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      February quickly flew by and before I knew it we were closing in on Spring Break. The guys had a couple more gigs between now and then and word was fast spreading that they were the band to see if you were looking for local, hardcore metal talent. The eight of us stood around talking by the lockers one morning the day before Spring Break was due to start and agreed that a trip down to Mexico for the day was in order. The guys were excited about the cheap alcohol and not being carded where us girls were excited about laying on the beaches of Mexico and soaking up the sun...okay so the beaches where we were going weren't much different than the beaches here in Huntington Beach but we made them seem alluring and exotic as we planned out our trip and talked about different things we could bring on our trip. Zoe giggled excitedly as she told me about this new racy string bikini she had that she was saving especially for the trip down and couldn't wait to see Matt's reaction to it.

Matt of course perked up at that and begged cutely to know what we were talking about and to not make him wait till we were on the beach in Mexico to see it. Zoe just laughed harder and teased him as we walked out of the school and headed towards Matt's parents' house for one more practice before the guys gave themselves a few days off. "What about you Georgia? Are you gonna wear something to tease Brian with?" Jimmy cackled as we walked on, his arm in place around my shoulders. "Duh of course I am!" I laughed loudly while winking at Brian over my shoulder as he walked behind Jimmy while talking to Zack about something to do with the band. "Wait what was that?! What are you going to tease me with?!" Brian eagerly asked as he came up behind me and pulled me backwards into his side. "Oh...nothing. You'll just have to wait and see baby" I teased with my accent before running the short distance ahead to where I saw my parents waiting in the car; we were due to go to the mall tonight so I could pick up some summery outfits. I blew Brian a kiss as I slid in the backseat, giggling at his frustrated face that I escaped his grasp for the time being. Daddy of course had hemmed and hawed at the idea of letting me go down to Mexico for the day with a group of nothing but my teenage friends but between me and momma we finally convinced him to let me spread my wings and trust me with freedom and responsibility.

The next morning Matt's van pulled up in front of the house bright and early and I could barely contain my excitement long enough to hug and kiss mom and dad goodbye before grabbing my bag and rushing out to the van, waving goodbye over my shoulder as I did. I said good morning to everyone in the van, hugged Jimmy after he pulled me down onto his lap and refused to let me up until he got a hug and tossed my bag at my feet before finally flopping down on the seat next to Brian, a huge smile on my face. "Good morning that I finally got you" he stated warmly as he looped his arm over my shoulder and tugged me into his side as Matt finally pulled away from my house and headed towards the highway. "Morning baby" I mumbled against his lips a split second before our lips connected and we began kissing heavily in the back seat of Matt's van. "God you two give it a rest!" Zack teased as he threw something at us and laughed but Jimmy came to our defense "Oh shut it Baker! They're in loveeeee!" he laughed out "Besides, if anyone can keep his ass in line it's her so let's not anger the monster" he teased further making Brian reach forward and punch Jimmy's back without breaking our kiss. I laughed against Brian's mouth as he held my head captive in his one hand while kissing me and rough housing with the other hand.

A few hours later we arrived at a fairly nice beach just past the border into Mexico and with happy relief we piled out of the van and stretched our cramped limbs while surveying the alluring blue waters of the ocean in front of us, waves rolling in nicely and a breeze fluttering my hair around my face. We gathered up our bags and made our way down to the beach, finding a decent spot for all of us away from most of the crowd a few moments later. The guys went about setting up the huge umbrellas while us girls spread out towels and began lathering on tanning oil or sunscreen before stripping off our shirts and shorts, our bathing suits already being on underneath. Matt let out an ear piercing wolf whistle as Zoe giggled excitedly and bared her racy black string bikini a moment later making even me bug my eyes out at her. "Holy crap woman! You look fantastic!" I gushed as she turned a shade of pink and smiled at Matt as he pulled her into his huge arms for a rather steamy kiss none of us wanted to watch.

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