Presley's stay

17 2 2

2 days later

Logan's POV:

When I had just finished the sports lesson with the 4KD, I could finally go home again after this long day. I quickly put the balls away in storage before going to my locker room to change. Once there, I first took off my gym shorts and then realized that I already had three missed calls from Presley. Something had to have happened to make her call me so often. Dressed only in boxers and a shirt, I called her back immediately, concerned about what had happened. Presley never called me that often unless it was urgent. Then after a few times of typical tooting, she answered.

P: Lo... Logan.

L: Hey Presley. What's up?

P: I'm so glad to finally reach you. I need you real bad.

L: I noticed that. So what happened?

P: Cindy and I had a fight and now she kicked me out of the apartment. I don't know where to go except I could go to your place.

L: Of course you can go to my place. Take your things and I'll pick you up in a minute.

P: You don't have to anymore. I'm a few streets away from your apartment.

L: Ok, see you in a minute then. I'll be at your place in about 20 minutes.

P: Ok, see you in a minute Logan.

When I heard this, I quickly changed my clothes and then left the gym with my backpack and jacket. Only now did I notice that it was blustery and icy. I didn't know how long Presley had been in the cold, but I would make sure she got back to the warmth. With quick steps I went to my car, started it and drove as fast as I could to my apartment. A short time later I arrived there, parked my car and kept an eye out for Presley. As I got closer to the apartment block, I could already spot her at the end of the alley where I always walked Shadow. "Presley are you ok?", I asked when I arrived at her place. "So far yes but I'm so cold," she replied, chattering her teeth. "Come with me," I said and entered the apartment block with her and then my apartment. I carried the suitcase she had with her upstairs and then closed the apartment door. "I'm so glad you're here for me Logan," Presley said and immediately hugged me. "Of course I'm here for you. We always stick together," I mentioned and put my arms around her as well. After that, I got a thick blanket from my bedroom, a hot water bottle from the kitchen and indicated to Presley that she could sit on the couch. After a short hesitation she did so and afterwards I brought her another tea and sat down on the couch with her as well. A few seconds later, she pulled me closer to her and cuddled up to me. She rested her head on my chest and sighed contentedly. Presley never used to do that because she never wanted or needed much physical contact with her big brother, but those days seemed to have changed.

"I hope you realize that I just taught PE earlier and I should still shower," I mentioned and then she looked up at me. "You can shower later but for now please stay here," she asked me. "Alright," I agreed and moved closer to her. "You never used to want to be this close to me," I reminded her and could hear her chuckle in response. "Because I thought boys would just stink and not want to cuddle," she explained and then looked back at me. "You can't imagine how much I love sitting here on the couch with Kendall close by my side and holding him in my arms," I replied and she looked at me with sparkles in her eyes. "I never thought you were the type but I'm glad you are," she mentioned and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Glad to hear that from you now change the subject. Why did Cindy kick you out?", I asked and in response she straightened her upper body and was now sitting next to me. "We had an argument. I told her that I suspected Cole her boyfriend wouldn't be good for her and that he was acting like a playboy. She denied it and it went back and forth like that. After 30 minutes it was too much for her and she threw me out," she told me. "Relationships are like that," I said and sighed.

Shortly after I made us something to eat and spent the rest of the day in front of the TV except for the few times where I walked with Shadow. When it got slowly but surely late, we decided to go to sleep. "You can either sleep on the couch or you can sleep next to me. Whatever you want," I explained briefly, yawning in response while Presley was brushing his teeth. "I'll stay close to you. I'll take the couch," Presley replied with a smile. "All right. I'll get you another pillow," I added and went into the bedroom for a moment. Once there, I stripped off my jeans and shirt so I could sleep in a loose shirt and my boxers. With the pillow under my arm, I re-entered the living room where Presley was still in the bathroom. I put the pillow down on the couch and at the same moment Presley re-entered the living room. "You're going to sleep like that?" she asked me in surprise as she eyed me. "Yes. I won't be cold don't worry," I replied looking at her. I then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth as well and to take a quick pee before I would go to bed. After that was done, I went back into the living room and saw Presley already snuggled under the warm blanket. "I hope you sleep well on the couch. Good night and see you tomorrow Pres," I wished her. "Good night to you too Logan," she said as well and after that I entered my bedroom and fell asleep a short time later.

Presley's POV:

Annoyed, I glanced at my phone to see what time it was already. 3am. So far, I haven't slept a wink and won't for the rest of the night. The couch wasn't the only thing to blame for this, but also the environment. Everyone knows the feeling of not being able to sleep, or sleeping very little, in a strange environment. But it could also be because I was hiding something from Logan and he didn't have a clue about it yet. But that was another thing I didn't want to deal with at this hour. Shadow was lying quietly on the carpet, sleeping peacefully. Logan was guaranteed to be asleep as well, only I was the one lying awake on the couch. I was pretty tired and thinking about my decision. Maybe I should have taken the option that I would sleep in the bedroom with Logan after all? Maybe yes on the other hand no. Logan was snoring for sure and I definitely wouldn't have slept a wink there. But what should I do now? As I thought for a moment, I came up with an idea. Quietly I got up, sneaked into the kitchen and got some milk from the fridge. Then I looked around and finally found the second ingredient I needed. Milk and honey should cause that I could finally sleep. So I poured milk into a glass first and then added a little honey, stirred and drank half of the contents. Then I drank the rest, put the glass in the sink and went back to the couch. Again I lay down and closed my eyes. Nothing seemed to be working. Annoyed, I exhaled and stared at the ceiling above me. "What's wrong?", I heard Logan's voice and turned my head to the bedroom door, which was now open and he was leaning tiredly against the door frame, looking at me. "I can't sleep," I replied and at that he came over and sat down next to me on the couch. "I've noticed that. I've been lying awake in bed for four hours because of it," he explained, yawning. "I'm sorry about that but I thought you would be asleep by now". "Pres, I'm a light sleeper and get pretty much everything. Rarely do I ever sleep deeply," he explained, looking at me. "What do you want me to do now?", I asked him tensely. "Do you want to try falling asleep next to me?". "That won't work for long since you snore," I mentioned. "I don't snore pres. You're welcome to convince yourself of that," he replied and I looked at him in surprise.

"Ok all right. Let's try," I agreed, grabbing my pillow and blanket and entering his bedroom with Logan. "You own the right side," he said as he flopped down in his bed and pulled the blanket over his body. I placed the pillow and blanket on the bed and then snuggled back under the warm covers. "Good night Pres," Logan said and was about to turn towards the wall when I stopped him. "Wait. Can you remember how I used to go to sleep?", I asked tensely and saw Logan nodding. "Can you do that again?", I asked, looking at him. "If you really want to," he replied, turning to my side. "Sleep well Pres," he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Much better Logan," I said and after that we fell asleep.


After rewriting three times, I have now decided to upload the chapter. I may always change small things or decide to rewrite larger paragraphs after all. Just for your info;)

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