The Taylors

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Logan's POV:

After we had finished giving presents, I supported Kendall on the way to his room so that we could get changed. I gently pulled Kendall's sleep shirt over his head and tossed it into the corner of his bed. Kendall's hand was on the hem of my shirt and I looked at him intently. "Take this off," he whispered and I pulled it over my head and then looked at him. "What do you say we make out a little?" he asked with a grin as he stroked my chest with his fingers. "Not a bad idea in itself, but you always want more afterwards and unfortunately that's not going to happen any time soon," I replied and saw a sad expression on his face. "I know. I'm trying to hold back," he mentioned and I leaned over him. His hands placed themselves on the back of my neck and pushed me down towards him. Our lips met softly and I began to kiss him. Soft moans escaped Kendall and made me smile. His hands stroked my back and then down my chest.

Kendall's POV:

Kissing Logan was simply wonderful and made me forget my pain. He let go of me briefly and I took my chance to kiss his neck. He sighed briefly and closed his eyes. What he didn't realize was that I bit him and stayed there. He groaned briefly in response, but didn't push me away. I let go of him with a smile on my face and looked at my work. "You're such a naughty boy," he whispered and kissed me in response. My hand moved further down his stomach and I could feel something hardening. Without hesitation, my hand went inside his boxers and I put my hand around his heated shaft. Slowly I started to pump him and was rewarded with a moan. "Oh fuck," escaped his lips as he covered them with his hand. "Does it feel good Logan?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "More than good Ken," he gasped as I stroked his wet tip with my thumb. I realized Logan was holding back from thrusting into my hand because he was probably afraid of hurting me. "Don't hold back. Do it Logan." A brief hesitation followed, but then he slowly began to thrust.

"Oh my God," he gasped and I felt his precum on my fingers. His pace quickened, he moaned and gasped into the crook of my neck. "You're so fucking sexy when you moan," I admitted, kissing him on the cheek. "Logan?" a voice pierced the room and we turned our gaze to the person standing in the room. She giggled and tried to cover it up with her hand. Logan's face quickly turned bright red when he saw his sister. "So that's what you call changing? All right, boys," she giggled and kept her eyes on us. "Can you just go back outside," Logan said, resting his head on my chest. "I was actually going to talk to you and get you guys for breakfast at the same time," she explained with a grin. "Give me five minutes." "For you to get on with it or to change?" she joked. "Get out there already!" Logan increased his volume and then she left my room again.

"Enough of this touching," Logan decided and gently pulled my hand off his cock and out of his boxer shorts. I didn't say anything about this incident and let Logan help me get dressed. "I'll come and get you in a minute," he mentioned before he left my room.

Logan's POV:

When I arrived in Presley's guest room, I closed the door behind me and looked at her questioningly. "What's up?" I asked, leaning my back against the door to the room. She looked up at me and laughed. "The marks are still clearly visible from the changing," she giggled. "Haha. I can't always resist either," I justified myself in an annoyed tone. "Ok. Sorry, but catching you doing it again is a bit funny," she admitted, getting up from her bed and standing opposite me. A brief clearing of the throat followed as Presley's voice changed to a serious tone. "I wanted to tell you, your gift is really sweet and I appreciate it. Most importantly, you improvised quickly so that no one would suspect anything. Thank you Logan," she said and then hugged me. A little kiss landed on my cheek, which made me smile. "You're welcome Presley." She stared fixedly at a spot on my neck and cleared her throat. "I have nothing to do with that spot," were her words. "I know," was my reply and finally we went into the living room to have some breakfast.

Time jump 1:30 p.m.

Kendall and I were relaxing on the couch watching a movie we already knew by heart. Presley and Katie were on the second floor, probably talking right now. "Oh Rick. That's a beautiful purse," Kendall and I simultaneously repeated the line from the movie. Jake and Mrs. Knight were in the kitchen and seemed to be completely in their own world. They wanted to bake a cake together for their upcoming visit this afternoon. My attention was focused on the movie and I tuned out everything else. "Don't you think it's a little weird," I heard Kendall next to me and sighed. "Yeah. How can Stacy and Jeremy be in any world together," I replied and yawned. "Who, I'm not talking about the movie. Look this way," Kendall prompted me and I looked into the kitchen at both of our parents as he did.

"What's so funny about it?" I asked emotionlessly. "The way they interact with each other. They laugh all the time and exchange certain looks," Kendall analyzed. "Could it be that you're reading too much into it?". "They only met yesterday and talk as if they've known each other forever. They might be falling in love, kissing in front of us or doing other things in the kitchen," Kendall told me. "As long as they're not arguing loudly, I don't care," I said indifferently and turned back to the movie. "So you think it's okay if my mom and Jake had a relationship?" he asked with an indignant look on his face. "Let them. It's not our problem," was my reply and then Kendall averted his eyes from the two of them.

After half an hour, the doorbell rang and Mrs. Knight went to the door with flour on her hands. "Now the senior round begins," Kendall announced in a whisper. Yesterday he had casually mentioned that the Taylors and his grandparents were coming here because of the current circumstances. "Hi Mum," Mrs. Knight greeted her mother and hugged her in response. "Hello my child," her mother said, allowing both of her parents to enter. "Where did you leave the Taylors?" Jennifer asked, glancing back and forth between her parents. "They came with us and wanted to get something from the car," she explained and shortly afterwards the Taylors entered the Knights' house. His gaze lingered on Jennifer and the Knights for a while until they turned their eyes to me and Kendall in the living room. At that moment, I was speechless and just looked at the Taylors. Mrs. Taylor looked at me with surprise in her eyes and a slightly open mouth. Slowly, she approached the couch.

Kendall's POV:

Mrs. Taylor stood in front of Logan with a smile on her face and looked him over. She seemed very happy to see him and then gave him a loving hug. I looked questioningly at the two of them together with my mom and my grandparents. "You know each other?" I asked in surprise. "Know each other? Logan is my grandson," Mrs. Taylor replied and I looked at Logan with wide eyes. "This is your grandson Amy?" Grandma asked and came over to us. "Yes Annie. So nice to see you again," Amy, Logan's grandma, admitted. "Have a seat," Mum offered as everyone stood in the room chatting. From the look on Logan's face, he was just as surprised as I was. "Don't say anything about us," Logan whispered to me in a serious tone and we sat down at the table with the others. "Nice to meet you Logan," my grandma said with a genuine smile as she shook Logan's hand. "You too," he returned as Jake came to the table as well. "Oh Mrs. Taylor, you look really adorable today," he mentioned, making Amy laugh. "Don't make such jokes. I'm an old, sprightly lady who never changed her style of dress," Amy returned, hugging Jake. "Careful my dear, she's not afraid to bite you," the older man next to Mrs. Taylor added.

"Believe me Malcolm. I know that only too well," he replied and took a seat next to Presley. Mum served the cake and sat down with us. "Mum? I think you've forgotten something," Katie reminded her and I grinned slightly. "Does it start with "K" and end with "Affee" by any chance?" Grandma asked and we both nodded. "Oh my goodness. You guys are right. Sorry about that. Coffee?" asked Mum, making the rest of the group smile.

One thing I'd overlooked earlier in the excitement was that Logan had turned up his shirt collar to hide the hickey. I had to smile briefly at this thought and didn't say anything about it. For the next hour, we talked about old times until we came to a certain topic. "How did you two meet?" my grandma and Amy asked each other. "Pure coincidence," Logan replied and then took a sip of his coffee. There was a brief silence at the table. "How can I imagine that?" Grandma asked curiously, looking at us both. "Mum took Katie and me on a short vacation to Texas and we met Logan and his family there by chance," I explained, bringing my glass of water to my lips.

"It's amazing the ways you meet new people." "Especially when it's not over the internet," Amy and Grandma added. "Oh darling, do you remember the first time we met?" Grandma asked her partner. Here began a long story that filled the entire afternoon.

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