The conjectures of the 5CK

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One week later

Alvin's POV:

When we just had lunch break, almost all of our classmates were here in our class. The shock was still very deep for all of us when we heard the news from Mr. Mitchell. Terminated without notice? What could be so bad that Mr. Stark had to terminate him? I thought about it and noticed that Jay took a seat next to me again. "What are you thinking so hard about?" he asked, eyeing me briefly. "Mr. Mitchell's reason for quitting," I answered curtly. "And have you come up with an answer yet?" he asked me tensely. "No. Nothing makes sense. What could have been so fatal that Mr. Stark decided to terminate him without notice?", I asked him and now he was thinking too. "I'll tell you. I'm sure he took advantage of Mrs. Carter," Tony now threw the allegation into the room. "No. If it was Mrs. Carter who went after Mr. Mitchell and not the other way around," Cole objected, tossing an energy can into the trash can. "But she must have had something to do with it," Jason said firmly. "Let's assume that Mr. Mitchell was doing naughty things..." "You mean sex, respectively, that he fucked her," Tony now interrupted me, and I looked at him in response, annoyed. "Yes. He had sex with her. Why would Mr. Stark kick him out then? It's not illegal to be intimate with one of his colleagues. Do you see what I mean?", I asked, looking at my classmates. "You're right but then what could have been the reason?" wondered Drake.

"Wait I got it. He stole something at school," Alex made the guess. We all turned our eyes to him in the back of the classroom, looking at him with a combination of disdain and wonder. "What is he supposed to have stolen? Our math books?" asked Taylor, and we had to laugh. "Let's stick with the first guess. Not necessarily with Mrs. Carter but maybe it has something to do with sexuality," Luke guessed. "And what are you thinking about?", I asked him tensely. "Maybe he didn't get intimate with Mrs. Carter, but with one of his female students," Luke explained. "No!" many of our classmates contradicted him. "You can possibly accuse Mr. Stone of that but not Mr. Mitchell. He may be the youngest male teacher in the school but he would never do something like that," Jay explained. "I agree with you. There's no way that's the reason," I agreed with Jay, "Putting aside the speculation that he's been fucking Mrs. Carter or one of his students. Maybe he has some other sexuality we don't know about," Dylan mentioned and everyone looked at him intently. "You can tell Mr. Mitchell is straight," Toby contradicted him. "We don't know that 100%," Dylan replied. "Are you assuming he's a tranny? I can't imagine him putting on clothes at home and putting on makeup in front of the mirror," Luke said dismissively. Briefly, we heard Sam gag and turned to him tensely. "I'm sorry but this image in my head makes me nauseous," he explained briefly.

"I suspect you mean something else. Mr. Mitchell could be trans, pan, hetero, or even homosexual," I now told Dylan's guess. "Gay is the same as straight just a little different right?" asked Jason confused. "It's the opposite of lesbian Jason," Maya tried to explain to him. "So straight after all," he said, looking at us tensely. "No you idiot. It means he fucks with men," Cole now enlightened him. Suddenly we heard Sam gagging again and this time he also spit something on the floor. Tony and Drake immediately went to the front so they wouldn't have to stand next to Sam. The latter was throwing up in the back of the class while we looked rigidly ahead. "God that's gross," Maya said in disgust as she decided to open a window. "Sam are you okay?", I asked and my question was met with loud retching. "I think Sam we need to get transferred to another class if Dylan's suspicions come true," Alex mentioned in disgust. "Have you actually tried calling Mr. Mitchell? Then we would find out the real reason from him," Luke asked me. "Do you really think he's going to tell us the real reason he quit over the phone? I don't think so, especially I don't even have his number," I tried to talk my way out of it which was judged with many determined looks. "Of course you have his number. Alvin come on. Call him and then we'll know," many of my classmates urged me and after a while I got tired of it. "Alright but I can't guarantee he'll pick up with me," I mentioned before picking up my cell phone and dialing his number. While dialing, I put it on speaker phone so we could all hear Mr. Mitchell. For a few seconds now we listened to the typical toot and already gave up hope that he would answer. "I don't think he wants to talk to us," Alex guessed, and at that the call ended.

"I think so too," I agreed with Alex until I got a message. "Wait," I said as I read the message contact. "What?" everyone asked eagerly, looking at me. "Mr. Mitchell didn't take the call but he just texted," I explained and opened the WhatsApp message from him. "Sorry. I can't talk right now. Is it something important?" he asked and I read the message out loud to the others. "Text him that we want to know the reason why he was terminated," Cole mentioned. "I don't think he will tell us but I will try". After I sent the message, it took a while for Mr. Mitchell to respond to anything. The messages "writes..." and "online" kept appearing in alternation and we waited anxiously for a response from him. "This is very private and I will not write it here now. I can only say this much about it, that I have done nothing wrong. From my eyes, I was wrongfully terminated without notice or at all," he replied. "I hope Mr. Stark realizes his mistake soon and I can come back to work. Otherwise, I will have to find another school," he wrote in addition. "Ask him if he's gay," Toby suggested. Afterward, we heard Sam choke up again. "I won't. If he ever teaches at our school again, we can ask him that in person but I certainly won't text him that question," I decided consistently and many of my classmates agree. "We hope you will be back at our school soon to teach us until our exams. Your 5CK is rooting for you," I wrote on behalf of all the students, sending the smileys with the shamrock and the one with the thumbs up. After that came another message from him. "This is my 5CK. Strong-willed and the way I know them. With luck, everything will turn around," was his last message before he went offline again. Me and my classmates had smiles on our faces when we read his last message. We really hoped that he would come back to our school.

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