Save Each Other

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3rd POV

After the Sports Festival finally came to an end, Class 1-A returned back to their classroom.

"Good work," Aizawa commented as he stood in front of the class.

"So there will be no school tomorrow or the day after," Aizawa bluntly stated. "I'm sure the pro heroes who observed the Sports Festival will want to recruit you, but we will go more further into details about that once you all return back."

Shoto glanced sideways to see Sakura staring down at her desk. She hasn't said a word ever since the Sports Festival ended. It was like she was in a whole another world.

"Get some rest. We will start training again when we get back."

"Yes, Sir!"

Everyone then started to pack their bags and made their way out of the classroom. Shoto picked up his own bag and stood up. But he realized that Sakura hasn't moved. She was still sitting there, staring into space.

Shoto walked over and stood in front of her desk. "Sakura."

Still nothing from the girl. Not even a inch of movement. He let out a small sigh. 'She is really out of it.'

He crouched down so his face would be at the same level as her eyesight. He put out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Hm?" Sakura broke out of her trance and noticed that Shoto's face was a couple of inches away from her. 'How long has he been there?' She felt her face flush from embarrassment.

"You were daydreaming. We were already dismissed but it seemed like you didn't hear a word Mr. Aizawa said," Shoto stated.

Sakura looked around and saw that everyone had already left. She sighed, "I'm sorry, Shoto. You should head home. I'll leave soon."

Normally Shoto would have left, but he didn't feel like leaving the girl alone. At least not when she's clearly lost in her own thoughts. He knew he had to ask her about what had happened during the finals of the Sports Festival. But not here. They needed to talk somewhere more comfortable. Then he had an idea.

He stood up and grabbed Sakura's bag and slung it over his other free shoulder.

"W-what are you doing?" Sakura questioned.

"Come on, I want to show you something," Shoto nodded his head towards the door.

Sakura blinked in confusion from his surprising action. What did he want to show her? Then she slowly stood up from her desk and followed the bi-colored hair boy out the classroom.

They walked outside in silence. The sun was slowly setting, painting the sky shades of sky and pink. The air was now cool with a slightly chilly breeze blowing.

They walked for a short while before they reached a steep hill. Shoto walked a couple of steps ahead but kept glancing back to see if the Sakura was having trouble walking up the steep hill. He let out a small smile as he saw that she had no trouble at all. Even if injured, she was still tough as nails.

After a couple of minutes, they reached the top of the hill. Sakura let out a small gasp as she took in the sight in front of her.

The hill they climbed overlooked the entire city . The sun was almost gone and the sky was now a dark shade of both purple and blue. The city lights glittered everywhere just like stars dropping to the earth, huge and small buildings collided in a mixture of shadow and geometry, tiny vehicles rushing along tangled lines of streets creating twisting threads of light-they all intertwined together in a magnificent mess of dream.

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