Kendall's Birthday

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Two months later

Brief summary of how the last two months have gone. No meeting with friends, family members, colleagues or others was allowed. For shopping you were allowed to go outside but only the most necessary things and then immediately back home. There were often police officers walking the streets and if they caught someone walking outside, they would send them home immediately. I didn't see Kendall once for the whole two months except through the screen of my smartphone or laptop. I really missed Kendall and I was very disappointed about not being able to hug him or kiss him for two long months. I'm sure it won't have been any different for him. The Distance Learning worked relatively well after a few teething problems and the students were able to deal with the system to some extent and also completed all the assignments I had given them. As for the current situation, I can only say that the number of infections had not increased drastically and that we reacted in time. Out of all of Minnesota, there were a total of 50,000 residents that were affected by the virus. That number sounds pretty big, but for a population of 5.64 million, that's nothing.

Now to the current situation. Schools have reopened and normal classes are being held. However, masks are compulsory on all school grounds. Today was November 1 and I just entered the school building wearing a mask. This sight of all the students, teachers and cleaning staff wearing masks is very unusual at first, but I think that after a while you get used to it. Hard to imagine, but possible.

"Can we please take off these awful masks?" asked Alex annoyed as I entered class 5CK. "Unfortunately not Alex. There is a mask requirement that applies to all of us," I explained briefly. "Mask!" some students shouted as I briefly took off my mask. "If I or you have a drink, you can take it off for a moment," I explained briefly, taking a small sip from my water bottle. "I guess it looks like you didn't feel like shaving either, did you?" asked Toby, looking at me. "No, I really didn't feel like it," I replied, taking my mask back up. "What's the deal with gym class these days, anyway?" asked Sam. "Mr. Stark is still figuring something out so we don't have to do PE with the masks on," I answered him, leaning against the teacher's desk. "How about my math test?" asked Luka with a tense look on his face. "I will sit down with Mr. Stark on Monday and discuss everything Luka," I replied. Now that those questions were settled, we started math class. We discussed the topics that I had given the students during the Distance Learning and also calculated a few examples.

When these lessons were done as well, my next stop was 4KD. This class was not thrilled about the mask requirement either, but seemed to quietly endure it. "Morning," I greeted the students as I entered the class with my backpack. "Morning Mr. Mitchell," my students now greeted me as well. "Today we will discuss the assignments you received from me in Distance Learning. I know it was a lot, nevertheless we will clarify all open questions the next days or weeks and you will understand everything", I explained briefly and started my lesson. After this lesson in 4KD was over as well, I was about to head to the teachers' lounge when Kendall looked at me with a certain look and came to the front. The class was empty as the students were now to go to the drawing room. "What's up Kendall?", I asked quietly as he reached me. "Logan, I have a request for you," he began. "Sure, what's it about?", I asked eagerly looking at him. "Can you please come and stay with me tomorrow night. Please!" he begged, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. "For what occasion then?", I asked tensely, looking at him. "Mom's working the night shift and Katie's spending the night at a friend's house. Also, it's my birthday tomorrow," he explained. "Oh," I merely said. "Did you forget?" he asked me tensely. "Kendall, you didn't even tell me when your birthday was," I mentioned and he pondered. "Could be. Are you coming now?" he asked impatiently. "I'll think about it Kendall. Ok?", I asked and looked at him. "All right. Don't disappoint me Logan," he said and then left the class with his backpack, heading to the drawing room.

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