Obstacle Race

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Sakura POV

I watched the screen as I waited for the first event for the Festival.

Obstacle Race.

I smiled. This was my territory.

"All eleven classes will participate in this event! The track is exactly four kilometers outside of the stadium," Midnight explained as she raised her whip. "You can use your quirks freely, just don't leave the track!"

Everyone started cheering excitedly. I closed my fists. I was ready. I have ran morning and night my whole life. This was going to be easy.

"Now, then, take your stances contestants!"

I took my place and ignored the stares and glares from the other classes. I looked around and saw my classmates spread out. I grabbed the rings that hung around my neck and I looked up to the sky. 'This one is for you guys, mom and dad.'

"Get ready!"

I shifted my foot into the ground, getting a solid stance.


I lowered my arms and opened up my palms. I took a deep breath.


I sprinted off using an extra boost from my wind quirk, allowing me to get ahead from most people. I might have blowed away some students from my wind. But, oh well.

I sprinted towards the tunnel. The only person in front of me was Todoroki. I willed my legs to run faster.

"Are you ready to do the commentary, Mummy Man?" Present Mic's voice came on the speaker.

"You're the one who forced me to come," Aizawa grumbled. I couldn't help but chuckle as I ran. I can't believe Yamada actually convinced Aizawa to do the commentary with him.

I was right behind Todoroki as we ran through the tunnel. I saw him glance behind. I know that look, he was going to do something. Then he extended his right arm and pointed to the ground, and a spray of ice blasted out, covering the floor.

Before it reached my feet, I jumped up using my wind quirk and willed the winds to let me stay in the air as I pushed forward. 'Nice try, but you're gonna have to do better than that, Todoroki.'

I used the winds to let me fly above the bi-colored hair boy and I shifted my arms above me and I dove straight for him.

I tackled him and I heard a "oof" sound. I hit the ground with a roll and immediately started sprinting, leading me first. I glanced back at a very angry Todoroki on the ground. I saluted him with two fingers, "Sorry about that!"

As I was sprinting ahead, I heard explosion sounds. 'That could only mean one thing.' I glanced back and saw Bakugo literally flying with his explosions. He was smiling like a maniac.

"I'm coming for you small fry!"

"In your dreams," I muttered as I started to sprint faster. Suddenly, I felt the air getting cold. He was already starting to catch up. I glanced sideways and saw he was sprinting beside me, leaving ice behind with each step.

"That was a pretty dirty move you pulled back there," he hissed.

"Yeah, well you haven't seen anything yet," I sprinted faster and extended my arm to the side. I felt my hand tingling with heat. Then, I raised my arm and swung it back and made a line of fire behind me, causing everyone else to halt.


I chuckled. I was having way too much fun. I sprinted and looked ahead of me. I was still full of energy and I took longer strides.

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