A miserable attempt to be a doctor

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The last 15 minutes flew by. My hands hurt a lot and there were also some traces of blood on them. All this was just a terrible nightmare. I did nothing and everything was fine. Relieved, I exhaled and looked around afterwards. This was not my room and I was not lying on my bed. It was the basement. Anxiously, my eyes drifted to my left and I was shocked. Logan was lying motionless on the floor, looking terrible. He was decorated with scrapes and punches. What on earth had I done? Did I unknowingly kill him and didn't realize it? I asked myself in fear and hesitantly walked towards him. Logan was lying on his side with his mouth open where blood was running on the floor. The tape seemed to have come off quickly. How could I possibly lose control of my body? Carefully, I knelt down to him and looked at him. I had messed Logan up badly and never dreamed I would be capable of something like this. With a trembling hand I touched his neck to feel his pulse. At first I felt nothing and felt myself becoming more and more panicked. But when I concentrated a little, I could feel him. Logan was alive. I exhaled briefly in relief and eyed him. I pulled up his sleeves and saw many bruises, as well as on his stomach and many other places. On his neck I saw something that looked like strangulation marks. Had I choked him and did he pass out as a result?

"Logan. Logan please wake up," I begged, shaking him. But he did not move. I had to somehow get him to my room unnoticed, but how do I do that? I was not strong and otherwise I was pretty bad at sports. Finally I decided to raise his upper body with my arms, so that I could carry him up the stairs on my arms. Carefully I crept up the stairs of the basement and then quietly opened the door to the living room. Mum didn't seem to be here, I noted, turning off the light and closing the door behind me. With deliberate steps, I went to the stairs and carefully crept up them. Finally, I arrived in my room without any problems and gently laid Logan on my bed. What now?, I pondered, looking at Logan in panic. When I got an idea, I snuck out of my room and went to the bathroom. There I grabbed wipes, a washcloth, water, and Mum's first aid kit. With these things I came back to Logan and started to doctor him up. When I was a child, I also had a small doctor's kit with which I had always treated my cuddly toys. They instantly felt better and I felt like a real doctor, but with a real person it is much different. Logan won't feel better with a few bandages, I realized, and carefully started dabbing the blood from his nose and mouth corners as well as cheeks with the water and cloths. With the help of a small flashlight, I shined it into Logan's mouth and saw that he had bitten his tongue a few times, hopefully getting the blood out of his mouth.

When I had treated the wounds on his face as well as I could, I took care of his upper body. Carefully I opened the buttons of his shirt and looked at the scratches on his chest, stomach and arms. I had punched him several times in the stomach with my fist and his wrists showed pressure marks because I had held him with all my strength. With these scrapes, I didn't know what to do and came up with something. In addition, I had the feeling that I had forgotten something. My eyes wandered to Logan's pants and now it came back to me. He had also been kicked below the belt and I didn't dare look there. I was shaking and felt tears running down my cheeks. After I had calmed down a bit, I hesitantly opened his pants and pulled them down a bit. I also pulled his boxers down and saw the extent of what I had done. "Oh God," I said, pulling them back up for him. Logan continued to be unconscious and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know anything about injuries like Logan or Mom. Logan knew about sports injuries and Mum specializes in the field of wounds. After all, she works at the local hospital and has been in many surgeries as well. I had to tell Mum so that I could help Logan, but this cost me so much overcoming. Telling Mum that I had beaten up and hit my friend. I have to help him before something worse happens, I thought to myself and opened the door of my room afterwards.

Anxiously, I went downstairs to the living room and saw Mum sitting in front of the TV. At first she didn't seem to pay any attention to me, but when I stared at her for a while, she turned her gaze to me. "Is everything okay honey?" she asked as she eyed me and noticed that I was shaking. "Mum... Mum I...", I stammered as she got up and came to me. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly, putting her hands on my shoulder. "I... I need... your help," I stammered in panic, looking at her with tears in my eyes. "With what?" she asked again. "Come... come with me," I begged, walking back up the stairs with her. My hand was shaking as I placed it on the doorknob of my room, but I had to bring myself to open it so I could help Logan. Finally, I managed to open the door and entered my room with Mum. "Lo... Logan. Hi..Help," I stuttered and Mum instantly looked to him. She walked over to him and eyed him. First she felt his pulse and like me found that he was alive and breathing. "Kendall what happened to him?" she asked as she looked at the other injuries on his face. I couldn't say anything but just looked at her. "Kendall, you have to tell me what happened or I won't be able to help him," she asked, looking at me. I took a deep breath for a moment and then tried to explain it to her. "I... I knocked him unconscious," I answered and felt tears running down my cheeks. "What?" asked Mum in disbelief, looking at me in shock. "You have to tell me the truth Kendall," she explained. "It's the truth Mum," I confessed, looking at her. "You knocked Logan unconscious?" she asked, shocked and wide-eyed. In confirmation, I merely nodded and she turned her attention back to Logan. "When did you do that?" she asked, trying to classify Logan's injuries. "Barely 30 minutes ago," she said. "Where did you hit him?" asked Mum and I moved closer to her and Logan. I put his shirt aside and pointed to his pants. Mum looked at me confused at first until she understood what I meant. "What exactly did you do?" she asked as she slowly pulled his pants down. "Kicked him and held him down," I replied, watching her. Mum put on gloves that were in the doctor's kit and carefully pulled down his pants as well as his boxers.

He had a severe bruise underneath and it looked anything but good. "We need to get him awake," Mum said. "His state of unconsciousness is somnolent to the level of sopor. Let's try to wake him up," she suggested and tried to address Logan. However, he did not respond as well as to Mum's other touches. "Well apparently he's already on his way to the Sopor stage," Mum stated and quickly went downstairs to the kitchen. "What does that mean Mum?", I asked looking at her confused. "He is already in a soporific state. Means he is no longer responding but either to thermal cold or to strong pain stimuli," Mum explained and I continued to watch what she was doing. First she tried a cold ice pack and put it on his arm. When this method didn't do anything, Mum tried another way. She took Logan's hand, placed it on the bed with the back of her hand and applied strong pressure with her finger on his palm. Suddenly Logan slowly clenched his hand into a fist and breathed out of his mouth. "Logan. Logan can you hear me?" asked Mum as she looked at him. "Y..Yes," he stuttered, continuing to keep his eyes closed. "Are you in pain? If so please tell me where," she asked him and Logan swallowed for a moment. "I have a bad stomach ache and my head feels so heavy," he answered. "Ok. I'm going to palpate you and you tell me where you have pain," Mum explained and started palpating Logan's chest as well as stomach. In some places he cried out briefly and Mum found that he had no internal injuries, just severe bruising. "Now don't be alarmed but I'm going to palpate you somewhere else. Stay calm, I know how to touch you in this spot," Mum warned him, pulled down his pants and boxers and started to palpate him carefully. A few times he hissed and Mum calmed him down again shortly after.

Mrs. Knight's POV:

"Calm down Logan. It's okay," I whispered, looking at him. Logan's face was contorted in pain and he was breathing hard. "Keep your eyes closed for now. There's nothing wrong with you underneath. Your testicles are a little swollen but everything is okay. You can still feel pain but you don't have to worry," I explained and pulled his boxers back up. Gently, I touched Logan on his chest to calm his breathing and heartbeat. "You have some scrapes on your chest and stomach. A more severe hematoma you have in the stomach area hence the pain. You don't have any internal injuries. Pressure marks on your wrists you have and also strangulation marks on your neck. Do you want painkillers?", I asked him while stroking his cheek. "Yes," he answered and I put an infuse on his wrist. I always had these things at home when I started working at the hospital, to help my children in case of emergency. After this was done, I drew up the medicine in a syringe and injected it into him. The effect would soon begin.

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