Jake's worry

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Next day

"What are you doing Logan?" asked Presley as she walked into my old room wearing her pajamas and tired eyes. "I'm packing and I'm leaving today Pres," I replied as I was putting my things in my suitcase. "Wouldn't you rather stay here for a while?" she asked looking at me intently. "No Presley. Mom's death is taking too much out of me and this place reminds me too much of her. I just want to go back to Minnesota," I explained and she nodded. "Ok. Can you maybe take me right then?" she asked, looking at me. "Sure Pres. No problem," I agreed and she went into the bathroom after that. "What's going on here bright and early?" asked Jake as he came into my room dressed only in boxers. "Me and Presley are leaving today Jake," I replied curtly, closing my suitcase. "I thought you guys were staying a while," he mentioned, looking at me disappointedly. "That was the plan, but this place reminds me too much of Mom and I just want to get back to Minnesota. Nothing against you Jake," I replied and he nodded. "I hear you Logan. Do you know when you'll be leaving North Richland Hills yet?" asked Jake eagerly. "In the next few hours. I have to go for a little walk with Shadow and then we'll be on our way," I explained. "Then we'll have breakfast together and then you guys will hit the road," Jake suggested and I agreed.

"Sounds good," I said and we both went down to the dining room to eat breakfast together. "Do you have all your stuff packed yet?", I asked Pres as we were eating. "A few things are still missing, otherwise I have everything," she replied as she ate her cereal. "That just reminds me of when you two were nine and six," Jake started and we looked at him confused. "What do you mean?", Presley asked him tensely. "You both sat in the same chairs and both ate the same cereal, just like you do now," he explained. "I guess certain things never change," we both replied with a smile. "Jake. Can I ask you a question?", I started and he looked up at me. "What Logan?" he asked, smiling at me. "How would you have reacted if Mum had had another baby?", I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes. "Where did you come up with that question?" asked Presley, looking at me eagerly. "Purely out of interest. I'd like an answer Jake," I said looking at him. "I would have been surprised since your mother was on the pill and that might not be possible," he explained and I gave him a sterner look. "Now will you explain to me how you come up with that question?" he asked, looking at me with interest. "So that means you didn't even realize that Mum stopped taking the pill a few months ago?", I asked, looking at his shocked face. "What are you talking about? Your mom was always on the pill after she had you two," he explained, not understanding what I meant. "Jake. Mum had been off the pill for a few months and was pregnant when she died," I replied, now feeling tears welling up in my eyes again.

"That's not true Logan," Jake denied, unable to believe it. "I wish it was. The doctor told me when he told me about Mum already not making it through the surgery that she was pregnant. My dad not only had Mum on his conscience, but another unborn baby that could have been my sister or brother!", I replied louder, now unable to hold back my tears and feeling them running down my cheeks. "Mum was pregnant?!", Presley asked shocked and crying as well. "Yes Pres. We were going to have another sister or brother," I repeated and I gave her a hug. "That's terrible. Dad killed Mum and an unborn baby," she sobbed, burying her face against my shoulder. "Why didn't she tell me?" wondered Jake, clutching his forehead. "Mum said you were already happy with Presley and me and didn't want to have any more children," I explained. "That's true but I would have raised this baby just like the two of you. I would have loved it and granted that child every wish it had," he replied.

After things had calmed down again, Presley and I were packing our last things, and then we were already on our way back to Minnesota. After packing our bags, I put Presley's and my suitcases in my car and then took Shadow for a short walk. Now that that was done, we said goodbye to Jake before heading out. "I hope you get home safe and please drive carefully Logan. Take care of your little sister," Jake said as he hugged us. "Sure. I always take good care of Presley," I replied looking at him. "And you don't make your brother mad," Jake asked Presley. "I'm not 16 anymore," she replied annoyed and hugged him as well. "Do you have everything?" asked Jake again as I hopped Shadow into the back seat. I think so, I replied, looking at him. "Good, then please text me as soon as you get home," he asked, looking at me nervously. "Don't panic. Nothing will happen Jake," I reassured him and patted his shoulder. "Something can always happen Logan and now that your mom isn't here anymore, I have to take care of both of you," he explained. "We really appreciate that but we are already adults Jake," I replied. "I know that. I've grown very fond of both of you and I couldn't bear to lose either of you as well," he explained. "Jake, we'll take care of ourselves and we'll be in touch as soon as we get home," Presley said now and hugged him again.

"Promise Jake," I agreed, then got in the car and I headed back to Minnesota with Presley and Shadow.

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