"That you're looking for a boyfriend?"

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Kendall's POV:

I used to think that being bored to death was a lot of nonsense. Now I understand what it feels like. My activities were limited to the bare minimum. I spent most of my time in front of the TV, on social media in between and otherwise sleeping in my bed. I regretted that I thought it would be a good idea to teach Derek a lesson. In hindsight, it was the stupidest decision of my life so far.

I overheard a phone call from Mum in the hallway. I didn't see her myself, I just assumed. Besides, my mother wasn't the kind of person who talked to herself. During the conversation, I started to cough as my mouth felt quite dry. My chest ached and showed me that my painkillers had lost most of their effect. Mum seemed to have felt my pain as she was standing in my doorway the next minute. "Are you okay honey?" she asked worriedly, closing the door and approaching my bed. "I'm in pain Mum," I replied to her question as she reached for the cupboard next to me.

She lifted the blue pill dispenser from my bedside cabinet, pushed the plastic cover aside and handed me a white round pill. "I'll get you another bottle of water". Shortly afterwards, she came back with the liquid and I swallowed the tablet and the water. "I have to go to work in 15 minutes and I hope I don't have to worry about you," Mum mentioned, brushing my blonde strands from my forehead. "I can't do too much," I said, smiling briefly and looking at Mum's face. "That's true," Mum agreed and then left my room. In the meantime, as Mum changed, I made sure everything was within my reach without much movement.

After a few more minutes wasted watching mindless TV shows, Mum entered my room to say goodbye to me. She wouldn't be home again until around 9pm. With a quick kiss on my cheek, she hurried downstairs to the living room and then left the house.

Logan's POV:

Shortly after I rang the front doorbell, it was opened for me in under a minute. "Hey. Come in," Katie greeted me as I walked in and closed the door behind me. "Your mom said Kendall needs company?" I asked as Katie sat down on the couch in the living room and started the paused movie. "Yes. He can't do anything with his injury and spends most of his time lying in bed staring at the TV. Mom wants him to get better quickly and told him not to move around much," Katie explained, taking a sip from her Christmas mug.

"I see. I hope I can distract him a little from the current situation," I mentioned as we made our way to the wooden staircase. "If anyone can do it, you can," I heard Katie say and smiled at her in response. Once upstairs, I slowly opened Kendall's door and then peeked in. His eyes were fixed on the TV and he seemed very bored, which I could understand. "Hey," I said and my friend immediately turned his attention to me. "Logan! What are you doing here?" he asked with bright eyes and a smile. "Your mom called me that you needed some company and wanted me to take care of you while she's at work," I told him the short version and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Sounds much better than passing the time with boring shows." He then took the remote control and switched off the TV. I then felt hands stroking my shoulders and sides. With a gentle smile, I turned to Kendall and slid into bed with him. I kissed him tenderly and hugged him carefully. We spent the next few hours snuggled up together in bed, talking about all sorts of things. Kendall's head lay on my chest while he had an arm around me.

"Can you sing to me?" Kendall asked out of nowhere, looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. I looked at him perplexed, as I hadn't expected this question. "What do you want to hear?". "Anything. No matter what you sing, I'm guaranteed to like it," he replied and I thought about it until a song popped into my head.

Looking for a, looking for a
That you're looking for a boyfriend
I see that, gimme time, you know I'm gonna be there

Don't be scared to come put your trust in me

Can't you see all I really want to be

Is your boyfriend

Can't fight that

Knock me down you know I'm coming right back
I don't care at all what you done before
All I really want is to be your boyfriend

"You need to sing a lot more often. I love your voice," Kendall confessed, making my cheeks flush. In response, I kissed him on the head and let out a contented sigh.

Back in my apartment, I allowed myself a shower. On the one hand for the warmth and on the other to clear my head. The water massaged my tense muscles and elicited a sigh from me. After the shower, I could hear voices in the living room talking animatedly about a topic. Hoping in my mind not to be the topic of conversation, I pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and left the steamy bathroom.

Jake stood opposite Presley, who had found a seat on the couch and was trying to justify herself. "It wasn't my fault. It was just unfortunate," Presley mentioned while I thought about what it was all about. "You knew him well?" was Jake's next question. "Yes. I didn't understand why he broke up with me when he found out. After all, we'd been together for months," Presley told me, causing confusion in my head. Who was she in a relationship with? Why did she never say anything about it? Why was this trivial topic coming up now?

"I can't believe this. What do you say Logan?". "Uhh what?" I asked Jake, still ignorant of the current topic. "Steven, Presley's boyfriend left her after two months when she told him she was pregnant by him. Apparently he didn't care enough about contraception and left her to struggle with the situation on her own," he informed me and I tried to follow his lead. "Did you know about this? Didn't your sister ever tell you about it?". Speechless, I looked at Presley, who continued to sit on the couch and indicated that I should play along. "I didn't know about the boyfriend, but she told me she was pregnant," I replied and looked at Jake. "You already knew that your sister was carrying a child and it didn't occur to you to call me?" he asked, disappointed. "I was convinced that you would take care of Presley when she decided to move near you and then something like this happens? You're supposed to protect her from these kinds of boys and help her at all times," Jake spoke to me with an angry undertone.

"I need to clear my head," I heard Jake behind me as he put on his jacket and shoes and headed outside. "Put some clothes on already. Just walking around in boxers in front of your sister is not proper," my stepfather said angrily, leaving the apartment and leaving me with a thousand questions in my head. "Thank you Logan. You saved me," Presley mentioned, rising from the couch and walking past me. "Wait a minute young lady" my hand gripped her arm to hold her in place "I thought everything went completely different". Presley sighed and looked at the floor in front of her, "What was I supposed to tell Jake? It was easier to blame a stranger than me," she said and I took my hand off her.

"Do you realize that Jake now thinks I'm to blame for your pregnancy! Let me guess, you didn't have a boyfriend. You told me it was a one-night stand and you weren't even trying to use contraception or did you lie to me too?" "No, I didn't! I only told you the truth but I couldn't do that to Jake. You know that I'm his little princess and he knows that I'm sensible". My expression was already annoyed and the anger inside me seemed to be boiling at full speed. "So making me out to be an asshole of a brother was perfectly fine, according to you?" I asked, looking at her face, which had widened in shock. "Hey I didn't say anything about it in any way. Why Jake labeled you the guilty party now, I don't know. All I said was that my "ex-boyfriend" was to blame for the whole thing," she explained defensively.

I sighed loudly and leaned back against the nearest wall while Presley eyed me questioningly. "Can't everything go without any problems or complications just once?" I asked, banging my fists against the wall behind me. "I'm beginning to realize why your mood is so bad. There's another reason why you're easily irritable," Pres pondered aloud, catching my attention. "Has there already been a diagnosis of your negligent character analysis?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. You're in desperate need of sex," my sister answered bluntly with a mild smile. "My sex life is none of your business". "I know, but I remind you of our promise in 2000, when we both vowed to talk about all our problems and find solutions". "Back then, I was seven and you were four. The topics have changed dramatically over time. It's no longer about how we build a shelter, but about adult problems," I explained, shaking my head.

"My solution would be that you now have enough time to relieve yourself while Jake is out. Or at night when Jake and I are asleep." "Forget it!" I shouted in annoyance as I went into my bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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