Happy reunion

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Katie's POV:

Mum had left half an hour ago and now I was home alone with my brother. It was a disturbing feeling not to hear anything next door, because Kendall was mostly sitting on his bed and was silent or even crying. When Mr. Hall's math homework was getting on my last nerve, I decided to check on my brother. I closed my math book and left my desk. The last week I didn't want to enter Kendall's room, because I heard from Mom that he didn't take a shower anymore and he smelled bad after three days. To my brother's love, I overcame myself to go to him. Slowly I opened the door and could already detect a strong smell. Boys can really stink terribly, I thought to myself and held my nose for a moment. I closed the door again behind me and saw Kendall sitting on his bed in the darkness. Without thinking twice I took a seat next to him on the bed and looked at him for a while. Either he didn't want to notice me or he was so lost in thought that he actually didn't notice me. "Kendall?", I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. Continuing, his gaze was fixed on the floor and he didn't seem to want to give me an answer either. "Please say something," I begged, looking at him with concern. "What do you want?" he asked monotonously and emotionlessly.

"I want to talk to you. For two weeks now you've been isolating yourself from everyone and not talking to anyone," I explained. "So what? Who cares? You can't use me for anything," he replied. "That's not true. You taught me a lot of things. Riding a bike, swimming, playing soccer, and much more. You are the best big brother I could ask for," I replied, seeing a small smile on his lips. "Please be the Kendall I had a few months ago. Happy and saying stupid things," I said, smiling at him. "You can only get that back through one person," he mentioned and I looked at him questioningly. "You mean through your psychologist Mr. Miller?", I asked, looking at him tensely. "No. Through our teacher Mr. Mitchell. If that one will ever speak to me again. Mr. Miller is not helping me in any way. Without Logan, my depression will never pass," he explained and I merely nodded. "I see. I wish he was back, too. He always cheered you up and you were so happy. Besides, I'm sure he's just as annoying as you are sometimes," I added and smiled. "You can assume that," Kendall agreed, but looked at me with an emotionless face. "I'm sure everything will be fine Kendall".

Four days later

Mrs. Knight's POV:

More days passed as Kendall's condition worsened. Katie and I were very worried about him as we were afraid he would hurt himself. Mr. Miller was here two days ago and said that soon the third phase will occur if we don't do something about it. The phase where he would be suicidal and could hurt himself. Right now it was 10:30 and I was home alone with Kendall. Katie was at school trying to do her chores as best she could. In the meantime, I was cleaning the dust off the living room by vacuuming earlier and was now dusting the shelves. Every now and then I had to sneeze, because I had ignored these shelves for quite a long time. While I was wiping down the coffee table with a rag, I heard a car park near the house. Even with the music playing in the background, I could perceive this. When I looked out the window, I was relieved. It would all end now. With quick steps, I walked to the door and opened it before the doorbell was pressed. "Morning, come on in," I greeted Logan as he walked into the house and immediately took off his shoes. Last night Logan told me that he would be coming over the next day in the morning, thus bringing Kendall out of his depression. I didn't tell Kendall about this so I could surprise him. Logan's appearance was nothing compared to how he looked a few days ago. He was shaved, well-groomed, and had clean clothes on again, as well as deodorant on. "Where is he?" asked Logan, looking at me eagerly. "Upstairs in his room but keep it down. I'll signal you when I'm ready," I explained the plan as we both quietly crept up the stairs to get to Kendall's room.

Briefly, I knocked on his door and then opened it. My son was lying on his bed facing the wall. "Honey, how are you?", I asked anxiously. "Same as always mum. Shit," he replied emotionlessly. "Kendall I have a visitor for you," I mentioned but he didn't turn to the other side. "Will you stop with this psychologist. He doesn't help me one bit, but pushes me more and more into depression. I'm not in the mood for him anymore," he said angrily. I then gave Logan my sign and was now eager to see Kendall's reaction. "Kendall?" asked Logan, but Kendall continued to stay on the same side of the bed. He said nothing for a moment until he regained his speech. "Mom please don't fuck with me on this. I'm tired of these constant false promises! You love to fuck me up and then you're surprised when I yell at you and hate you!" he shouted shortly and Logan looked at me a little puzzled. To him I gave another sign and he slowly entered Kendall's room. "I hate you mom. I hate you so much for this," Kendall said as he continued to face the wall. "Kendall," Logan said a little louder than before and now Kendall slowly turned around. Logan was standing in front of his bed looking at him with a smile. Soon, as Kendall lay with his face on the other side, he had his eyes closed. Apparently he didn't dare open them. He lay there for a few seconds until he finally opened his eyes and saw Logan standing in front of his bed.

Kendall said nothing, but immediately ran to him and wrapped his arms around him. Logan returned the hug and rested his head on Kendall's shoulder. Neither said anything, but communicated through actions. When they released the embrace, they looked each other in the eyes until Logan took the initiative. He looked back and forth between Kendall's eyes and lips, put a hand on his cheek and pulled him to him. Gently, he placed his lips on my son's and kissed him. Kendall put his arms around Logan's neck and returned the kiss. Logan shortly after put his other arm around Kendall's waist to hold him closer. Through the light in the hallway, I could tell they both had tears running down their cheeks right now and were really enjoying this moment. When they both released the kiss, they looked at each other again for a short time. "I love you so much Logan," he mentioned and Logan returned the hug. "I love you too Ken," Logan agreed with him and Kendall leaned his head against Logan's chest.


I'm not completely satisfied with the last part of the chapter, however after much thought I didn't know how to write it differently or if anything was missing. If you have ideas, feel free to write them to me in the comments. Otherwise until the next chapter ;)

Your CrazyMeli_77

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