"I was an idiot"

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Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "I told you to think about what you might have done wrong!", I shouted louder and sobbed. "Logan, what happened? Are you okay?", I now heard James' voice. What was he doing here, I pondered and shortly got up from the floor to open the door for him. "I thought something happened to you Logan," James said worriedly and hugged me instantly. That hug felt really good and I wrapped my arms around James as well. "Did someone hurt you?" he asked again in a concerned tone as we released our hug. "Injuries?". "No James. Kendall's behavior hit me hard," I explained briefly and let him enter my apartment. "I know your relationship with Kendall is none of my business but what happened anyway? I thought you guys made up after the cheating thing?" he asked, setting his backpack down near the door. "It's not about the cheating thing at all," I started and went briefly into the kitchen to get us both something to drink. "What's the best way to tell this now, so that you'll come along with the whole story, too?", I pondered and put two glasses of mineral water on the table. "Two weeks ago I decided to go to Texas to visit my mom. We had a great time, but after a week something tragic happened that I can't deal with at this point either. I'll make it short and without details. My dad killed my mum and her unborn baby and is still on the loose," I told the first part of the whole story and saw that James had a shocked look on his face.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry for your loss mate," he said, stroking my back with his hand. "Thanks James. The whole incident was only a week ago and I miss Mum so much," I told him, feeling tears forming in my eyes again. "This must be a very difficult time for you Logan. If you had said something sooner I would have come to you and we both would have gotten through this," he told me and I smiled mildly at him. "Thank you James. You are a true friend but I got through everything with Presley and Jake. Even though the funeral wasn't easy for the three of us," I told him, wiping a tear from my cheek with the back of my hand. "Okay, I get that part now. Now what does all this have to do with Kendall?" he asked tensely, looking at me. "He was in Texas, too, and he overheard about Mom's death. I just arrived here in Minnesota a few days ago and just before you came, Kendall was here too. He came to me under the guise of us having sex again, but I didn't feel like it and wasn't really in the mood for it. Kendall didn't understand what was going on and then I yelled at him and said that he didn't know how I was feeling right now and so on. Finally when I kicked him out I told him to think about what he did wrong and then you were already out the door," I told everything in fast forward.

"Ok and what do you think Kendall is doing now?" he asked, looking at me intently. "I hope he realizes that what he said was a mistake".

Kendall's POV:

Did I ignore Logan's feelings? Would it have been better if I had left him alone? I should have asked him how he was doing and not come to him for sex, my thoughts circled around in my head. "What are you thinking so hard about?" asked Mum as she brought me back to reality from my thoughts. "Maybe he has a boyfriend?" pondered Katie and I looked at her a little surprised. "What makes you think that?", I asked with interest. "Well, it could be. Since Mum told me you were gay, it's not such a far-fetched assumption," she explained. "I see," I said in conclusion, and after dinner I went back upstairs to my room. Should I go to him and apologize? Should I wait a few days and hope that this thing would take care of itself? No. I should immediately make my way to Logan and make this thing right. Because problems don't solve themselves and, if you keep putting them off in front of you, you won't make it anymore, the voice in my head said as I left the house shortly after and made my way to Logan.

Just about this time in the summer, dusk was breaking with a beautiful sunset. It was just as beautiful as in my dream where I sat on Malibu in the sand with Logan and we kissed. This thought quickly brought a small smile back to my face as I walked down the streets. Half an hour later I finally arrived at the parking lot of the apartment block and after a short hesitation I decided to ring the bell. "Mitchell," Logan answered when I was able to talk to him through the intercom. "Hey. It's Kendall. Can I come in for a minute?", I asked, hoping for a positive response. "What's this about?" he asked, slightly annoyed. "I want to apologize to you for my actions," I began, and a moment later the door to the apartment building opened with a loud buzz. As I stepped through the threshold, I saw Logan open the apartment door at the same moment and look to me. "Hey Logan," I greeted him as I walked up the five steps to his door. "Can I come in?", I asked, looking at him anxiously. Without him saying anything, he stepped aside so I could enter. "Ja... James?", I said in surprise when I saw him sitting at the table. "Hey Kendall," he greeted me and made a hand gesture. "What did you want to tell me?" asked Logan, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"My action earlier was really shitty of me. I should have asked you how you were doing. How everything went down in Texas. If everything else is okay with you and definitely not force you to do something you don't want to do and don't feel like doing," I started. "Logan, I'm really sorry. I was a jerk," I apologized to him and put my hands on his folded arms. He looked at my hands for a moment but then looked into my eyes. Logan didn't seem to be angry. I noticed a calm expression on his face. "So you realize what you did wrong?" he asked calmly. "Yes Logan. I was only thinking about my needs and completely ignored yours," I explained, looking down at the floor. "I'm glad you realized your mistake quickly," he mentioned, running his finger up my chin and making me look at him. "Good boy," he said, kissing me in response. It felt so good to kiss him and to be sure now that we had made up.

"I'm going to go then so you guys can spend time together," James mentioned as we released the kiss. "We still have the coming weeks Logan," James said goodbye and left the apartment block.

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