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March gave way to April and even though Brian and I were super busy between baby stuff, house hunting, wedding things and Avenged things I still managed to find time to freak out about anything and everything but Brian took all my crazy emotions like a trooper, never once losing his calm or letting me spiral out of control. Brian came home late one afternoon while I was sitting on the floor in the middle of scattered newspapers and fliers of all the houses in the area for sale, crying my eyes out because all the houses I fell in love with were way too expensive for us. "Baby girl what's wrong?" Brian chuckled as he knelt down on the floor next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head as he did so. I turned my face into his warm chest and clutched his shirt as I cried about never finding the right house for us before the baby was born and how I needed to get a serious job so I could help put money away. I blubbered on and on for a few more minutes before Brian told me everything would work out "One way or another angel it will all work out in the end. I promise you." I sniffled hard before lifting my watery eyes up to Brian and smiling hopefully. "Do you think so? Really and honestly?" Brian chuckled softly and nodded his head "Yea I do baby, I really do. Come on, let's get dinner started" he grunted as he hoisted himself up and pulled me up to my feet with him.

The next day I was more calm and collected as I cleaned up around the condo, organized wedding details, combed through house ads again and made lists of baby names. It was while I was getting dinner started that I heard Pinkly yipping excitedly at the door as I heard Brian's key turn in the lock, signaling his return home from the studio. "Hey babe you're home ea..." my jaw dropped and the package of meat I was holding slid out of my hands and onto the floor as Brian came walking through the door with a slightly embarrassed, unsure smirk on his face. I took a few steps towards Brian as he came walking into the kitchen and chuckled as he tucked his finger under my chin to close my mouth. "Yea I's gonna take some getting used to..." Brian trailed off as he briskly ran his hand back and forth through his newly shorn hair. While it was still on the long-ish side it was considerably shorter and had obvious layers to it making it more manageable I thought as I slowly circled him, looking at his new hair cut from all directions till I was back in front of him. "Babe say something...I'm already on edge about this, you're just making it worse" he chuckled nervously as he slid his hands around my hips and pulled me closer to him. "I like it Brian...I really, really do" I gushed softly, reaching up to run my fingers through his thick, soft, newly trimmed hair. Brian sighed heavily in relief before kissing the tip of my nose and tugging me in tighter to him. "Good, because I did it for you" he stated softly, a smile on his lips the whole time. "For me? Why? I didn't make you think I didn't like your hair before did I?" I questioned him, trying desperately to think of something I might have said that would make him think otherwise but Brian just shook his head and kissed me again. "No...but I wanted to make sure our wedding is perfect, therefore the hair had to go. Can't get married to the love of my life looking like a goddamn bum now can I?" he stated down to me with a wink and a smile.

I stood there in Brian's arms for a few minutes, shocked that he would do something like that for me without even thinking twice and the more I thought about it the bigger I smiled against his chest. "You're absolutely the best ever Brian" I exclaimed softly a second later, leaning up to kiss the underside of his fuzzy chin. "So...what's for dinner?" Brian chuckled as he released me and picked up the package of chicken breasts I had dropped, thankfully the packaging wasn't broken so I was able to cook the chicken for dinner, opting to sit on the couch and eat dinner while we watched some TV show that Brian was interested in. The phone ringing interrupted my thoughts of the wedding and the baby but still I smiled just the same when I heard Matt's cheery voice come through on the other side. "So how's momma doing?" he asked after we exchanged 'hellos'. "Oh I'm okay, morning sickness is kicking my ass but other than that I'm doing good" I told Matt as Brian eyed me curiously, obviously unaware of whom I was talking to till I mouthed Matt's name to him. "Eew that sucks!" he chuckled "Listen I know it's kinda late but us guys have to go over some band stuff so we were wondering if we could steal Brian for a few?" I chuckled and told Matt I didn't mind as long as he returned him in good condition making Brian cock an eyebrow at me again. "Woman what the hell are you talking about?!" he laughed after I hung up with Matt and gave him the run down on what Matt said. "Damn, I was hoping to stay home and chill" Brian mumbled tiredly "I'll get home as soon as I can baby" he stated as he stood up and leaned down to kiss me before heading off to meet up with the guys.

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