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     Friday at school everyone was so wound up and excited for the game tonight and the dance tomorrow that the teachers gave up trying to teach much of anything to any of us. At lunch the outside common area was abuzz with talks of homecoming court and the game to which the football players yelled that they were going to cream their opponents making the guys at my table roll their eyes and crack jokes about their brainless ramblings. "Oh Brian quit! They just have team spirit! They're getting pumped up for the game, that's all!" I scolded gently with a smile. Brian gave me a shocked look and raised his eyebrows "Are you seriously defending those animals?! Please tell me you're joking!" he said incredulously as he turned his body more towards me ", are you jealous?!" I purred coyly as I climbed on Brian's lap and straddled him so we were face to face. "Mmm, not now I'm not because you're hotter than any of their girls or any girl here for that matter...and you are all mine" he growled quietly before cradling my face in his hands to kiss me thoroughly. "Guys seriously! I'm trying to eat here!" Jimmy wailed theatrically with a smirk on his face, Brian just flicked him off and kept kissing me till the bell rang signaling lunch was over.

     Before I knew it the day had come to an end and the school went in an uproar as the last bell rung out making kids scatter and run about in a more crazy fashion. They guys and I stood by our locker and watched everyone rushing around like animals with their heads cut off until the majority of students had cleared out. "Dude are you seriously going to the game tonight?" Jimmy teased Brian as we walked out into the sunny afternoon. "Yea...Callie wants to see the game so I'm going to endure it, for her" he said with a wink and a smirk at me as I walked behind him with Zoe as we talked about dresses and hair do's. "Jim Jam why don't you come? And bring Allie with? The rest of us will be there after all" I pleaded sweetly as I threaded my arm through his and shot him a bright smile. Jimmy looked down at me and laughed "Okay, okay Georgia, for you I will" he teased before hugging me into his side like he was prone to doing.

     We all agreed to meet at the entrance gate to the football field at 7pm before heading off in our own separate ways. As soon as the door to my parents' house was shut behind us I found myself pinned against the wall with Brian's body pushed tight against mine "I thought this day was never going to end" he panted softly against my skin as his hands found their way under my shirt . " room" I panted as I attempted to gain self-control over myself and the situation, we were right by the front windows and I didn't want passersby to get a show. Thankfully Brian took the hint and grasped the backs of my thighs as I jumped lightly into his hold before he stalked off to the living room. Brian flopped down on the oversized couch cushions pulling me down with him as he fell back; I took hold of Brian's lips with mine and quickly slid my tongue deep inside his mouth to caress his tongue as we began making out feverishly. The more I pushed into the kiss the more Brian pushed back until we were both moaning and pawing at each other, vaguely I could feel his excitement building between his legs and pushing against my butt making it harder and harder for me to resist telling him to take me right here and now. But Brian was right, I wanted it to be perfect and I knew that tomorrow night was it...the night that would be perfect so instead I settled for pleasing him with my mouth.

     Slowly I worked open his belt buckle while we kissed causing him to groan deeply in my mouth "Christ baby are you don't have to..." he panted into my mouth a second before I began kissing my way down his neck and chest. I didn't say a word to him; I just smiled coyly at him before pulling back his jeans and working my hand through the hole in his boxers. I smiled inwardly as Brian hissed and bucked his hips into me when I wrapped my hand around his steely erection and pulled him free of the confines of his boxers "Mmm yum! Is this all for me?" I purred seductively up at him making him laugh weakly "Fucking hell baby you know it's yours...all yours" he panted lustfully as he took hold of the back of my head and guided me down to his pulsating, twitching dick.

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