The problem in the 4CK

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Logan's POV:

When I arrived in the teachers' lounge, there was a great deal of confusion. Some of my colleagues were talking wildly, others were waiting for the room to finally be quiet. "Hey Abby," I greeted them as I walked up to them. "Hey Logan," she greeted me with a smile and hugged me. "How was your vacation?" she asked as she released the hug. "Let's just say eventful," I replied, taking a seat next to her on the chair. "What the heck is wrong with everyone today?", I asked confused, hanging my rain jacket over the chair. "You know them," she said merely, looking at me. "Yeah but I haven't experienced that kind of noise either," I admitted, looking at her as well. "There's a teacher shortage," Lucy mentioned. "Why is that?", I asked with interest. "Mason and Henry are both sick and now we're down two," she explained briefly and I nodded. "That's why everyone here is making such a fuss?", I asked confused. "Exactly." "Good morning colleagues. Please all take your seats," Mr. Stark greeted us as he entered the room and everyone finally sat down in the chairs one by one. "I hope you all had a nice vacation and a relaxing time, because now we have our hands full again," he started. "The current situation right now is that we are down two teachers at the beginning of the school year compared to last year. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Jenkins are both sick and now we need someone to take over 4CK," he explained. "Certainly not," I heard many of my colleagues say and saw others shaking their heads.

"Someone from you faculty present here needs to take over the class," Mr. Stark repeated and I raised my hand. "I'll take over," I replied, and everyone looked at me in surprise. "This is called readiness colleagues," he mentioned and now went further in the text. "The next few days a new teacher will arrive at this school as well. He has successfully completed his studies only a few weeks ago and we may welcome him here at our school. The timetables will follow as always in the next few days and now off to your classes!", Mr. Stark ordered us and most of my colleagues left the room. "Which class will I be taking first today?", I asked, looking at him anxiously. "Mitchell," he said, looking through the slips of paper he had in his hand. "5CK right after that 4CK," he replied and I left the teachers' lounge shortly after. This organization of the school is insane, I thought to myself and walked down the hallways to classroom 5CK. "Morning," I greeted my boys and Maya. "Morning Mr. Mitchell," they all said at the same time, making me smile. "Sit down," I said and my students sat down in their chairs. "How was your vacation Mr. Mitchell?" asked Drake eagerly. "Eventful," I replied shortly, noticing that there was already a book on the teacher's desk with a note that read "Mitchell." I opened the book and looked at the note Mr. Stark had written himself.

On it were my assignments to do this year and also an item where I had to grade Luka down to 4CK if he failed a big test from last year's math with me. "Luka?", I asked, looking around the class. "Yes?" he asked, looking at me eagerly. "Come to the front of the class for a minute, please," I asked him, and he instantly got up from his chair and came to me. "Yes, Mr. Mitchell?" asked Luka, looking at me eagerly. "Here on this note, written by the principal it says that if you fail a test of mine in math, I will have to demote you to 4CK," I explained briefly and then looked at him. "What?" he asked in surprise, reading it over as well. "When is the exam and what all do I have to study for it?" he asked, looking at me. "Luka, I have to clear the whole thing with Mr. Stark first. I can't decide this on my own," I replied. "Okay," he agreed and then sat back down in his seat. "Again, one thing that is interesting for everyone. Did everyone get back here to 5CK in one piece?", I asked with interest and heard a loud "yes". "Good, next thing on my schedule from this school year is your final project," I read out and heard a whine from everyone in the class. "Before anyone asks, yes you can write it in twos, threes, or fours and it has to be all self-written. If the examining committee finds copied content, then you can expect a bad grade," I explained.

"Is there a specific area of topics or can it be anything?" asked Jay with interest. "It should have to do with the topics from the school itself or a topic that fits the particular subject matter. For example, global warming would go with geography," I explained. "After all, there is always a teacher who then helps a group with their topic. Do we get to pick the particular teacher?" asked Max. "No. It has to do with your topic," I replied. "What topics would we be with you on?" asked Dylan. "Sports and math," I mentioned. "Just on those two?" asked Sam. "Partly psychology," I added. "How does a PE and math teacher end up with a psychology degree?" wondered Tony. "I majored in PE and math. Psychology I acquired through some seminars, since I am also employed as a guidance counselor here at the school," I replied, leaning against the teacher's desk. "You are a guidance counselor?" everyone asked in surprise. "Yes. What problems can people come to you with?" asked Max eagerly. "Personal, school, psychological problems and many more," I enumerated. "Interesting," some said. "By when do we have to find a topic?" asked Alex. I think up to three weeks in that direction. "I don't have anything more specific in my papers either," I mentioned as I picked up the notepad.

"How many groups are you taking?" asked Luke. "Five at the most. No more," I replied as I continued to look over the notes. "Is our schedule very different from last year?" now Alvin asked. "I'm afraid I can't tell you that because I won't get it until the next few days. I hope that means tomorrow," I said, looking at my students. "Are there any questions regarding the final papers or is everything settled?", I asked. "Has there ever been anyone who wrote their final paper in math class?" asked Taylor in wonder. "Yes. I've had two groups so far," I reflected. "What topics?" he asked again. "I really liked the Pythagorean Theorem. The presentation and the written paper I got to read," I mentioned. "Then are you also in that presentation room when they had you as a supervising teacher?" now asked Drake. "Yes," I answered briefly.

"What are we doing for the next few lessons?" asked Maya. "I can't tell you that, because I don't know myself what I'm going to do for the next lessons. I just know I have to go to 4CK now because I have to supervise them as well," I said goodbye to 5CK and walked down the hall to classroom 4CK. "Good morning students," I greeted the class and immediately leaned against the teacher's desk. "Where is Mr. Jenkins?" a student asked. "He's sick and I'm currently subbing for him," I explained. "And who are you?" a student asked. "I'm Logan Mitchell. I teach math and physical education and I'm also a guidance counselor," I introduced myself to the students. "Mitchell did you say?" asked a student from the front row. "That's right," I replied. "That doesn't have to mean anything Lena," I heard a student from the back row say. "In this case, it means something. We're related," I heard a voice I knew and saw that Marvin my cousin was also in that class. I hadn't seen him in ages and had to smile when I saw him. "All good dearest cousin?" he asked, smiling at me as well. "All is well. I hope with you too?", I asked and looked at him. "Of course," he answered and a moment later someone entered the class. "I'm infinitely sorry I'm late but I just had a doctor's appointment," the student apologized as he came into the class. "No problem. Have a seat," I said and he immediately sat down.

"What are you still doing here?". "Yeah fuck off you miserable faggot," I heard some students and I couldn't believe they were treating him like that. "Hey!", I shouted and there was instant silence in the class. "I don't ever want to hear that choice of words in my class again!", I said louder and angrier. "Don't bother. Everyone in this class hates me and that will never change," the student said, smiling. "I'm a person like everyone else and, if everyone wants to call me names, let them. I don't care," he explained and I looked at him with a worried look. "Believe me. You can't help me," the student said and now I didn't know what to say.

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