Kendall was mistaken

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As Logan angrily ended our phone call, I thought about the last words he said. I don't want him to die because of this weird disease. I was terribly upset about this virus and took all my anger out on Logan. I was so annoyed by this virus that I couldn't help but be upset about it. Now in retrospect it might have been better to get angry about it alone than to take out his anger on another person in my case now Logan, my boyfriend. Now I had managed that now he does not want to talk to me the next time and I had to think now how I should get through the following 14 days in quarantine. When I looked at my television again afterwards, I could not believe my eyes. The hourly news was on and they were reporting about this new virus. The report was about an elderly man in his mid-70s who had tested positive for this virus just a few hours ago and had now passed away. "Doctors are investigating this incident and will inform us if this death is now related to this virus or if there is another cause for the sudden death" said the newscaster and I continued to watch the newscast with mixed feelings.

Could Logan possibly be right after all, that this virus will sooner or later take us to our graves? I hope Logan is wrong this time, because if this virus is fatal to us, then I, as well as Logan, will not have long to live. It's a horrible thought if you ask me.

"Kendall?", I heard my mom and let her into my room. Surprised, I eyed her as she was wearing a mouth guard and gloves on her hands. "Are you planning to operate on someone in the next few minutes or what are you planning to do?", I asked confused looking at Mum. "The mouth guard as well as the gloves are so that I don't get infected with the virus you currently have in you," she explained and I nodded. "What else I wanted to tell you would be that you only use your room as well as the bathroom for the next while. This will continue until you are healthy again and there is no more danger for Katie and me to get this virus. You will always get food from me and you will exceptionally have to eat here in your room for this time. Is everything alright?", Mum asked me as I looked at her a bit shocked. "Yeah alright," I agreed and then averted my eyes from her again. "You'll get your dinner in two hours, if you need anything else, just let me know and I'll get you the things you need," Mum mentioned before she left my room again.

This is worse than prison, I thought to myself and sighed. What am I supposed to do locked up in my room for the next two weeks? I couldn't talk to Logan anymore because I've upset him and snapped at him, I can't meet with Camille or Carlos either because it's a big risk that I might infect them too, and I couldn't do anything with Katie or Mum either because it amounts to the same thing. This will be a boring and exhausting two weeks, I thought to myself and looked around my room.

Logan's POV:

I'm not going to have these things thrown at me. Especially not from Kendall. He had no idea how this virus spreads and how dangerous it can be, just like me and everyone else. I don't want to talk to him for the next while. It is also possible that I have totally overreacted and that this will change in the next few days, but I can't say anything about that from the current point of view. My health condition has worsened compared to the morning. To my annoying cough came now the chills and fever. I hope these symptoms subside quickly and will not lead me to death, I hoped, and then felt my cell phone vibrating next to me on the couch. An incoming call from my little sister. "Hey Presley," I picked up and gave a quick cough.

I= Me (Logan) P= Presley.

P: "Hey. I heard about the whole testing thing at school and wanted to ask you how you are doing these days".

I: "I tested positive for this unknown virus today and am now laying on the couch with a fever, chills and a nagging cough".

P: "That sounds anything but good".

I: "Have you had yourself tested as well?"

P: "No. I was off today and will call the hotline tomorrow and get tested for it".

I: "Good, do you feel different than usual? So do you have symptoms like a cough or fever?"

P: "No. I feel the same as I always do. No change from yesterday. How's Kendall doing?"

I: "He just has this annoying cough nothing else".

P: "You sound so annoyed. Is everything okay with you two?"

I: "I was talking to him on the phone earlier and he was just getting upset about this virus and throwing it at me that I'm just as stupid as the other people who are scared because of this virus. After listening to that for a while, I hung up angrily and I don't want to talk to him for the next while either."

P: "That doesn't sound good. But don't you think you might have overreacted? I mean sure, you don't let anything be thrown at you that isn't true, and you stand your ground consistently, but I feel like you overreacted a little too."

I: "Maybe. I don't know Presley".

P: "If I were you I would call Kendall tomorrow and straighten everything out again, because arguing doesn't really accomplish much at this time either except you don't know what to do with your time at home".

I: "Good suggestion but do you think that will fix everything?"

P: "Logan, you've had a few fights with Kendall from what you've told me and this little spat you're having with him right now is nothing compared to that."

I: "You're right. I will sort it out again tomorrow".

P: "That's a good decision. Other topic. Do you already know how the lessons will go on?".

I: "I have no idea. Mr. Stark hasn't emailed or called me yet but what I learned after the testing, everything is being switched to Distance Learning."

P: "That means students and teachers are doing everything from home or?"

I: "I guess so, because we can't go to school at the moment because it has been closed as of today. I am curious to see how Mr. Stark will handle all this".

P: "Indeed. My internship has also ended with today, so I have to take care of my university again".

I: "The time went by really fast. How did you like your internship at the school?"

P: "Quite well. I enjoyed the time with your colleagues as well as with the students I got to teach."

I: "I'm glad to hear that. Maybe you have another internship coming up and you will get to visit me in the teacher's lounge again".

P: "Maybe Logan. I wouldn't mind. Then have a good rest of your evening and if you need anything you can always call me and I will try to help you".

I: "Thanks Presley. That's really sweet of you. Have a good evening then and I'll be sure to hear from you in the days. Bye."

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