Logan's fault

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Currently, I was in the ambulance with Kendall and were on our way to the local hospital. The paramedics hooked Kendall up to an IV so he could get enough fluids and took care of his nose. "I'm scared Logan," he said, looking over at me. I sat in a chair attached to the wall and tried to reassure Kendall. "You don't have to be scared. It's going to be okay," I mentioned, gently stroking his arm which was already covered in bruises. "What will happen to me in the hospital? Will I need surgery?", Kendall asked me anxiously. "First, the doctors have to figure out exactly what injuries you sustained. I can't tell you if you need surgery," I explained, seeing panic in his eyes. "Will you stay with me when the examinations begin?". "If I can stay with you sure," I answered him and shortly after we arrived at the hospital. The two paramedics maneuvered the gurney with Kendall out of the ambulance and took him to the warm hospital. Once there, we traversed several hallways until we found ourselves in an exam room. The doctor asked Kendall where he was having what pain and then started examining him with the nurse. "Logan? Can you call mom? She should still be here in the building," Kendall asked me, looking at me pleadingly. "Sure. I'll be right back," I replied and left the exam room so as not to disturb the medics in their work. From my back pocket, I retrieved my cell phone and dialed Mrs. Knight's number. After a short wait, she answered the phone. "Hey Logan. What's up?" she asked cheerfully. "Hey. Here's the thing: There was a little incident at the pool and I'm here at the hospital with Kendall right now," I briefly explained the situation. "What, where are you two right now?" she asked, concerned. "We are in the emergency room and Kendall is being checked out right now". "Okay. I'll be there in five minutes," she said and then hung up. Barely five minutes later, Jennifer came running to me and walked with me into the exam room to Kendall. "What's wrong with my boy?", Jennifer asked the doctor. "For now, we were able to determine a concussion and a broken nose. Furthermore, his left arm is broken. In addition, ribs are bruised, where we still have to clarify whether internal bleeding is involved or even an operation is necessary", the doctor explained and the nurses prepared him for transport. "We will now clarify with a CT scan if there is free-flowing fluid and if we need to operate. I ask you to wait here for that while we take him to CT," the doctor explained and the nurses left the ER exam room with him.

"What happened Logan?" asked Mrs. Knight as she looked at me. "Kendall got beat up by one of his classmates," I answered. "Did you find him?" she asked. "No, two classmates from 5CK and called me afterwards," I explained. "You promised me you'd look after my boy and now this?" she asked, both pissed off and worried at the same time. "I was looking out for Kendall," I contradicted her, "I can see that Logan! That's why we're here with him now in the emergency room where they still need to clarify if Kendall needs surgery," she mentioned angrily. "Mrs. Knight I have to take care of my other students as well, not just Kendall. You must understand that," I replied, also a little angry. "I understand that too. But you know that Kendall is being bullied in his class, so he's at risk of getting beat up like that one day," she mentioned. "Meaning?". "Meaning that you alone are responsible for Kendall getting beat up," she replied, giving me an angry look. "Me?!", I exclaimed indignantly. "That's right. You. My boy could have died too if the two students hadn't found him and he continued to get beat up by the other student," she repeated. "Who called 911? Who took care of Kendall as he lay on the floor unconscious and in endless pain? Who stood by Kendall as we waited for the paramedics? Right Me!", I shouted, also looking angrily at Kendall's mother. "Who knew he was being bullied in class? Who had the idea to take a trip to the spa? And who wasn't looking out for my son enough? That's right you Logan!" she shouted, upset. "Listen. You do realize that a fight like this could have happened at any time. Whether it was at school, on the way home, or just on a field trip," I explained. "Now pay attention my dear!" she started, getting closer to me with every step she took. "I haven't offered you the you between us yet and that's going to stay there for now. You want to be a responsible teacher? I don't see any of that at all. You can't have had a proper degree to be a..." she said dismissively and I merely shook my head. "What does my degree have to do with Kendall now? Nothing at all," I interrupted her, "To get back to Kendall. You won't be having sex with him anytime soon." "Will work hard with his injuries," I spoke. "You want to be an adult? If I'm talking right now, you need to shut up. You're acting like a little inexperienced child," she deflected from the subject. "I hereby ban you from having sex," she declared. "Ban you from having sex?", I asked, confused. "That's right. All intimate acts especially sex and whatever you have done with my son so far, you will refrain from in the near future," she replied. "Does that mean I can't kiss my boyfriend anymore either or what?", I asked tensely. "Well spotted my dear". "How are you going to control that? Once I'm in his room with Kendall, I can kiss him without any problems," I mentioned. "I'll think of something else to do with that. Above all, you have to abide by my rules". "You're going to forbid me, as a 27-year-old young man who isn't even your son, from kissing my boyfriend and doing other things?", I asked, smiling a little.

"You forget that your boyfriend is my son and despite everything he is still a minor and lives in my house. Anytime I can give Kendall the ban to see you, kiss you or fuck you," she threatened me. "All right. You want to ban Kendall and I from seeing each other, having sex and talking. Is appropriate for the fact that we did purely nothing and that has nothing to do with the incident here," I enumerated. "May be, however the ban remains in place with or without this situation". "Suppose Kendall and I kiss or even worse we have sex with each other in his nursery. What are you going to do about it? Hook me up to a blood unit with a different blood type?", I asked, looking at her angrily. Before Mrs. Knight countered with words, she slapped me hard and I cried out. When this happened, I clenched my hand into a fist and threatened her in response to her action. "Remember. You're a man and you shouldn't hit women. You have the short end of the stick Logan Mitchell," she warned me and I slowly lowered my hand. "Now I want you out of here," she ordered me. "What, I'm not leaving. Kendall already didn't want me to leave his side in the pool. I'm staying here," I contradicted her. "Logan, if I tell you to leave, it would be better to comply with my request," she repeated. "What are you going to do if I don't comply? Slap me again?", I asked, grinning. After that I got another violent slap this time on the other cheek. Shocked, I looked at her and couldn't understand why she had such a rage towards me. "Get out!" she said seriously and I followed her instruction. I didn't feel like arguing with her in front of Kendall.

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