Excuse Me?

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Todoroki POV

Once class ended, I just went straight home, not talking to anybody. I wasn't here to make friends anyways.

On the way home, I couldn't help but think about girl who sat next to me. Sakura was her name I think? I thought about how she stood up to that kid Bakugo and how she managed to hold her ground against him with a smile. And how she did slid her way through the test with ease.

But one thing I couldn't help but notice is how she had multiple quirks. Just like me. I haven't met anyone else in my life who had more than one quirk. If I was ever going to become the best, I definitely had to beat her.

When I walked inside my house, I was expected to be bombarded with questions about my first day by my older sister, Fuyumi, but instead I saw my old man. He was standing in the living room with his arms crossed.

I internally groaned. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his shit. What was he even doing here? He's never home this early.

"Shoto. I heard you took a quirk assessment test on your first day," my old man states.

I gritted my teeth. 'Of course he'd know. He probably threatened the staff into telling him all the information about school.' I really can't escape my father.

My father scoffed. Clearly annoyed that I didn't reply back, "I'll take that ignore as a yes. I heard you got second place. I expected more from you, Shoto."

"Leave me alone," I hissed.

Ignoring what I had said, he went on. "I heard a girl took your spot for first place. Sakura Asano. Stay away from that one." He began to walk away.

Asano? How does my old man know her? The words just came out of my mouth. "Who is she?"

My father stopped walking. He turned to face me. His voice filled with distaste, "She's someone who is dangerous. She will stand in your way in becoming the number one hero. If you want to bypass All Might, you will have to crush her."

"I told you. Bypassing All Might is what you want. Stop using me to do your own dirty work," I said between my teeth.

"We will see about that, Shoto. You have ten minutes before your training starts," he waved his hand to dismiss me as he walked away.

I closed both of my fists. I hated him. I hated that he used me as some kind of object to fulfill his failed dream. I walk into my room and slammed the door.

I looked at my left hand. I swore I promised myself that I would become a hero without using my father's side. For her. And that's exactly what I intended to do.

I couldn't help but feel curious about what my father told me about Sakura. My father usually doesn't care about other students, but he talked about her with such disgust in his face. Asano?  That name sound so familiar. I reminded myself to search her up after I finish training.

'Sakura Asano. Who exactly are you?'


Sakura POV

I let out a big yawn as I threw my empty coffee cup away in the trash can. I had gotten even less sleep last night. Toshinori came over and stayed late last night, asking me all kind of questions about my first day. I remember how thrilled he was when I told him about I had managed to make a couple of friends.

I made my way through the hallways of the building. It was still pretty early so there wasn't many students around. I stuck my head inside Class 1-A hoping it was empty.

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