapped her fingers in front of her face. "Oi!"

Todoroki jerked his head up, his expression now confused. "Huh? What?"

Sakura chuckled. "You were totally zoning out there!" She slightly tilted her head. "What were you thinking about that made your face look so weird?"

Todoroki turned his head to the side as he blushed. 'Dammit. She caught me. What do I tell her?'

She looked forward at the path they were on. "Lemme guess. You wanted to ask about what happened back at USJ, huh?"

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