Let Go

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Sakura POV

I was walking up the stairs to the spectator's seating area as I let out the biggest sigh ever.

'I can't believe I'm going against Shoto. I swear I have the best luck ever.'

I spotted my class sitting and cheering as the current match went on. I thought about going over to join them, but I just decided to stay back and chill alone for a little bit.

I leaned against the wall with my shoulder and saw Kirishima and Katsuki fighting. Kirishima was using his hardening quirk to throw punches that pushed Katsuki into defensive mode. My eyes widened at this sight. 'Katsuki on the defensive? Now, that's a first.'

I was watching their match when I felt a presence behind me. I slowly turned my head around and saw that it was no one other than the IcyHot himself.

"Hey Shoto," I smiled as I have him a small wave. I turned my body to face him fully.

"Sakura," he simply greeted with a nod.

He was now wearing a brand new gym uniform. He also must have gone to Recovery Girl because the scratches on his arms and face were now gone.

"Nice uniform," I grinned with amusement. "This one seems to actually cover your skin more."

He simply nodded. "Well, the other one didn't because it was burnt off, so.." He stated bluntly with a completely straight face.

I sweatdropped from his serious expression. Then I put my hand to my head and shook my head. 'This guy has no sense of humor at all...'

Shoto looked at me confused. "What?"

"Shoto, we need to work on lightening up a your mood a little more," I let out a small chuckle.

Shoto then looked a little offended. "I'm not that bad," he muttered.

I found his childish behavior really cute. 'Wait did I just say cute?'

Shoto then leaned against the other wall and looked down at the match that was still going on. "We are going against each other next."

I raised my eyebrows. "You aren't here to declare war on me again and say that we aren't friends anymore by any chance are you?"

I saw his face blush red from embarrassment. "N-no, I was just saying," he quickly said.

I giggled from his reaction. "Relax, I'm just teasing you. You are going have to deal with that a lot from now on," I smirked.

Shoto shrugged. "I don't mind," he simply stated. Then he stared at me intently and frowned. "Did you not go to Recovery Girl after your match? Your chin is pretty badly bruised," he pointed out.

I put a hand up to my jaw and felt that it was swollen. "Nah, it doesn't really hurt so I didn't bother to get it healed."

"Then what about your arm?" He pointed at the burn mark on my left arm. "I noticed it earlier. How did you get that?" He slightly tilted his head as he stared at me.

My eyes widened at his question. 'I can't tell him that his asshole of a father burnt me.'

"Oh this?" I raised my arm and nervously chuckled. "This is just from a unfortunate situation. I was being reckless," I said as cooly as possible.

Shoto raised his eyebrows and looked at me questionably. But, he decided to not to ask any more questions about my arm, which I was internally glad for. We watched the match in silence for a few minutes.

"I want you to go all out in our match against me. Don't hold back at all, Sakura."

I turned my head in surprise as I looked into his blue and grey eyes. Then, I felt a smile creep up to my lips. "I think I should be the one saying that, Shoto. Make sure you put up a better fight than the one we had during Villians vs. Heroes."

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