"Get out!"

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"How did you have sex with Viola back then?", I asked with interest. "Why do you want to know?" asked Logan, looking at me in confusion. "You were moaning during sex when I scratched your breast, so I'm guessing it has something to do with your ex-girlfriend," I tried to explain to him. "Yes it has something to do with Viola but I'm uncomfortable talking about it," Logan replied. "You know you can tell me anything no matter what and I won't laugh about it," I mentioned and smiled gently at Logan. "Alright but let's keep this between us," he determined and I nodded in response. "I had a special kind of sex with Viola. So-called BDSM sex," Logan began to explain and I looked at him with great confusion on my face. "Let me guess. You have no idea what I'm talking about right now?" he asked and I nodded. "BDSM is a term that has to do with a specific sex practice. For example: Bondage or, when one partner tortures the other of course with their respective consent," Logan explained. "Ok, so that probably means it was always you who tortured or tied Viola up right?", I asked eagerly. "No, it was always the other way around. I was always being beaten or tied up," Logan admitted and I looked at him in disbelief. "What, I can't imagine Viola was always the dominant one," I mentioned. "Yes it was like that. There even still exists a video on my laptop where we filmed ourselves doing it once," Logan whispered and I looked at him intently. "Can I see that?". "Kendall, I don't think you want to see that if you already think normal porn is terrible," Logan replied, looking at me. "We can make it so we watch porn together sometime and maybe I do like it," I suggested. "We can try if you want," Logan agreed and kissed me in response.

During the kiss, I pulled Logan on top of me and wrapped my arms around his neck. Suddenly, we heard a shrill scream followed by a loud crash. Logan and I startled apart and looked at each other. Before we said anything, we quickly put on our boxers and immediately ran to the living room where we both could hear the scream. Once there, we saw Katie lying on the floor and our hoverboard which was on the opposite side of the living room. "Katie!", I shouted, immediately running to her to ask what had happened. "Katie wake up. Please!", I shouted, but failed to get her awake. "Kendall, move aside!", Logan ordered me but didn't know what he was about to do. When I stepped aside for a moment, I saw that Logan had a glass of water in his hand and was splashing Katie with it, who then woke up again. "Katie how are you?" asked Logan and we looked at her worriedly. "I'm dizzy and I have a headache," she replied, holding her head. "Ok, Kendall we're going to lift her onto the couch," Logan suggested and then looked at me. "Okay," I agreed shortly after, taking Katie's legs and lifting her onto the couch together with Logan who took her upper body. "What happened Katie?", I asked worriedly and sat down with her. "There was someone outside the window and I fell backwards in shock on the hoverboard", she told. "Nothing else happened to you?", I inquired worriedly. "No but my head hurts," she mentioned. "I'm going to take a look," Logan now said sitting down behind Katie and taking a closer look at the back of her head. "You're going to have a bump, nothing else happened," Logan explained and sat down next to me. "Did I interrupt anything in particular?" she asked, looking at both of us. "Not really," I replied, smiling mildly. "I think I'm going to try to sleep now," Katie mentioned slowly getting up from the couch and starting to stagger. I supported Katie and walked back upstairs along with Logan and with her.

Time Jump

The next morning I woke up in Logan's arms and smiled when I noticed this. We had fallen asleep quickly yesterday and were also a little exhausted from our naughty activities. Katie had given us a big scare yesterday, but luckily for us nothing bad happened to her and there would only be a bump. Now that I had been awake for a while, I noticed Logan move and pull me closer to him. Logan then kissed his way down my neck, making me sigh. "What are you up to?", I whispered. "What do you think?" he asked, rubbing his already hard erection against me. "Oh Logan," I moaned, looking at him for a moment. He grinned and hovered over me after a moment. "Fancy some morning sex?" he asked, looking at me with lust in his eyes. "I'd love to," I agreed and kissed him passionately. Meanwhile, he pulled his boxers down and started pumping his erection. I also quickly got rid of my boxers and now we were both lying naked on top of each other. A nice feeling. Shortly after, he readied me and then slowly thrust into me. "I love you Logan," I moaned, looking up at him. "I you too Kendall," he said and kissed me in response. Logan started thrusting harder into me and moaned more often as a result. During sex I kissed him more often and played with his nipples in between. "Oh Kendall." "Fuck me harder," I moaned and kissed him again. For a while we had horny sex until we were suddenly interrupted. "Get off my son now!", I suddenly heard my mum who instantly threw Logan off me and he was immediately lying next to me on the bed. "Mum!", I exclaimed in surprise, not expecting her to be here already. "What's this all about?!" she asked angrily, looking at Logan and me sourly.

"Mum, I can explain all this to you," I started. "How are you going to explain it! You and your own teacher who is a lot older than you are having sexual intercourse!?" she asked. "Mrs. Knight, we can explain all this to you calmly," Logan now said as well. "I'm going to make sure you get expelled from school and go to jail for this. That's punishable and you should know that!" shouted Mum upset. "Mum you can't do that!", I shouted, looking at her angrily. "Of course I can. Now get out of here!" she shouted, dragging Logan out of my bed. "Leave him alone!", I shouted. "Mrs. Knight I can understand that you are upset now, but we can tell you everything in ru...", Logan didn't get any further as Mum slapped him. "Logan!", I shouted, trying to get to him, but Mum pushed me back onto my bed. "Get out of my house now!", Mum ordered, pushing Logan out of my room with his things. "Mum!", I shouted and ran after the two of them. "What's going on?!" asked Katie who also came out of her room and now had to watch the whole scenario. "Your super math teacher is shagging your brother!" replied Mum, upset. "Mum, leave Logan alone already," I demanded as I followed her down the stairs. "You stay away from him in the future because he's not good company for you," Mum ordered me. "Mrs. Knight, why don't you give us a chance to explain the whole situation? It would make everything a lot easier than if you kick me out now," Logan now mentioned and turned to Mum. I had never seen Mum so angry and hoped she wouldn't hurt Logan. "I would advise you to stay away from my son for good and if you don't I will call the police," Mum threatened him and he just looked at her in shock.

"Mrs. Knight we are two adults and we can talk about anything but resolving the situation this way is bullshit," Logan explained and by now Katie had also come downstairs. "You don't have anything to say to me," Mum said, upset. "Right but I know that if you solve the situation this way it's the wrong way," Logan said more seriously. There was silence between the two of them for a moment until Mum gave Logan another violent smack and he gave a short yelp. "Get out!" shouted Mum, opening the door and pushing Logan out of the house with his things. "Logan!", I shouted, trying to get to him, but she stopped me. "Go to your room Kendall, now!" she demanded, but I wanted to go to Logan. "I want you to do what I tell you!" she shouted again and locked the door. I hated Mum for this and just wanted to get to Logan. I knew Mum would eventually find out about our relationship, but I never thought the situation would escalate like this.

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