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-THE NEW YEAR, 2005-

The eight of us, meaning Brian, myself, Jimmy, Allie, Matt, Zoe, Zack and his new girlfriend Gena all spent New Year's Eve together at our place ringing in the New Year, laughing and carrying on into the wee hours of the morning so here I was the next day, cleaning up the condo from top to bottom while the guys were away at the studio trying desperately to finish up their album that was hopefully going to give them the big break they were looking for. They were hoping for a June/July release date on the album and Brian was not so secretly stressing over the sales of the album. "Babe that will help me give you the wedding of your dreams. I need our album to do good so I don't fail you!" he stated vehemently this morning before heading to the studio. While we didn't per say fight, we did get into a heated argument, leaving me worried and upset over Brian's constant need to think he needed to give me everything under the sun.

It was while I was cleaning the condo that the doorbell rang, making Pinkly yip excitedly as she ran across the tiled floor and pounced at the door. "Come here you lil stinker!" I laughed as I scooped our hyper puppy up and opened the door. "MOMMA!" I exclaimed happily as I saw my mom standing on the other side of the screen door. "Hello princess" she said softly, almost hesitantly as she stepped aside and daddy appeared next to her. Immediately I stiffened and shot them both glares "Momma how could you?!" I stated through gritted teeth but daddy just held his hand up. "Callie Ann hear him out...please princess? For me?" momma stated softly...hopefully. I sighed heavily and held open the door. "Come on in" I stated with resignation as I walked into the living room, Pinkly still squirming in my arms. "Who's this little doll?!" momma cooed at Pinkly as she ruffled her fur after hugging me. I gave momma a genuine smile and handed her the pup "Her name is Pinkly. Brian and I bought her together as a joint Christmas present" I stated proudly as I watched Pinkly smother her face with puppy kisses. "So why are you here?" I stated coldly at my father as he stood by watching momma and I talk. "Now honey, be nice..." momma started to say but I shot her a look and let loose my fury. "BULLSHIT! I WILL NOT BE NICE! AFTER ALL DADDY HAS SAID AND DONE TO ME AND TO BRIAN?! I MOST CERTAINLY WILL NOT BE NICE!" I yelled loudly. I saw momma try to interject again but I kept going until daddy put his hand on momma's shoulders "Viv stop trying to play peacemaker. I deserve this and then some. Princess, you're right...about everything. I don't even know where to begin to say I'm sorry. I was a narrow minded, bigoted, old fashioned fool and the thought of losing you and any potential grandchildren makes me sick enough to want to put a gun in my mouth" he stated quietly and evenly. "That's all fine and dandy daddy but you can't just be sorry to me, you have to be sorry to Brian too. If you can't love and accept Brian then you can't love and accept me back into your life or any kids we may have." Daddy nodded his head gravely and gave me a look that made me think he was going to turn around and leave, never to be seen by my eyes again but a small hopeful smile spread across daddy's face as he held out his hand to me.

"I can agree to that wholeheartedly. I will offer Brian an apology as well and tell him how wrong I was for everything. Can we start over?" I looked at daddy for a minute before looking to momma then back to daddy before taking his hand cautiously and shaking it. "We can start over daddy but I want to lay down some rules first. Just because our lifestyle or even Brian's career isn't what you had hoped for me doesn't mean you should look down your nose at it. They are really good daddy, they're gonna make it big soon. And then you can brag to all your golf buddies that your daughter married a famous rockstar" I laughed happily as I thought to Brian's potential future with the guys. "You know princess, why don't you look into being a promoter for their band? You're so passionate and convincing about them and their music you just about have me sold on them...and I HATE rock and metal! Unless it's Metallica of course!" he stated with a smile and finally a laugh.

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