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October 2005

"Baby are you sure you'll be okay while I go help dad?" Brian had asked me this question five times already as he got dressed and I was trying my best to be patient with him but the closer I got to my due date, the crabbier I got...and the bigger I got . I took a deep breath, counted to five and nodded, giving him a tired smile as I waddled my immense figure over to him. "Yes Brian, I'll be fine. I'm just going to rest on the couch all day like a lazy bum and watch TV with Pinkly." Brian chuckled and pulled me in, kissing my forehead as his hands went to my pregnant belly. "You have every right to lay around and be lazy...just don't do anything to crazy while I'm gone and I should be back by midnight at the latest, okay baby girl?"

I closed my eyes, willing the stupid tears away, crying was a way of life for me anymore and I grew weary of it. Brian needed to help his dad move Grandma Flo into a smaller house across town and this was the only day Brian really had free. Brian's finger crooked under my chin, lifting my face up to his as he kissed me softly, brushing his free hand through my hair in the process. "Go on Brian, I'll be right here when you get back home" I kissed him one more time before closing the door behind him and sighing heavily. "Well I guess it's just us girls now huh?" I stated to Pinkly while holding my stomach.

After a few hours of mindless channel surfing I got up and paced the house, feeling restless I decided to do some more laundry which lead to cleaning up the kitchen and cleaning the pool bottom. It was while I was vacuuming the bottom of the pool that I felt a sharp pain in my groin, doubling me over instantly. "Oh owe..." I stood as still as I could, waiting for the pain to pass before I continued on about my business but about five minutes later I felt the same pain again only sharper this time.

My blood immediately went cold as my brain went to the baby, sure I wasn't due for a few more weeks but the doctor had told Brian and I at my last appointment that I could go any time now and gave me a sheet of paper with signs and symptoms to watch for, indicative of labor. Once the pain subsided I waddled into the house and grabbed the paper off the counter, reading off the list but still feeling unsure of myself. I grabbed the phone and called the doctor, frowning at the fact that the nurse said it might be a while before I got a call back. "But I think I might be in labor" I whined pathetically, gripping the edge of the counter as another pain hit me in the groin. "If you feel you can't wait for a call back, go to the ER and they will assess you there." I wanted to tell the nurse to just get the damn doctor on the line but I knew that throwing a fit was useless.

I hung up the phone and called Brian's cell phone that he had recently gotten but it just rang and rang before finally going to voicemail. I frowned as I left him a message, telling him to call me back ASAP before I hung up, trying to contemplate my next move. All of the sudden another sharp pain tore through my groin and lower stomach and I felt a release of warm fluid gush down my water just burst all over my newly mopped kitchen floor! I started crying like an idiot as I tried calling Brian again...and again and again. After the fifth failed phone call I punched in Jimmy's number and got his cheery voice almost immediately. "Hey Georgia, how you feeling?" I cried out against another sharp pain before I trusted myself to speak. "Jimmy...I need to go to the hospital now!"

Vaguely I heard a flurry of cuss words and scrambling on the other end of the line before Allie's calming voice came over the speaker. "Callie hold on okay? We're on our way over. Where's Brian?" I sobbed as I explained where he was and that he wasn't answering my calls because he was probably in the midst of moving furniture. "Okay...I want you to lay down somewhere and just relax. I'm going to keep trying Brian while Jimmy drives. Just relax and take deep breaths for me okay?" I began to beg Allie to call my parents when an unexpected scream tore through my lips and the most god awful pain shot up through my stomach. I somehow managed to make it over to the garbage can a split second before I vomited up my entire breakfast. "Allie...tell Jimmy to hurry...I...I think she's comingggggg!" I screamed out the last word while doubling over in pain.

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