Because I'll Be Right Here

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so sorry for the late update! i'm actually back at school early because i'm part of the summer training cadre dealing with the incoming freshmen so i have been busy the last couple of days.

anyways enjoy!

Sakura POV

"Well, I certainly hope you actually learned something during your time here, Asano."

I refrained rolling my eyes from the condescending comment. It was the last day of my internship and I had come to Endeavor's office to bid farewell. Shoto was waiting outside since he didn't want to see his father. Can't say I blame him.

Obviously, I had made a mistake coming here to say goodbye to this asshole. I should have known that he was going to use this moment to put me down in shame.

But I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. "Other than realizing just how terrible of a person you are?" I questioned with a smirk. "Nah, not really."

Endeavor scoffed and rolled his eyes. I'm pretty sure the man was eternally grateful that the internship was finally over and that he wouldn't have to see me anymore.

Endeavor stood from his seat from behind his desk. "You should be thankful I didn't expel you from my agency, Asano. That would have looked terrible on your record. Wouldn't be a good start on your road to become a hero," he said with a smug smile on his face.

'Thankful? For him?' I found that hilarious. "And I think you should be thankful that I even came to this internship in the first place, Endeavor," I retorted back. "If it wasn't for my friends and I, you wouldn't have gotten all the credit for capturing the Hero Killer," I said, smiling as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Even though, you did absolutely nothing in that part."

Endeavor's smug smile then faded immediately, replacing it with a angry expression.

'And there's another win for me.' I silently congratulated myself. It had become a game for me to see how many times I could piss off the flaming hero.

"Well, I'll be going now," I picked up my suitcase that was resting beside me. "It was so not a pleasure working with you, Endeavor," I smirked at the number two hero who now looked like he was going to explode any moment.

I turned and made my way towards the door when I stopped to say one last thing. "You know, you should stop treating your son like an object," I stated as I glanced back towards him.

Endeavor's brows furrowed in anger and opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it. "He's an attentive and kind person who cares deeply about others," I said, staring back, not faltering at his angry expression. 'Though, he definitely didn't get it from his father, that's for sure.'

"And he's already on the road to becoming a great hero," I continued, my lips curling into a smile as I thought about Shoto. I looked at Endeavor whose expression was a bit softer. "So, you should try to stop being so harsh on him. Because one day, when he is that exceptional hero he will become, you'll regret never trying to get to truly know him."

I expected Endeavor to yell at me for telling him to treat his son better, but surprisingly he stayed silent as he looked down at the ground.

After a few moments of awkward silence, I let out a sigh and took that as a sign to leave before his mood changes and tries to set me on fire or something.

"Take care, Endevaor," I bowed my head towards the Pro Hero.

Then, I walked out of the room, leaving the speechless Todoroki alone with his thoughts.

I pushed the doors open to exit the Agency, breathing in the fresh air and letting the warm sunshine hit my face. I spotted my bi-colored hair friend standing a couple of feet away, his own suitcase in hand.

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