Kyle and Logan

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Time Jump

Two hours later, I found myself in the teachers' lounge thinking about the words of the boy from 4CK. "You can't help me" was the sentence that kept running through my head. Surely I must be able to help this boy so that he can also have good moments in his school days. "What are you thinking so hard about on the first day of school?" asked Jacob as he sat down next to me. "We teachers are obligated to help our students, right?", I started, looking at the tabletop in front of me. "Right," he replied, taking a sip of the coffee he had grabbed from our vending machine earlier. "Then there must be a suitable solution for every problem," I reasoned. "Usually there is but what happened anyway?" asked Jacob confused when I didn't explain the situation to him. "It's about the boy in 4CK who is also a bullying victim like Kendall from 3KD," I told him. "I think I know who you're talking about. Black short up styled hair, flashy green sneakers, and usually a shirt with a quote on it?" he asked and I was amazed that he remembered this boy so well. "Right," I agreed with him. "He's been bullied for a long time because he often talked about having a sex change," Jacob explained to me. "He gets bullied because of that fact?", I asked incredulously. "This has been going on for three years now and nothing has changed until today".

After the school day was over, I decided to seek out the boy from 4CK to talk to him. I was a guidance counselor and had some curious cases in which I could help students. "What can I do for you?" the boy asked when I happened to meet him in the hallway. "I wanted to talk to you calmly," I explained briefly. "I know many teachers want to help me but no one can help me," he declined the offer and walked down the hall. "I'm also a guidance counselor, in case that changes your attitude!", I called after him, but was skillfully ignored by him. Some students just want to deal with the current situation themselves and forgo any offer of help or support.

After this boy did not get involved in my help, I decided to drive directly home. As I was driving my car into the parking lot of the apartment building, I saw that Kyle was just trying to practice driving in the other parking lots with a crash helmet and his skateboard, which he was not doing well by the way. "I know stupid question but what are you doing?", I asked Kyle as I just carried my backpack on my shoulder and watched him. "Skateboarding Logan," he replied, falling to the ground with his skateboard a moment later. "I didn't even know you had a skateboard," I mentioned and helped him stand up. "Neither did I but I happened to find it in my old stuff and figured that would be the key to meeting women," he explained. "And you think that will work?", I asked eagerly. "It worked for you, didn't it? You met Cindy Glenwood through it and were in a relationship with her for some time," he told me. "Kyle, you're confusing things," I began. "I have this image of you two live in my head right now. You guys were a great couple," he gushed. "Kyle, that was a one-night stand and I never saw her again after that," I explained and Kyle looked at me in surprise.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked uncertainly. "I was drunk that night, but I remember only having sex with her and not hearing from her after that," I replied. "But the fact about skateboarding is true," Kyle said, looking at me hopefully. "No, that was field hockey." "Crap!", Kyle got annoyed and threw his skateboard on the floor. "You think I'll ever find a girlfriend?" he asked dejectedly, looking down at the ground. "I'm sure you'll find the right one just stop playing to the ladies," I replied. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused. "That you shouldn't pretend," I explained. "How come you don't have a girlfriend yet, anyway?" he asked tensely, looking at me. "I'm not currently looking for a girlfriend," I explained, and then walked with him to the apartment block. "You're the one you should have women chasing after you," Kyle mentioned, coming into my apartment with me. "That's partially true, but I'm not interested and I ignore them," I replied, putting my backpack down and calling Shadow over to walk with me. "Are your colleagues single?" he asked with interest and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You want to build something with my female colleagues? Are you sure you haven't had a drink today?", I asked, walking down the avenue with him and Shadow. "Maybe a small beer. Now tell me. Are some still single and especially good looking?" he asked tensely.

"One more thing I wanted to tell you. You should go with women by their character and not solely by their looks. It could be the most beautiful woman in the world and yet she has the worst character you couldn't even imagine," I explained. "Well, explain to me how it was with you and Viola," Kyle demanded and I looked at him confused. "Did you go by character or looks with her?" he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Let's put it this way. 75 to 25 on looks," I replied, looking down at the floor in response. "I knew it. I think I speak for both of us when I say that with a hot outfit, she managed to get our blood flowing from our brains straight to our groins," Kyle mentioned and I nodded in response. "She had a bad character for that. Even sex didn't help against that."

"Hey Logan," I heard a familiar voice and saw Jan walking towards us. "Hey," I greeted him as well, looking nervously at the floor. "How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while," he explained. "I'm doing pretty good, and you?", I asked, glancing at him every now and then. "I think I'll be going then. I have something urgent to take care of. See you later Logan," Kyle said goodbye to me and walked back down the avenue. Now I was standing alone across from Jan and didn't know how to act. I felt a strange feeling inside me when he was near me, which I couldn't define exactly. Again, images popped into my head of the night I walked back to my apartment building alone with him and we kissed in a dark alley. It felt so good and beautiful that I could forget all my problems for the moment. "Is everything okay with you? You're acting different than last time," Jan asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Everything is fine. Don't worry Jan," I assured him and smiled at him. "Would you like to do something again sometime?" he asked, looking at me with a smile on his face. "Why not, actually. I can't tell you an exact time yet," I replied. "This week Saturday at 6pm. I'll pick you up and we'll have a cool movie night," he suggested. "That sounds good. Let's do it," I agreed. "Cool. See you Saturday Logan then," he said goodbye to me and then walked past me and turned into a side alley of the avenue shortly after.

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