Night shift

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Time Jump

"So what else did you guys do yesterday?" asked Camille excitedly as we were filling out a work assignment in business administration. "We had a nice time nothing more," I replied trying to fill in the questions. "You had sex with him," Camille reasoned, looking at me victoriously. "Maybe." "Come on Kendall. You can tell me everything. Was Logan the dominant one again?" asked Camille tensely. "Camille the whole thing with Logan and I is pretty private and I don't want to talk about it," I replied, noticing my face turning a red color again. "That's too bad. I would have loved to listen to you. The very idea of you talking to one of our teaching..." "Shh," I admonished her, eyes wide open. "Oh no one is supposed to know that," she reminded herself and I nodded in panic. "Anyone who didn't quite finish the work assignment, please finish it at home," Mrs. Young mentioned, and after that we were ready to head home.

Time jump two weeks later

"Do you feel like coming over to my house again tonight?", I asked Logan as I was having math tutoring with him. "Why?", Logan asked me with interest as he watched me solve his worksheet. "We haven't had anything in a while and my mom is working the night shift again," I explained, looking at him with a grin. "And what about Katie?", Logan asked me tensely with a raised eyebrow. "Katie is probably home but she won't mind if you spend the night with us". "I don't know Kendall. I have such a bad feeling about this," Logan mentioned, looking at me uncertainly. "I'm sure Katie won't come into my room and spoil our fun". "I didn't mean because of your sister. I meant because of your mum," Logan explained. "My mum works the night shift. She is, as the name implies, not with us tonight," I explained to him again. "But what if she comes home early and we're tight in your bed and she catches us doing it. She's going to freak when she sees that," Logan was just imagining the scenario. "Logan, my mom has never come home earlier than planned and that won't be the case this time either," I tried to coax him. "I still don't have a good feeling about this". "Honey, please. I miss having you with me. We can watch cool shows or tease my sister," I tried to change his mind. "Kendall, I'm not 17 anymore," he replied, standing up from his chair for a moment. "Did you mean the thing about the serials now?", I asked, looking at him in wonder. "I meant the thing about us bugging your sister. I'm not a 12-year-old boy anymore," he replied. "But you never have an excuse when it comes to fucking," I stated, looking at him with a grin. "Fucking is for big boys Kendall," he explained in his teacher tone and looked at me in response. "I want you inside me Logie," I whispered, pulling him to me by his hand. "Not here. You know it's risky," Logan admonished me once again and I agreed. "Are you coming tonight now?", I asked him again. "Do I have any other choice?" he asked. "No," I answered and kissed him briefly on the cheek. "All right but I won't come until evening". "Meaning?". "8-9pm," Logan replied and I agreed.

Time Skip

"Katie you don't mind if I invite a buddy over tonight do you?", I asked my little sister as she was watching TV. "No, as long as it's not Mr. Mitchell, I don't mind," she replied, changing the channel. "What do you have against Logan?", I asked tensely, looking at her. "It's just disgusting to think about what you two do in your room. Especially the noises I have to hear then," she explained, walking past me into the kitchen. "Then distract yourself with something but don't get any ideas about disturbing us," I mentioned. "That's a good idea. Disturbing both of you. Then it's quiet for the rest of the evening," Katie reasoned, grinning at the thought. "I'm warning you Katie. If you dare do that, I'll chase you all over the house," I threatened her. "With or without boxers?" she asked, giggling. "I'm warning you. I'm going to..." "Kids, I'm about to start another night shift. You're really sure you can manage the night on your own?" asked Mum uncertainly, looking at me as well as Katie. "We're not babies anymore Mum. We'll be fine on our own," I assured her. "Katie you listen to your big brother and I hope it all goes well," Mum hoped as she picked up her bag and put on her shoes. "Trust us. It will all go without a hitch," I mentioned. "Well, see you both tomorrow," she said goodbye to us and then drove the car out of the garage.

"Well only one more hour until Logan gets here," I mentioned as I glanced at the clock. "Yay our teacher is coming to see us," Katie said annoyed as she turned the TV back on. "I just want to remind you that if you ever have a boyfriend, I'll bug you about that every time too," I reminded her, "You'll never be able to do that because I don't want a boyfriend. Especially not after the things you and Mr. Mitchell did in the bedroom," she explained and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "How do you think you and I were conceived?", I asked her in wonder. "I'm glad I wasn't there in person," Katie replied and then went into the kitchen. Meanwhile, I decided to go upstairs to the bathroom and take a shower. I also tried shaving downstairs for the first time, which was quite painful as well as unfamiliar. After this ordeal, I combed my hair into place and, dressed in a pair of boxers, tried to clean up my room a bit. "What are you going to do when you're done with it?" asked Katie who was standing in the doorway looking at me intently. "I'm trying to clean up my room a little as you can see," I replied, tossing my used boxers into the laundry room. "Are you trying to impress Logan?" she asked tensely. "Possibly." "Did you actually think of the most important thing?" she asked with interest and I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?", I asked. "Did you also get condoms. I mean, if you two were to get closer than usual?" she asked. "Katie, we're guys. We can't get pregnant, if that's what you're afraid of," I replied and shortly after went to my closet to put on a shirt. "I didn't mean because of pregnancy. In short, because of STDs." "Katie, Logan and I have never used a condom during sex, and he doesn't have any diseases, nor do I. So calm down and don't get involved in that kind of business," I explained and left my room. "Did you ever actually watch a documentary about how many men died when they had AIDS? That was a lot Kendall," Katie explained as the doorbell rang and I followed Katie downstairs to the living room. I then opened the door and let Logan enter. "Here, 35 million people died from the STD AIDS," Katie said and Logan looked at me confused. "Am I inconvenienced?" he asked as he kicked off his shoes and kissed me briefly. "No, come with Logan," I said, taking his hand and walking upstairs to my room with him.

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