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      "Princess...Callie..." I heard my dad's voice come to me in a whisper, slowly waking me from my sleep. "Mmm...wha daddy?" I mumbled, still very much asleep. "Your mother and I have early conferences and meetings today so we're leaving now to catch some breakfast before our grueling day begins. We won't be back till around dinner time again. I put some spending money on your dresser, make sure to behave yourself" he stated softly before kissing my forehead and silently sneaking back out my room, around the couch where Brian lay passed out cold and out the door to our room.

      I waited ten minutes before quietly slipping out of bed and locking not only our room door but the adjoining door as well before turning back to the couch where Brian still lay fast asleep, his bare chest tempting me in the early morning dawn. Quickly and quietly I stripped my pajamas off my body before slowly slinking my naked body under the covers and next to Brian's body, laughing quietly to myself as I did so and the fact that Brian slept through it all. We lay like this for quite some time, Brian oblivious to the fact that I was naked next to him and me fighting off going back to sleep as I snuggled further under the warm blanket and up against Brian's hard, warm body.

      Finally after what seemed like forever the dawning sun hit Brian's eyes making him squint in his sleep and roll onto his side...right into me. Brian's eyes slowly opened as he shot me a tired smile and pulled me into him "Are you trying to get us in trouble?" he mumbled in a sleepy happiness as he wrapped his arms around me thoroughly. I snickered softly and shook my head against his chest "We can't get into trouble, daddy and momma are gone. Have been for about an hour now and won't be back till dinner time" I stated coyly as I slid my leg up and over his hip, aligning our groins even more so.

      "Oh? Is that so now?" Brian grumbled as he came more awake and pushed on my butt with his hand, forcing my groin into his quickly growing hard on. "Mhm, that is so...and you know what else?" I murmured in his ear as I gripped his bicep and rotated my hips against him. "Ughhh...what baby?" Brian panted harshly as I began moving against him more. "That means you can fuck me like you said you were going to" I panted softly in his ear a split second before all hell broke loose between us. Brian's eyes flared up at my words as he rolled out of bed, pulled me up with him and stormed off to my bedroom, slamming the door shut with his foot as soon as we entered. Brian gripped my hips tightly as his mouth came down over mine in aggressive, heated kisses while he propelled me backwards to the bed. "Get up there" he panted against my lips a second later and released me long enough to climb up onto my bed with me. "Baby can you handle roughness?" he panted harshly as our hands roamed over each other in a greedy manner and we struggled for breath.

      "I won't know until we try right?" I gasped as his dick twitched against my groin, making me spread my legs further for him. Brian groaned deep in his chest as he picked me up into a sitting position in front of him. "Then let's try it but if I hurt you or am too rough tell me okay?" he panted heavily in my ear. I nodded my head wordlessly and scooted myself closer to him, trying to slide myself down on his immensely straining dick. Brian shook his head and took me by the shoulders "No, not this way baby. Get on your hands and knees for me...and baby, make it sexy" he moaned as his face flushed with hot desire. I bit my lip as desire thrummed through my veins like mad and slowly I did as he asked, making quite the production of rolling over onto my hands and knees in front of him till my ass was facing him.

      Brian sighed appreciatively as his hands roamed over my ass and he came up on his knees behind me "That's my fucking hot" he groaned hotly as he guided his throbbing erection slowly into me. I squealed softly in sheer ecstasy as he buried himself deep inside of me and waited for his next move. "Are you ready baby? Are you up for getting fucked so hard you can't see straight?" he growled softly as he slowly slid back out of me. I wordlessly nodded my head and gripped the comforter in both hands; a moment later Brian made good on his threat and began fucking me so hard and so fast I didn't know whether to cry out in pain from the roughness or in ecstasy from the intense pleasurable feelings he created in me. Brian had a death grip on my hips and he slammed into me viciously, machine gun style till with a loud groan he slumped over my back and came just as hard and as fast as I did.

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