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"What's wrong with you?", Jacob asked me worriedly as I wiped some tears from my cheeks. "Nothing. Everything's fine," I lied and went to walk past him into the teachers' lounge, but he stopped me. "Logan, please talk to me. Something's wrong," Jacob mentioned, looking at me closely. "Jacob, just leave me alone," I begged and walked past him into the teachers' lounge. Some of my colleagues overheard the discussion and looked at me with corresponding concern. Trying not to give anyone a glance, I quickly grabbed my math stuff and then headed straight to 5CK. Once there, I entered the class, put down my backpack, and the students greeted me as usual. "You are doing the assignments on page 68," I said and then sat down on the chair in front of the teacher's desk. I tried to avoid eye contact with my students, but some of them noticed that something was wrong. "Is everything alright with you?", Max asked worriedly as he eyed me. "Everything as usual," I lied, looking at him briefly. "You have teary eyes and you say that everything is as usual? I think something bad happened," Maya guessed and looked at me. "It's just difficult times," I replied after a while, hoping that finally there would be peace. "I know we're just your students but do you want to tell us what happened?" asked Drake. "We've never seen you this down before," Taylor justified his question. "Guys, please focus on the assignments and not on my private business," I asked the guys and after that no one said anything.

One hour later

After this hour was over, the 5CK was able to head home just like me. I was just looking forward to finally being home. As I was packing up my things, Taylor stopped by me and looked at me. "Is something wrong Taylor?", I asked, looking at him in response. "I just wanted to let you know that if something is bothering you, you can talk to me about it too. Sure I'm 19 and don't understand all situations yet but I'm a good listener and will try to help you," he explained. "That's nice Taylor but I can handle it on my own. You should focus on school". "I will but if you are unhappy I won't enjoy school anymore. Sure we as the 5CK are just one of your classes you teach but we have grown very fond of you over the five years and want to help you as much as we can," he explained. "That's great to hear. I've grown very fond of you guys, too, and I'll tell you that I may get better soon. Some things take time. Have a good day, I have to go," I mentioned and then left the school building.

Next day

My day started like the last one with a nightmare about me and Kendall. This separation really got to me. After a short time, I got ready as usual and then drove to school. It was a sunny morning, which at least put me in a good mood. Arriving at the school, I parked my car and met Paul. "I'm telling you morning sex is something great," he said, looking at me with a grin. "Tell me about it. Keep the details to yourself," I asked him as we both entered the school building. "You don't even know what you're missing," he mentioned. "Believe me. I'm not missing anything."

Briefly, I went to the teachers' lounge to put my things down and then made my way to 5CK with my math books. "Morning boys and Maya," I greeted the students and placed my books on the teacher's desk. Before I could explain what we were going to do today, there was already a knock on the door. "Yes?", I asked and everyone looked at the door. "Mr. Mitchell. To my office immediately," Mr. Stark said in a serious tone that I had never heard from him before. "Of course Mr. Stark," I replied and then left class 5CK with questioning looks from my students. I followed Mr. Stark to his office and it wasn't until I got there that I knew what was going on.

Alvin's POV:

"What was that about?" asked Alex confused as we were now alone in the classroom without Mr. Mitchell. "I don't know but hey we have peace from math," Sam mentioned and put his legs up on the table. "Except for the fact that we don't have math now. Mr. Stark has never taken Mr. Mitchell away from class in that pitch or at all. Something must have been going on," I reasoned. "Maybe it has something to do with Mrs. Carter?" mentioned Tony. "Where did you get that idea?" asked Dylan in surprise. "Don't tell me you never noticed the looks on her face when she talked to Mr. Mitchell. She's just trying to get him in bed," he explained. "You really think she had something to do with him being in the principal's office now?", I wondered. "Not 100% sure but it's definitely possible".

Logan's POV:

"Where on earth do you get off doing something like that? It's almost bordering on a felony. Tell me right now how this terrible situation came about!", Mr. Stark shouted angrily as he stood next to me. I startled briefly and then looked at Mr. Stark. I didn't know him the way he was acting now. Something must have happened. "Mr. Stark, I have no idea what you mean or why I am here in your office now," I explained. "Oh, you don't know. Of course you don't. I'm going to jog your memory a little bit. I want to know right now why you lied to me!" he shouted and threw a photo on my desk. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw which photo it was. Evelyn had betrayed me but I didn't know why. I had done everything she wanted, even if I wasn't thrilled about it. "I'm waiting for an explanation!" shouted Mr. Stark again. "What more do you want me to explain!", I said in a loud voice, looking at him in horror. "So you admit that this photo is real?" he asked with his arms crossed. "Yes, but it doesn't affect my job now," I replied, looking at him hopefully. "And how it will affect you now. You assured me you were straight!". "I never assured you that I was into women and most importantly it has nothing to interest you as an employer," I explained. "It doesn't interest me, you say? It does have to interest me. The reputation of the school depends on it. What do you think the parents of the students here will say when they find out that a homosexual teacher is teaching here?" he asked me provocatively.

"My sexuality has nothing whatsoever to do with the teaching job. I'm still doing my job, it's just that I like men. Is that so terrible for you?". "Yes. You know exactly what I think of homosexual people and I make no exception for you. Fags like you have no place in this school!" he said seriously and angrily. I looked at him with wide eyes and could not believe what he had just said. We live in the 21st century and still homosexuals are treated like criminals. "In that way, you don't have the right to talk about me like that. Also, if I am homosexual, I have rights and I don't have to listen to these remarks. What are you going to do now? Change my sexuality?". "No I have an easier solution. What do you think about quitting?" he asked, sitting down in his chair across from me. "You can't do that to me Mr. Stark. Please. I love the job and just because of this you can't terminate me!". "Of course I can. Mr. Mitchell. You are summarily terminated!" shouted Mr. Stark loudly and so that other colleagues could surely hear it from the teachers' lounge. "Get out of my office right now, pack your things, and get out of my school!" he shouted, and I left his office after that and went to the teachers' lounge.

Many questioning faces looked at me as I walked to my desk and packed my things into my backpack. "I hope that was just a joke by Mr. Stark and you didn't just get terminated," Tessa hoped, looking at me. "No, it wasn't a joke. I'm summarily terminated," I objected and emptied my desk. "Logan what just happened?" asked Abby worriedly and a short time many colleagues stood around my desk. "Why don't you ask Mr. Stark, I'm sure he can tell you what just happened," I replied annoyed as I finished packing my backpack. "But we want to hear what's going on from you, not Mr. Stark," Mason mentioned. "Guys, just leave me alone," I begged, putting my backpack on my shoulder and about to leave the teachers' lounge when my colleagues stopped me. "Tell me what's going on already," Jacob and Paul urged. "I'm gay Ok!", I shouted angrily and everyone looked at me in surprise. "Now let me go!" I said angrily, pushing Paul and Jacob away, who were standing in front of me, and then I left the teachers' room and finally the school building.

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