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Shortly thereafter, we cleaned up and immediately got dressed again in the locker room. "I hope no one saw that now Kendall," Logan admonished me. "I'm sure no one will have seen us since, as I said, the last few hours of today are over," I mentioned again and put my shirt back on. "I hope so Kendall." We then left the gym and I followed Logan to his car, which was parked in the teacher's parking lot. "Have a good weekend then and I'll see you again on Monday," Logan said goodbye to me and then drove out of the parking lot without kissing me again. But I understood his reaction because at the same moment Mrs. Carter joined us in the parking lot. Logan was very careful when it came to our relationship and was as careful as he could be not to let anyone know.

Time Jump Tuesday

We just had another math lesson with Mr. Mitchell, who wrote down some equations on the blackboard again. We wrote down all the details and tried to solve them afterwards, but after a short time I heard a noise that worried me. Logan suddenly started coughing more often and in a different way than usual. Please not him too, I thought to myself and hoped it wasn't. As Logan coughed for a while now, I felt an uncomfortable tickle in my throat and had to cough as well. After a while, Logan and I calmed down again and then noticed that two men in full body suits and breathing masks came into the classroom. "Can I help you?", Logan asked them both, coughing briefly again. "Yes, by sending everyone from the class who has the symptoms of coughing, vomiting, and fever," the one man replied, and Logan did as he was told. Since no one else but me and Logan had the symptom cough and no one else had any other symptoms, just the two of us left the classroom and followed the men with the full body suits. "What's going to happen Mr. Mitchell?", I asked Logan a little anxiously. "I don't know Kendall. Let's wait and see," Logan replied and we followed the men to the large sports field where many men were already standing also wearing breathing masks and a small tent was set up.

"Individually go into the tent and do what we are asked to do," one of the men explained, sending Logan into the small tent first. I was scared. It's creepy standing here alone on the sports field with men who were in full body suits waiting to see what will happen now. Shortly after that Logan came out of the tent again and now I should go in as well. With hesitant steps I walked towards the tent and saw there an armchair, a small table and other things that worried me. "Sit down," said the woman also in the full body suit and I did what she said. Not a minute later, I now felt a stick in my nose that kept moving up and I felt tears forming in my eyes. "Just hold on a little longer. Then you'll get over it," the woman mentioned and after a while this agony was over. Now I knew why Logan had tears in his eyes as he walked out of the tent. Now that I was done, I went back to the sports field and stood with Logan. "Do you have any idea what that was about?", I asked him tensely. "That will probably have been a test to see if we have this virus now," Logan explained and I pondered.

Now that we were done, many other students came out of the school and also had to go through the same thing that Logan and I had gone through before. After another half hour, a woman came up to us with a piece of paper in her hand. Logan and I looked at each other in confusion, but then looked at the note more closely. It said our name, our profession, our address, and our test results. I read everything carefully and in the middle it said that I had tested "positive" for this virus. With some shock, I looked at Logan's slip of paper and could also read on it that he had also tested "Positive" for the virus. "The result is positive. The next steps are for you both to quarantine yourselves and also have the other members in the apartment, house that live with you tested. The school will be locked down and it will be followed by Distance Learning so classes from home," the woman explained and Logan nodded. "How long will we be in quarantine then?" asked Logan, looking at the woman tensely. "At least two weeks, maybe longer," she replied and he nodded. "You will both receive another communication from the school about how everything will work now. Very important is to get tested again after the two weeks of quarantine, otherwise you won't be allowed to be around other people. You are not allowed to do your shopping or social life for the next few weeks, because there is a risk that you will infect other people," the woman explained and then let us go.

"What should we do now?", I asked Logan. "Your sister and mother need to get tested for this virus and after that everyone from your household should not go outside," Logan mentioned. "So what are you going to do for the next few weeks?", I asked again. "I will stay at home in my apartment until the two weeks are over". "And what about us?", I asked eagerly. "Kendall we are in quarantine after that. You're not allowed to see me any more than I'm allowed to see you as long as we're both positive," Logan explained in an exasperated tone. "Would skyping be an option? ". "Skyping we can do but us meeting in person is not an option," Logan agreed. "Good, see you in two weeks Logan then," I whispered and he smiled. "See you in two weeks Kendall," now he said and after that he drove his car out of the parking lot towards the apartment. Someone from my class took the backpack for me so I didn't have to go to my classroom to get it. How are the next two weeks just going to go? Will I really not get to see Logan for two whole weeks except via computer screen? How will the situation play out in general? These questions circled in my head as I was just heading home. Having classes from home. What is that going to look like? Will the teachers be skyping with us and the rest of the class? I'll see how it all goes next week, I thought to myself, and I arrived home shortly after.

"What are you doing here already?" asked Mum as I just entered the house. "Mum, an unknown virus has broken out at our school and I just tested positive for it 15 minutes ago".

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