"I hate you Mum!"

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A short time later, a message came back from Logan.

"You can't possibly be serious".

"I'm completely serious Logan. You saw how my mom freaked out. It's better if we end this relationship".

"All of a sudden now? In case you forgot, you've already forgiven me for some worse things and just because your mom is freaking out now you're going to throw it all away?"

"What worse things again?"

"I almost cheated on you twice and even that you forgave me for."

This idiot cheated on my son? I just can't believe it. His first love that is a total bust.

"Still, it's over now Logan. I should have reacted sooner with these things".

"You can't throw away our relationship now. We do love each other".

"The relationship is over for good Logan. Get that through your head! Besides, I never really loved you.

When I wrote that last sentence, Logan immediately went offline and didn't write anything for the next while. Now hopefully there will be peace and my son will be protected from him.

Logan's POV:

When I read the last sentence of Kendall's message, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He had never really loved me? I just couldn't believe that. For now, I went offline from WhatsApp and had to think about it. Why would he break up with me over WhatsApp? That doesn't make any sense.

"You're breaking up with me because of your mum, but you still love me, right?", I finally wrote and was now waiting for a reply.

"No Logan. It's over with us for good. Why won't you understand that!"

"Because I just can't understand it! When my mum found out about the whole thing, I fought to keep having a relationship with you despite all this and now you don't want to fight for our love?"

"No Logan, because it wouldn't do any good. My mom wants me to stop having contact with you and the easiest solution is to just break up with you. Besides, you wouldn't have anything to offer me. Now leave me the hell alone you idiot!"

That was the last message I got from Kendall. I couldn't believe that he really broke up with me. My heart broke in two and my emotions took their course. Tears ran down my cheeks and I sobbed more often. Hurt, I put my phone down on the table and disappeared into the bedroom. Once there, I lay down on my bed, buried my face in my pillow and cried terribly.

Kendall's POV:

After two hours that had already passed, I was still in my room and angry. Mum was ruining my relationship with Logan. But I hoped Logan would not believe the message Mum had sent. He knew that I loved him and that the message was complete bullshit. Shortly after, Mum came into my room. "Happy what you've done?", I asked angrily, looking at her. "Don't you understand that I have to save you from your misfortune?". "No, first of all, I'm sure Logan didn't believe your news. He knows I love him," I mentioned confidently. "I wouldn't be so sure about that," Mum said now, showing me the chat history between the two of them. "Give me my phone right now!", I demanded, but Mum wouldn't let me. "You can't do that! I love Logan and now you've ruined the relationship! I hate you mum! I hate you so much!", I screamed loudly. Mum looked at me with her eyes wide open as she had never seen me so angry. "Get out!", I screamed with tears in my eyes as Mum continued to stand in my room. "Kendall that was..." "Be happy you ruined your son's relationship and now get the hell out of my room!", I screamed loudly and after Mum finally left my room, I lay down on my bed and let my emotions run wild. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I missed Logan a lot already. Mom did it. Logan and I are separated and will never be together again. "What have I done to the world to get nothing but shit in my life?", I asked myself and sobbed in response.

"Kendall, what happened?", I heard Katie say as she came into the room to join me. "Get out of here," I said and then sobbed again. "Won't my big brother tell me what happened?" she asked quietly and I looked at her in response. Briefly, I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand and then tried to explain what had happened. "Mom ruined my relationship with Logan. We're broken up now," I replied, feeling tears running down my cheeks again. "Oh no," she said, stroking my back. "I hate Mum so much," I mentioned and buried my face in a pillow again. "What do you think Logan will do now?" she asked tensely. "He assumed that I wrote the messages, but actually Mum wrote them and he apparently really believed that I broke up with him via WhatsApp, even though I love him so much and he should know that," I explained. "Why don't you just write Logan that it wasn't you who wrote the messages, it was Mum?" she asked and I looked at her with a sad look. "Since Mum took my phone away from me". "Then run to him. You know where he lives, so what else is stopping you?". "Mum, since she won't let me go outside alone," I replied dejectedly. "What are you going to do now?". "Crawl into my room and hope that Mum will eventually calm down". "When do you think that will be?". "I don't know Katie. Maybe soon or maybe not at all. We'll see. I don't have anything left to lose. Logan was the only one I had," I explained and Katie looked at me with a sad look as well. "I've never seen you so down before. Logan must really mean a lot to you." "Yes. Logan means a lot to me. If you're ever in love and you don't get to see that person, you'll understand how awful that feels," I explained, looking at her. "If you need anything, you can always talk to me. I'm here for you big brother," she offered and hugged me in response. "Thank you Katie," I thanked her and she then left my room again.

Logan, I love you so much.

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