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The New Year came up quickly and before I knew it the school was all crazed with talks of Valentine's Day and the "Sweetheart" dance while girls ran around acting more stupid than usual when their boyfriend's gave them flowers, candies or cute little stuffed animals. Zoe and I rolled our eyes and made harmless jokes of how goofy they acted one morning a few days before Valentine's Day. "They act like total ninnies!" I laughed as we stood around in a cluster by the lockers talking before school. "I know right!" she exclaimed with laughter as we watched a cheerleader get all googly eyed at her basketball player boyfriend when he handed her a bouquet of red and pink flowers "They act like they've never had flowers given to them before I swear!" she laughed then squealed in excitement when Matt picked her up around the waist from behind and swung her around. "Hey gorgeous" Brian cooed hotly in my ear from behind as his arms locked around my waist and pulled me in tight. "Hey baby" I responded back as I turned in Brian's arms and pulled his head down to me so I could kiss him. "Hey you two keep it PG would ya!" Jimmy exclaimed in fake disgust before wrapping his arms around both of us as he was prone to doing and hugging us tight to him.

"Do you want to go to that dance babe?" Brian asked over my shoulder as I pulled books from our locker before shutting the door and leaning up against it, facing Brian full on. "No not really" I confessed with a smile "It's just some stupid, over rated reason to have a silly dance. Prom is the one I want to go to" I finished with a wink as the warning bell rang. Brian rolled his eyes and shot me a lopsided smirk "Oh shit babe that means I have to wear a tux and shit!" he whined dramatically as he kissed me quickly. "You bet your sweet ass you do!" I yelled happily after him as Jimmy dragged me off to homeroom. By the time the end of day came around I was so sick of talk of Valentine's Day and all the silly girls acting like morons I was ready to strangle someone. "Awe come on baby, it will be a good excuse for us to be extra mushy gushy" Brian teased then made a gagging face at me as we weaved through the throngs of high school students. "Baby you're cute but no!" I laughed as he pulled my back into his front as I stood in front of our locker and began kissing my neck softly, his arm like a vice grip around my waist the whole time. Brian chuckled darkly to himself as goose bumps covered my flesh from his lips and began whispering promises of continuing further with his torture once we were alone. "Baby quit!" I whined halfheartedly as he nipped at my earlobe with his teeth and pulled my ass tight up against his groin area. "But I like seeing you flare up with desire, it's so hot" he growled in a whisper into my ear before kissing my temple and promptly turning to Jimmy to talk about practice this coming weekend. "Guys! My parents are gonna be outta town this weekend! Party at my place!" Matt exclaimed with breathless excitement as he approached our lockers, Zoe plastered to his side. The guys happily exclaimed that it was going to be one hell of a weekend and began planning for a party at Matt's parents' house.

My usual worrywart-self started thinking of all the possible bad scenarios that could happen and expressed them freely as we all walked towards home. "Georgia relax! I've done this a time or two and never got caught!" Matt laughed as he nudged my shoulder with his arm. "But you guys are talking about having alcohol there! How the heck are you going to accomplish that?! And what if someone DOES find out?! That will be so much trouble...for all of us!" I lamented, my accent on full display as I worried out loud more and more. The guys just chuckled at my worrisome nature and shook their heads. "Like Matt said Georgia, he's done this a time or two and never got caught...and we have 'hook ups' to get us the alcohol" Jimmy explained as he draped his arm across my shoulders as we walked on. I frowned as I looked up at Jimmy and shook my head "My parents will absolutely without a doubt KILL me if they find out about this" I whined with resignation. "Georgia you trust us?" Jimmy asked with a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Yea...but..." I stammered with uncertainty, "Then trust me when I say that all will go well, okay Georgia?" Jimmy's blue eyes pierced through me as he looked down at me, his arm still loosely draped over my shoulders. I sighed heavily and nodded my head "Okay Jim Jam, I trust you guys" I stated firmly then smiled as Jimmy pulled me in tight and kissed my forehead. "Good girl, it will be a blast. Trust me" he stated with a wink before chucking me under the chin and heading up towards his house, leaving Brian and I to walk off towards my house after saying goodbye to everyone else.

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