Questions over questions

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Kendall's POV:

Damn. Camille and Carlos shouldn't have seen us at sports camp. Now Logan and I get to explain the whole story to them. Lots of questions included. "Okay, let's do it again from the top. Mr. Mitchell is your boyfriend? How long has he been?" asked Camille and the four of us were completely out of breath as we quickly fled to Logan's locker room. "Almost a year now," I answered, panting. "Almost a year you've been dating our math and gym teacher!" asked Camille and Carlos in loud voices. "Shh, not so loud," Logan admonished them both. "That's sick, isn't it, and more importantly, punishable. I hope you are aware of that," Camille mentioned and Logan nodded. "Of course I'm aware and I know what I've gotten myself into here," Logan replied. "Wait, that means if you two have been in a relationship for almost a year, it started on the class trip?", Carlos reasoned and Logan and I nodded. "And you didn't tell us?" asked Camille. "What was I supposed to say. Hey I'm dating our math and gym teacher Logan Mitchell or what?", I asked and got punched in the back of the head in response. "Ouch," I said, looking to Logan. "That we should be quiet goes for you too," Logan explained and I stroked my hand over the spot where Logan had hit me.

"And what does... " "Logan?" we heard Miss Cooper call out. "Can we maybe work all this out later. I have some business to take care of," Logan explained and the three of us quickly left the gym. "What does your mum say about all this?" continued Camille. "Can we discuss all this later at Logan's? We have class again now," I said annoyed and we went back to our class. I was uncomfortable talking about my relationship with Logan with Camille and Carlos about it. It was really weird and I never expected them to ever find out like this. Logan and I would have had sex in the gym if Carlos and Camille hadn't gotten in the way. Real bummer.

After that hour of religion, we now had math with Logan. This lesson is guaranteed to be weird, I thought to myself. Logan entered the classroom after a short time and handed out some worksheets. "You guys are going to work on some worksheets again this lesson. If there are any questions, let me know," Logan mentioned before sitting down in the chair at the front by the teacher's desk and looking at us. The worksheets consisted mostly of interest calculations and equations. I hated those subjects. Suddenly I felt my cell phone vibrating in my pocket and immediately took it out. "Put the phone away quickly before Mr. Mitchell sees it," Camille admonished me when she noticed this. "Relax, the message is from Logan. "What is he writing?" she asked with interest. "He wants us to go to his house after our two hours of science. Food is taken care of," I read the text message to Camille. "Ok and what should I tell my mom?" she asked. "You just tell her you're spending a few hours with me and that's that," I replied and we tried our hand at the worksheets. "Everything good with you guys so far?" asked Logan, who was standing behind us after a short while. "Yeah," we replied, looking at him for a moment. "Take another look at number 5," Logan mentioned as he looked at me and before continuing to walk through the rows.

Time Jump

"So how do we get to Logan?" asked Camille excitedly as we left the school building with Carlos. "That's easy. We just take the bus three stops, then we have to walk for about seven minutes and we're there," I explained briefly. "Good, then lead us to your math teacher," Camille said. "Shh, no one can know," I admonished her as we had now left the school grounds. After a short wait, the three of us took the bus and then walked the rest of the way to the apartment block. "This is where Logan lives?" asked Carlos skeptically. "Yes, I've been here many times," I replied, walking with the two of them to the intercom and pressing the bell next to Logan's name. "Mitchell." "It's Logan," I replied and moments later the door to the apartment building opened with a loud buzz. "Hey," I greeted him and we entered his apartment. We took off our shoes and I kissed him afterwards. When we broke the kiss, Carlos and Camille looked at us a little disgusted. "Why don't you guys sit down? I made pizza," he mentioned and Camille, Carlos and I sat down at the dining table. "Can't we work this whole thing out at your house?", Camille asked me. "No, that's not possible," I replied, looking at her. "Your mother will know about the relationship, I suppose". "My mum doesn't know about the relationship with Logan," I admitted and Camille looked at me with wide eyes. "Your mum doesn't know about it? How have you guys been doing this so far?" she asked and Logan responded by putting the pizza on the table and sitting down with us. "We've always met here at Logan's and once at my place since no one was home but..." "But what?" asked Camille with interest. "Katie caught us both and now we hope she doesn't tell mom," I finished my sentence.

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