Chapter 54

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I can't do titles for my life so i'm just gonna do numbers hehe~

Sakura POV

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

Irritation bubbles in my chest the moment I smash my thumb on the arrow of the remote for what felt like the hundredth time as I tried to find a mediocre movie to fill the silence in my home, preferably an action movie to keep me awake at this ungodly hour.

The television screen flashed different showings from cooking shows, cringey reality shows, and late night news. My thumb was ready to give out on me as I pressed the button once more, the channel switching to an old black and white movie.

With a defeated sigh, I dropped my arm back to my side as I kept my sight on the screen, watching the scenes play out. I recognized the title of the movie and knew it was a romance, and although I wasn't a fan of romantic movies, I have a fondness for black and white movies. They brought me a sense of comfort and peacefulness.

"Better than some obviously scripted reality tv show," I muttered as I continued to watch the playing scene.

Without much thought, my eyes left the screen and landed on the small suitcase that was resting next to the couch where I was lazily residing. The suitcase was tightly zipped closed, packed with extra clothes and other necessities that would last me for a week.

It was the last night before I would leave for summer training with my fellow classmates. A part of me was excited for this opportunity to spend more time with my friends and take this advantage to improve my skills. There was also the reunion with the Wild, Wild Pussycats which will most likely consist of Pixie Bob tormenting me, but nevertheless, I was looking forward to see them again.

Overall, the trip sounded like something I should be ecstatic about. It was an amazing and rare opportunity that any other student would die to go to.

But my mind couldn't help but linger back to a certain bi-colored hair boy, putting an end to my excitement in a instant.

I haven't seen Shoto since our little interaction a week ago and I have been keeping my mind and body busy to prevent myself to think about my best friend.

I felt my cheeks redden from the embarrassing memory of me landing on top of Shoto. I groaned in frustration as I kicked my legs, the blanket that was covering my body now flailing in the air. Tugging on my hair, I willed the butterflies in my stomach to disintegrate.

Fortunately, my childish antics were quickly interrupted from a buzzing sound beneath me. Twisting my body to the side, I reached underneath my legs and pulled out my phone to reveal that someone was calling me. My eyes narrowed skeptically at the contact name, urging me to ignore the incoming call.

Right when my thumb freezes over the "decline call" button, a haunting thought appeared in my mind. 'If I don't answer now, he's going to think something is up and be on my ass about it constantly.'  I shuddered at the thought, knowing that the best choice would be just to get this call over with. Pressing the green affirm button, I brought my phone up to the side of my face.


"Well, thank the heavens. You are alive. And here I was, all worried that a ghost was living in your house."

"Hey, Toshi. Sorry, I've been busy," I curtly explained as I fiddled with the ends of my shirt, not wanting to further my explanation why I have been avoiding my father or pretty much anything that breathed in and out oxygen. 

And it's not like I was entirely lying. Ever since summer vacation has begun, I have been busying myself with training, wearing out my body so much that my mind wouldn't even have an ounce of energy to crawl into the deep abyss of depressing and soul-consuming thoughts that I call my conscience.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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