Discussion of the virus

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"What?" asked Mum, horrified. "I tested positive for a virus that broke out at our school," I repeated. "Do Katie and I have this virus now too?" she asked tensely. "I can't tell you that. But the woman who tested me said that you and Katie should get tested and then we will be in quarantine at home for two weeks." "Mum, I'm off to Mia's now. I'll see you again in the evening," I heard Katie as she was putting on her shoes. "Katie, you stay here!", Mum ordered and Katie looked at her confused. "What, you said I could," she mentioned. "There is an unknown virus outbreak at your school and your brother tested positive for it," Mum explained. "So what are we supposed to do now?" she asked, coming over to us. "Kendall said that we have to get tested just like him and then be in quarantine for two weeks. How and where should we get tested Kendall?", Mum asked me, looking at me. "There should be a phone number on my piece of paper with the test results," I remembered and dug it out of my backpack and handed it to Mum. Shortly after, she called that number and told me and Katie that people would be coming to our house to test Katie and Mum.

2 hours later

After this was done, it now came out that according to the current status, Mum and Katie tested negative for the virus and therefore did not show any symptoms like I did. When this was cleared up, I went to my room and turned on the TV. I would love to go to Logan's right away, as Mum was now paranoid and seemed to be disinfecting everything I had touched lately. While the TV program didn't interest me shortly after, I decided to call Logan to take my mind off the current situation. This time I wanted to talk to him on the phone via Facetime, as this would make for a better conversation in my eyes.

"Hey Logan," I greeted him as he answered the call. At first glance everything was as usual, but I could tell he wasn't as well as he had been in the morning. His hair was completely disheveled, he seemed to be wrapped in a thick blanket, and his face had turned a pale color. "Are you okay?", I now asked worriedly as he looked at me on the screen for a while. "Honestly, I feel like complete shit," Logan spoke and then coughed. "Do you have any symptoms other than that annoying cough?". "I just threw up earlier, right now I'm shaking like crazy and I think I'm getting a fever," he explained, coughing as well as retching briefly. "You look really awful". "Thanks Kendall," he said in an annoyed tone and I knew it was meant ironically. "You don't look happy either though your health seems more stable than mine," he mentioned and looked at me tensely. "You're right about that. But that's entirely up to Mum. When I got home, I told her about this new virus that had broken out at school and now I and others had tested positive for it. Mum called the hotline shortly after and had herself tested as well as Katie and her result was negative. This led to Mum starting to disinfect everything in this house that I've touched lately about half an hour ago," I explained the whole story and sighed in annoyance.

"Now that could be called overreacting but I think your mom is acting right in that reaction". "You're crazy," I said louder, looking at Logan angrily across the screen. "Kendall, this virus is unknown and has been outbreaking at our school today or for a little while now and no one knows how dangerous or how contagious it is. If I had kids of my own and they were in school today and I assumed another job I would probably react the same way," Logan explained. "Logan quite honestly. I've just had this annoying cough so far. I'm sure it's all a bad joke and I'm sure you have a normal flu like the other teachers." "Kendall, then why is our test result positive? We have this virus in us and the doctors are researching how contagious it is and what its symptoms are," Logan tried to explain to me. "I think you're all just imagining it. This is all just a normal flu and nothing more." "Kendall, what if this virus can be fatal to others or even to us?" now Logan asked and I saw that he was shaking violently for a moment. "This is all bullshit what you are talking about, what the doctors are saying, as well as these stupid test results! Why am I surrounded by idiots who think that this little virus can be fatal for us too!!! I can't believe that everyone is so naive and falls for such an idiotic disease that doesn't exist and will never exist. You are all just imagining the symptoms and making such a big deal out of the whole thing, even though there is nothing behind it.

You as a trained teacher should know that you should not get so involved in something and what do you do? You do exactly the same as everyone else here! How stupid do you have to be to believe this crap about this unknown virus! The doctors won't find anything new because they realize that this virus doesn't exist at all and the news will soon realize that they have spread a huge panic about nothing. If this disease really exists, what is its name? We don't even have a name for a virus that may take us to the grave. It's going to be a great virus that will probably just kill teachers, including you!". "I don't have to take that from you. As I just heard, you want me to die from this virus? Maybe in a few days your wish will come true. I don't want to talk to you for the next while. Bye!", Logan shouted angrily with his remaining strength and hung up.

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