Romances in Christmas edition

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After dinner, we had various conversations about what plans should now take place during the vacations. In my case, I had nothing planned. I would use the holidays to spruce up my apartment and just relax. Jake and Mrs. Knight were talking animatedly about this topic. She would also like to rest over the holidays, but due to staff shortages at the hospital, she was unable to do so. Jake proclaimed his sympathy for her and said that there was certainly a lot to do in her department. She agreed and shared interesting stories about patients and more. Kendall, Katie and Presley were less enthusiastic about this and began talking about other topics. Katie and Presley quickly found a topic when it came to famous young male actors. A conversation that contained too many dreamy fantasies for me, and I did not find the boys addressed attractive in any way. Even though Presley was eager to hear my opinion, I denied most of the guys and tried to entertain myself elsewhere. Kendall was pretty quiet next to me. Was probably partly because he was in pain and partly because of a lack of topics. Nevertheless, I started a conversation fitting for the current holiday season. "What do you think you're going to get from Santa?", I asked my friend, taking a small sip from my water glass. With an emotionless look, he regarded me and replied the following. "You do realize, I hope, that I haven't believed in it for a long time, right?" he asked and I had to smile briefly "Of course. I thought I'd try to cheer you up somehow and start a conversation in some way," I explained, looking at him. "You're really a pro at this," he remarked and had to grin. "What else do you think your mom has planned for tonight?", I asked in a low voice. "I bet we'll have to watch a Christmas movie for sure and then fall into bed after eating a lot of cookies," Kendall explained and I nodded. "Doesn't sound so bad. Except for the cookies. I should keep my figure," I mentioned and Kendall grinned in response. "Oh yeah, what do you have to keep your figure for my dear?" asked Kendall tensely. "As a gym teacher, you should be a role model for your students and not stuff yourself with cookies at Christmas," I explained. "It's a good thing you're not my role model, because I'm going to eat some of them," he announced.

"All right. Are you ready for dessert?" asked Mrs. Knight, and we turned our attention to her. "Well, I wouldn't mind," Jake replied. I didn't expect any other answer from him either. Presley, Katie and Kendall also agreed and Mrs. Knight went into the kitchen. Afterwards, I briefly tapped Presley, who turned her head toward me. "You're watching what you eat?", I whispered in her ear. She rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance. "Yeah big brother. Don't panic," she replied softly so only I could understand her. "Everything okay?", Kendall asked me a little worried. "Yeah. Presley's been dealing with stomach pains the last few days," I lied, hoping he wouldn't ask further. He nodded his understanding and when Mrs. Knight rejoined us with dessert everyone was interested to see what it was. "I hope you like my apple cinnamon muffins," she mentioned and everyone grabbed except for me. "Eaten too much?", Mrs. Knight asked me and I shook my head. "No. It's because I have to keep my figure," I explained and Presley and Jake grinned at me with a typical grin and the muffin in one hand. "Is there a muffin that fatal?" asked Katie, looking at me in confusion. "It is with Logan," Pres answered Katie's question and laughed. Mrs. Knight placed the plate of more muffins in the middle of the table and then went into the living room to turn on the TV. "Mom what are you doing?" asked Katie, turning in her chair to face her. "There's a wonderful Christmas movie on TV for you kids," she explained with a smile, flipping to a particular channel where the news was still on and sitting back down with us. "I'm sure you'll love it," Jake agreed with her and we made our way to the gray couch in the living room. With my help, I lifted Kendall from the chair and gently placed him on the comfortable cushions of the couch. I sat down next to him and on the left side Katie and Presley took their seats. At first Jake and Mrs. Knight watched the movie until they both decided to talk about other topics two rooms away. "This movie is dull," Katie groaned, bored. "I agree," Kendall and I agreed with her. "You all don't understand the plot and art of the movie," Presley complained. "What art? That protagonist A falls in love with the beautiful woman in section 2 and it's a Christmas miracle?", I asked, looking at her intently. "Well I admit it has the stereotype of a plain romance but hey in Christmas edition," Pres tried to convince us.

"That doesn't make it any more interesting," Katie volunteered. "Then find another movie," Pres admitted defeat and handed me the remote. I zapped through a few channels until I found a cool movie. "This one's to my liking for a change," I mentioned, placing the remote next to me. "Why? Are there sex scenes in it?" my sister asked me and I looked at her confused. "No but no boring romance either," I added. "Then what's it about?" inquired Katie, looking at me. "About a Santa who doesn't like his job and also sometimes uses violence towards people who get on his nerves," I explained and smiled. "Forget it bro," Pres said, picking up the remote and flipping the switch again. "Oh come on. That one would have been funny," Kendall whined, leaning his head back. Without further ado, Katie picked up the remote and found what she thought was a cute movie. "What's that?" asked Pres eagerly. "Snow Buddies," Katie replied, and on the screen were five golden retriever puppies in Christmas outfits. The only one who shared her joy in the movie was Shadow. This one was first lying on the carpet in front of us until he saw the other dogs and curiously looked at the screen. Tied up, he stood in front of the TV and barked a few times. "So Shadow likes it," Katie mentioned and smiled. "Shadow! The dogs aren't real. Come here my boy," I commanded. After taking his eyes off the TV, he came over to me and rested his head on my knee. "Aw he's so cute," Katie gushed when she saw his sweet look. "You're welcome to pet him," I said and Shadow took a few steps until he was with Katie and she could pet him.

"I got it!" mentioned Kendall and I looked at him tensely. "Got what?", I asked, perplexed. "Give me the remote. A movie all of us will be happy with," he mentioned and Pres fulfilled his request. Briefly, Kendall flipped through various channels until he made his selection and set the remote down beside him. "Does anyone have anything to say against this?", I asked, looking at Pres and Katie. "No," they agreed and we were finally able to watch the movie "Kevin Alone at Home" as the Christmas movie this evening. For a while we watched the movie when Presley asked a question. "What are they talking about?". "They're trying to figure out what they forgot. You really have no idea," I replied, shaking my head. At that moment, the scene was playing when Kevin's parents were already on the plane and his mother had a funny feeling she had forgotten something at home. "What, no, I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about the prospective couple," she explained. "I think you're imagining too much. Jake isn't into that type of woman," I objected, hoping the subject was off the table. "Are you saying that Mum isn't attractive enough for him?" asked Katie indignantly. "No. I'm not talking purely about looks, but character. The two of them just don't go together." "Ok, so that means then that according to you, the two of you can't be a couple either. You both have different character and also 10 years difference," Pres now interfered and Kendall and I turned our heads in her direction. "She's right if we go by your logic," Katie agreed with her. "Besides, with Mrs. Knight and Jake, a relationship would be legal. Unlike you two," Pres interjected. "Are we going upstairs?", Kendall asked me when he noticed my facial features change in a negative way. "Sure," I agreed, getting up from the couch and trying to hoist Kendall off the couch as best I could and prop him up on it. "Surprised you don't have more to say on the subject," my little sister mentioned provocatively and I didn't bother looking at her. "I don't want to argue with you on Christmas Eve. You know exactly about the subject of our relationship so don't always roll up the problematic sides," I replied and left the living room with Kendall without any more words to go with him to his room.

"You handled that situation well," Kendall said as I set him down on his bed and closed the door behind us. "It was your suggestion that we go upstairs," I reminded him, looking at him in confusion. "Yes but your choice of words was well chosen". "I didn't mean to pick a fight. That was all," I explained and sat down next to Kendall on his bed. We then looked at each other and Kendall's gaze swung back and forth between my eyes and lips. Gently, I put my hand on Kendall's neck, pulled him closer to me, and closed the gap between us by putting my lips on his. I began to kiss him tenderly and deepened the kiss with the help of my tongue. Kendall returned the kiss and then we broke away. "I would give anything to have you inside me right now," Kendall whispered seductively and I smiled at him. "I understand but you realize that's not possible in your current state," I clarified and he nodded. "I know. Unfortunately we can't share my bed this night either," he mentioned and I looked at him tensely. "Mum found another mattress that will be next to my bed, so you can still sleep in my room. I hope you don't mind?" he hoped, looking at me with an uncertain look. "As long as you're not in pain, I don't mind at all. Currently two in your bed we would move a lot and in doing so you will then be in a lot of pain," I agreed and then kissed him again. Nevertheless, I was curious how this night will go.

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