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Although I thought I would sleep half the day away I ended up waking up around noon with a raging headache, a broken heart and a tiny white puppy licking my face over and over again. "Okay Pinkly, let's get up" I muttered tiredly and somehow managed to get myself dressed before taking Pinkly outside to go to the bathroom. While Pinkly was finishing her business Zoe came jogging up the sidewalk, covered in sweat from an obvious long work out and shot me a hopeful smile. "Come on chica, let's get inside and get something to eat! I'm starved!" she laughed lightly as we walked up to the apartment building together, Pinkly bounding after me on her leash. Once inside we began raiding the fridge for stuff to make sandwiches as well as a cold pasta salad when Pinkly began barking at a knocking noise at the door. "It's probably Matt" she laughed as she ran over to pull open the door. "Hey baby! I told you to just..." she started to say as she yanked open the door but stopped as soon as Brian filled the frame instead of Matt. "Brian...I..." I heard Zoe stammer a second later, my blood running cold. "Zoe I know she's here. Let me talk to her" I could hear the weariness in his voice but I wasn't having it...not today. I scooped up Pinkly and held her against my chest, hiding in the depths of the kitchen as Zoe and Brian talked...well Zoe talked, Brian pleaded with her to let him in. "Brian she doesn't want to talk to broke her heart. Give her some time to rebound okay?" I could hear more muttering between the two of them but I couldn't make out what they were saying, only once the door was quietly closed and Zoe appeared with a tired, worn out smile on her face did I relax. "Thanks for running interference Zoe. I just cannot face him right now...not after all the nasty things he said to me" I said softly, Pinkly's fur muffling my words as I buried my face into her neck.

"Honey I know you don't want to talk to him right now, I totally get that, I wouldn't either. But please consider at least talking to him. I really do think he's sincerely sorry for what happened...just think about it...okay?" she stated gently. "I will Zoe...someday. Just not right now...I can't handle it" I said softly as sadness took hold of me. For the rest of the day my mood was subdued and I think secretly Zoe had enough of it by telling me that she was going to go hang out with Matt for a little bit, oh sure she told me she totally understood but deep down I think she wanted to get away from me and who could blame her? I wasn't exactly great company right now. I paced her apartment for a few minutes before deciding that a walk was in order. "Come on Pinkly, let's go for a walk huh pretty girl?" I cooed down to her as I grabbed her leash. Pinkly came running immediately and pranced around on her hind paws, anxious to have her leash clipped to her collar.

Soon enough we were walking along the main sidewalk of Huntington Beach, the ocean on my right and the city on my left as we walked, no particular place in mind as we walked. Eventually I made my way more into the city and began looking at signs for apartments and extra jobs. "I can't work with the guys anymore after all don't look at me like that. I just can't do it" I stated down to her as she looked up at me, her head cocked to the side as if she was actually listening to what I was saying. After taking a few pieces of paper with ads on them I started to walk back up the sidewalk when Pinkly began bouncing and yipping happily behind me. "Pinkly come!" I commanded her firmly but she just pulled on my arm more till I was forced to turn around. I felt myself start to panic as I turned to untangle Pinkly from my legs and spotted Brian less than three feet away from me, closing the gap quickly. "Baby please talk to me...I'm sorry baby I..." Brian started to apologize in rapid succession but I just backed away tearfully and shook my head. "Go away Brian, I don't want to talk to you...just leave me alone!" I sobbed before scooping up Pinkly in my arms and literally running away from Brian. I could hear him running after me for a few yards but I knew he was no match for me when I centered my mind around running and even with Pinkly in my arms I still managed to outrun him easily enough.

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