Blackmail of evelyn

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"So the math classes were really cool with you Logan but what was that about in the beginning?" asked Benny looking at me intently. "Are you talking about that adult content video?", I asked, looking at him. "What are you talking about... Oh yeah that's what I meant," Benny said when he understood what I meant. "I have no idea. Maybe some kind of teacher pep talk," I guessed as I walked with Benny back to the teacher's lounge. "Well, I don't know how you felt about it but the scenes in that video were really arousing," Benny admitted and I looked at him in wonder. "Maybe so," I merely said, hoping the subject was now off. "That's all you have to say about it? Didn't you feel anything?", Benny asked me surprised. "Benny, what are you getting at?", I asked annoyed. "Don't tell me you didn't have a hard-on when you saw the lewd scenes?" he asked tensely and I just looked at him. "1. I only looked for a moment, secondly an erection can't happen that fast and 3rdly it wasn't my taste," I answered and went with him to the teachers' room. "Surprising, though, if you feel that way," said merely Benny and sat down next to me. Not even half an hour later I was rid of Benny as well, since he would now hold a lesson in 3KD with Mr. Jenkins and I would now have my peace. I thought at least.

As I worked on worksheets on my teacher's desk for a while, I noticed that Evelyn came into the teacher's lounge after a while and headed for my desk. "Hey Logan," she greeted me with her trademark smile that I could see even under the mask. "Hey," I merely said and continued working on the worksheets. "Do you have a minute to come with me?" she asked tensely, and I looked up from my laptop for a moment. "What's the occasion?", I asked, surprised. "I'd need to discuss something with you in private, if you know what I mean," she explained briefly when I noticed that Mr. Hobbs and Mrs. Parker were in the room along with me and Evelyn. "Agreed but I really need to get back to work after this," I agreed and folded my laptop shut in response. "Understandable Logan," she merely said and I left the teacher's lounge with her and followed her into an empty classroom, which now served as the music room. "So what is it that you want to talk to me about so urgently?", I asked a bit annoyed and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I wanted to talk to you about something that has been bothering me for a long time and I finally found a suitable solution for it", she started and I looked at her annoyed. "Let me explain it to you this way. You're a young attractive man that I'm totally taken with and I could imagine sex with you being really mind-blowing and we're going to make that happen in the near future," she explained and I puffed in annoyance.

"Evelyn, I don't know if you don't get it or keep trying until I should agree to it at some point for some reason but I have no interest in you and never will. Do you finally get that now?", I asked, looking at her sourly. "I knew you would say that but let's see if you still think that way after this," she said, now taking her phone out of her pocket and seeming to search for something. "For example, what do you say to this pretty picture?" she asked as she held her phone in front of me. When I saw which picture it was, my breath caught. It couldn't be. How did she get the picture? Who took the picture? Was that now her trump card that she can now use against me and I now have to do whatever she wants? "Where did you get the picture Evelyn?", I asked when I had found my speech again. "Does it really matter? I think you should think again about your decision towards me. Don't you think?" she asked and now she laughed slyly. "Evelyn I stand by my opinion," I replied and was about to leave the room when Evelyn stopped me. "Your boyfriend won't know about the whole thing and besides you don't want that picture to get to the principal do you?" she asked and at that I turned back to her. "You know how Mr. Stark feels about homosexuals and, if he saw this, it's bye bye Mr. Mitchell," she said and I hated it when she had me in the palm of her hand.

"You can't do that to me". "Of course I can, but you can stop it, my dear," she said, stroking my chest with her hand. "I'm not going to let you blackmail me," I said sourly, slapping her hand away. "Logan either you have sex with me or this picture ends up at the principal's office and after that you are 99% out of a job," she mentioned and I didn't know what to do. Should I risk her giving the picture to the principal and thus lose my job? Or do I get involved in this game, have sex with her and hide the whole thing from Kendall? I hate these quandaries. "What's your decision?" she asked, looking at me intently. "Alright but just one time. Got it?!", I asked her angrily. "Go on Logan. Why do I have to blackmail you into finally doing what I want you to do". "When and where?", I asked annoyed. "Tonight at my place and you better not show up. Then this picture ends up with the director and.... "I know I'm out of a job. I get it," I said annoyed and looked at her. "Smart boy. So 8pm and you get here on time or I'll get mad," she warned me and then left the classroom. "Damn," I said and sat down on a chair that was in the room. Now I agreed with Evelyn that I will have sex with her tonight and hope that she will delete the picture again afterwards and finally leave me alone. Kendall is going to hate me so much for this decision if he ever finds out. I promised him I would never do anything like that to him again after my slip up with Luka's mom and now I'm doing it again. "Kendall, I'm so fucking sorry," I said quietly to myself as I braced my hands on my thighs and rested my head on them.

Why couldn't Evelyn have fallen for someone else?

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