The tradition of the 5CK

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Time jump Monday

The rest of Saturday evening as well as Sunday passed relatively quickly. I still could not believe that Jan just wanted sex. He was a nice young man, but I didn't hope for much with him and in a way I was glad that I had nothing to do with him now. On the other hand, we could have been good friends, but who knows if that would have worked out, I thought as I was in the teachers' lounge looking through my papers for the math lesson from 5CK. Shortly after, I heard someone coughing and turned in the direction of where it was coming from. I realized it was Henry, who seemed to have recovered. "Henry," I said, and he turned to me instantly. "Hey," he greeted me, coughing again. "Make it through the week at home okay?", I asked, looking at him with a slight smile. "The way you take it. This cough has been bothering me for a few days now and it's just not getting any better," he explained, coughing again. "Have you been to the pharmacy to get some medicine yet?", I asked eagerly. "Yes. But those cough syrups and candies do absolutely nothing for that cough," he replied, annoyed, and coughed again. "Are you sure you can teach with this cough?", I asked. "It'll be fine. First of all, I'm in the drawing room and the students have all already received an assignment from me," he explained and then left the teachers' lounge.

"Is Henry okay?" asked Jacob as he sat down next to me on his teacher's desk. "I'm not too sure about that. He told me that this horrible cough has been getting on his nerves for a few days," I explained. "Don't worry so much about it. It will be a harmless cough," Jacob replied and shortly after that I had to go to 5CK. "Morning students," I greeted them and put my things on the teacher's desk. "Morning Mr. Mitchell," they greeted me as well and looked at me intently. "I have a question," I heard Taylor and took him up on it. "When is the class photo?" he asked eagerly. "According to my information, it's tomorrow," I answered him and immediately the next question came. "All right. What are you going to wear Mr. Mitchell?" asked Drake. Before I gave him an answer, I gave myself a slight facepalm and only then looked back at the class. "Alvin, if you please," I now heard Jason say. "Alvin then stood up with an envelope in his hand and came forward to me. "Please," I said, looking at him. "Every year except for 1CK, it was our duty to distinguish the class photo from others. We always got the best photos in the yearbook and the most important question we face every year is what are you going to dress Mr. Logan Mitchell in so we could also dress similarly respectively get a super cool class photo," Alvin explained. "For the paper, you get an A and what I'm going to wear, I'm still deciding," I replied.

"To help you decide and so we can get an answer faster, here are last years class photos. First year, as I said, we can forget. Second year was the color green, third year the color orange and last year the color red. What color do you suggest this year?" now Dylan asked with interest. "Then we'll go with the color blue this year. My 5CK, one of the graduating classes will be blue," I replied and everyone rejoiced. "You're not going to tell me now that you dressed like your class president every year, are you?" now Maya asked in wonder. "If you please," I said, looking at Alvin. He then walked over to Maya with the photos and showed them to her. "As I said, the first year is complete crap and looks just like the other class photos of the other classes. Here we have the second class," he said and Maya looked at the photo excitedly. "This is really insane. And you all have similar clothes to Mr. Mitchell at home?" asked Maya. "At least the color," Jason mentioned. "In the third year it was really difficult because almost no one had anything orange to wear and because of that we almost all bought an orange shirt," Alex explained.

"That means I have to put on a blue top by tomorrow?" she asked, looking at us intently. "You got it," I agreed, smiling. "Who came up with the idea that your class photo was different from all the others?". "Taylor said in second grade that something needed to change," I explained. "And you agreed with that right away?" she asked, looking at me intently. "At first I thought it was a stupid idea, but then on the other hand the boys convinced me". "Now on with the text. The second grade was still relatively uncreative, but last year we perfected our photo," Alvin told me, showing Maya last year's photo. "Wow," she said, marveling at the photo. "The color every year was determined by Mr. Mitchell?" she asked Alvin. "That's right. Last year, Mr. Mitchell was in the picture with a red shirt and black pants. We then transposed it so that the first row had a red top and black pants on, then the second was the exact opposite, and the third was dressed again like the first," Jason explained our approach.

"How do I know what position I'll be in this class photo?" asked Maya. "We can easily figure that out," said Taylor now, coming over to Maya. "If I had to judge by your height, you are 90% positioned in the middle of the second row," Taylor replied. "And what if that's not true?" she now asked. "Then that's not so bad either, since the photographer leaves it up to us class leaders to decide where any of the students stand," I explained. "That means you have the power over who will stand where among us?" she asked again. "The power not directly, but a say, which is not the case with other class photos and photographers. The photographer is the same every year and he knows exactly what my 4CK wants to do and also then shoots the photo accordingly, the way we want it," I replied. "One more important question that needs to be cleared up," Jay now interjected. "What is it?" asked Alvin, confused. "What color will your pants be?" asked Jay and I had to smile. "I usually wear black jeans with a blue shirt," I answered and everyone agreed. "Well, now this lesson is over too, although I really wanted to do math with you guys," I admitted and picked up my backpack. "Sorry Mr. Mitchell but good thing we discussed the class photo," Alvin explained. "Yes. Just imagine if we hadn't discussed it. Then our last class photo would have been an absolute disaster," Alex mentioned. "Good, now you know what to wear and then see you tomorrow," I said goodbye to the 5CK and then went back to the teachers' room.

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