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     My alarm clock rang out loudly making me jump up excitedly from bed and race about getting ready for our day at Disneyland before finally jumping on the bed over Brian's back as he lay sprawled out on his stomach, his head underneath his pillow. "Baby! Brian! Wake up! It's time to go!" I exclaimed happily as I began tickling Brian's sides. Soon enough Brian was laughing as he rolled over onto his back and took hold of my hips "Well good morning gorgeous! Aren't you a dream to see first thing in the morning" he gushed as he took sight of my tiny white tank top and short red shorts. I blushed deeply at Brian's shameless ogling and praises as I climbed off and pulled him to the edge of the bed "Come on Brian! Let's get going!" I exclaimed happily then abruptly lost all ability to speak as he stood up and stretched, his boxers tented badly. "What?" he said shamelessly with a cocky smirk on his face as he strutted over to where I stood and tipped my head back for a quick kiss. I giggled and pushed him away "Go take care of your morning wood already!" I laughed as my cheeks blushed fiercely while I attempted to keep my gaze off his groin.

     "Who says it's not because of you that my dick is rock hard?" he murmured hotly in my ear as he tugged me back into his chest and took up handfuls of my hair before tilting my head to the side to kiss my neck. "Mmm...Brian...quit...we're gonna be late" I panted quietly as his lips assaulted my tender flesh while his hands roamed my body hungrily "But baby...I just want a kiss" he growled against my cheek before kissing me roughly and thoroughly. We fell back down on the bed with me on top of Brian and without even thinking I began gyrating my hips against him as we kissed. So oblivious I was to what I was doing that when Brian started moving with my movements I gasped in his mouth. I sat up on his lap and gazed down at him; his eyes a dark brown as he gripped my hips and rubbed his boxer covered erection against the crotch of my shorts. I cooed loudly and breathlessly as my body responded to his movements all on its own accord "Damn baby you move so good" he panted appreciatively as he rocked his hips against mine. "Brian...oh god baby we gotta stop" I panted painfully and somehow slid off his lap.

     Brian groaned and raked his hand across his eyes "I'm sorry baby, I pushed it too far" he panted miserably as he stood up. "'s not that Brian, I just...I was losing self-control and you're right. I want my first time to be perfect...this would just be rushed and" Brian caught me mid-sentence and stopped my rambling by kissing me. "It's okay baby, no need to explain. Head downstairs and I'll be down in about 15 minutes okay?" he said softly with a smile then patted my butt and pushed me towards the door. I headed downstairs, my head all fuzzy with how close, I came close to giving into temptation and having sex right then and there with Brian, Disneyland be damned! I sat at the kitchen counter, my chin in my hand so lost in my thoughts that I jumped when Brian's hands came around my waist and he kissed the back of my head. "Ready baby?" he said softly with a smile. "Mmm definitely" I said with a smile as I surveyed his black "Vendetta Red" shirt and black shorts and took his hand out to his car that he had brought over Friday morning for the weekend.

     Soon enough we were driving along the open highway with the ocean on one side and California scenery on the other, metal and rock music blaring for the radio as the wind whipped my hair around till we reached the parking lots of Disneyland. Once we were inside the gates the little kid came out in me and I excitedly pulled Brian by the hand from ride to ride making him laugh and hold me against his front as we waited in each impossibly long line.

     When we grew tired of rides Brian bought two disposable cameras and we proceeded to take pictures together whenever we could grab a passing stranger to take the picture and Brian INSISTED on taking a picture of me with Mickey and Minnie Mouse...after he magically produced my own Minnie Mouse ears complete with my name stitched on the back in a bright pink cursive scroll. I blushed like mad as he stuck them on my head and deemed me the cutest but hottest mouse he ever saw before kissing me completely regardless of all the strangers around us. We stopped to eat some lunch which Brian also insisted on paying for then proceeded to feed me French fries from across the little wrought iron table we sat at making me putty in his hands. Next Brian pulled me over to a shop with the words "Build A Bear" across the entrance in big letters "Come on, let's build you a bear baby" he cooed in my ear as we walked inside the doors. For the next half hour I laughed and smiled like a love sick idiot as Brian picked out a white teddy bear "White for my pure baby" he whispered hotly in my ear and watched it stuff to the right amount of softness, then with a wink Brian stuck the wish star and heart inside the bear before the machine sewed it shut but not before at the last minute he took a speaker box and simply said "I love you" in it and placed it in the bears paw. The lady explained that a quarter of the back would be able to be unbuttoned so the batteries could be changed in the speaker if necessary before sending us over to the clothing section...CLOTHING SECTION! FOR STUFFED ANIMALS! I giggled like mad as I picked out a black t-shirt that said "Rocker Bear" on it with an electric guitar on it and a purple tutu before finally pushing Brian to the register. "Stop wasting all your money on me baby!" I laughed as he handed me my bear.

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